Friday, December 31, 2010
countdown at Tiong Bahru Park
Year is ending. Farewell 2010. There are several countdown sites this year. One of them is in Tiong Bahru Park. It is more like a mini funfare and concert. Mostly those blowup castles for kids. There are flimshows. There are some food for those hungry. Mostly manned by some volunteers and senior citizens, this countdown party is also suppose to let the foreign people living here to mix and enjoy. I took a walk there. It is crowded. It works but I would foresee that it will end up for the contractor to do a major clean up later when the party is over. Looks like first thing to welcome the 2011 is a clean up.... Welcome 2011!
Finally bought star trek cd
I finally bought the Star Trek comic collection CD which I thought I missed. It had all the ever published Star Trek comics over the years. If you enjoy the show you will enjoy the stories too. Right now only those from the latest IDW Star Trek are missing. Hopefully they will release one cd for that too.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
aliens are coming
The aliens are coming. These reports were released by SETI, the group of scienctists that do searching for extra extraterrestrial life. So should this news be rejoicing? How much truth is in the report? SETI is a no nonsense group. They had fundings from the US government and NASA. They will be much truth then if the news was reported from some other unknown organisation. The date for arrival is ending 2012, the same date predicted by that Mayan calender. I believes in that unless the whole Earth was destroyed, as long as the Earth is still rotating, the dates should still goes on. If alien arrival are real, there could be 2 scenarios. It could end up like Independent Day or V. Attacks on mankind that might not have a victorious ending for man. Or it could be a Star Trek scenario. Alien provide mankind the technology to go into space age. Somehow, if aliens do come in peace, from the perspective of man, they might double cross the aliens someday. It happens in movies all the time. And we kind of know, movies plots are a reflection of man's thinking.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Mersing tragedy due to human error
The Mersing tragedy, is obviously of human error. Mostly, lack of life jackets and overload. These passenger so willing to take the risk, or maybe they have the thinking, nothing will happen, at least not to them. No problem with the boat and the rough sea isn't a issue. The overload is the cause, I would say and breaks the ship against rough sea pressure. So the Malaysian authority will have to doing something. It happened before and now it happens again. What do you expect? Will there be improvement and enforcement? Maybe that is not enough.
Monday, December 27, 2010
food shortage, munch on insects....
Currently the news reported there is a worldwide news shortage. Not surprisingly, with mankind's current development and attitude, it seems to be progressing downwards. Natural resources down now food shortage. The human population is increasing while food are being wasted. It is true especially in developed countries. Added the current weather havoc the crops some doesn't survive. The report suggested to eat in insects or bugs. Sound creepy but until man start to find a way to produce food, it might get worse. If they do manage to produce food, it will also be halfway to outer space. SPace travel will need food too without growing.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Hard to find TF magazine
Found a japanese Transformers magazine sometime at the first week of december. Didn't get the magazine because they have many copies. Went there again on christmas eve and found that only one copy left and that one copy was at another shelf. Sometimes a costly magazine or item could really makes you think again. At least I decide to get magazine before it all sold out. It is a worthy magazine, at least I think so.
Friday, December 24, 2010
local veteran actors not treasured
Mediacorp seems to feel like they are the one and only, in sg. There is no competition, ever since Unionworks closed their station. With some "achievements" from the Asia Television awards, they probably feels they are now best. Then when the news article about how they treat their loyal actors whom been through thick and thin with the station, it shows that the station is only interested in generating money. Veteran actors pay cut until they feel their pride and dignity being lowest. These veteran actors are those of grandpa or dad to adults type. So now you notice, there isn't much old people characters in most productions. Even if have it is only one or two and they are not even the station actors. The days of SBC is just a memory. Then most actors being on screen are a star, regardless they are big or small. Now, if you are no longer "fresh" time to move on.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
no christmas feel
Christnmas is finally here. Somehow it just feel so different. While the christmas feel is the best in the orchard shopping area and some big malls, there is no christmas feel when watching TV. Usually there will be tons of christmas related advertistments on TV. Now I don't see any. Even the shows for christmas are either recycled, lousy or nothing about christmas. Even on radio, the music played are nothing christmas. There is no feel or they played those slow sad sounding songs. It should be happy occasion. I guess the best place for christmas would be in orchard.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Law against lemons
A law to assist owners or lemon products is coming up. This is good news to people who bought faulty products but no servicing could repair it and no one willing to do an exchange. With the law, someone have to take responsiblity for selling the faulty product. A relief for people who is going to buy something expensive and with a risk of getting a lemon.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Yogi is better as a cartoon
Yogi Bear coming to big screen. Remember the Yogi bear cartoon on TV during the 80s? I watched them when I was young. Yogi bear and other animal characters would appear with humorous actions. At least it was fun during those days. I like Yogi bear as pure cartoon, but when they tries it with real life actors with a computerised Yogi, it just doesn't look right. Just like that Scooby Doo movie, I don't watch it. Feels lamey.... Bring Yogi back as cartoon.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
comics convention should remains free
The comics convention is over. This time round I did not go. It isn't free anymore. They used to be free admission. I do not agree that to invite the special guests increase the cost. As long it is a comic convention, there will be people going there regardless if there are artists there. The artists invited is not everyone's favorite. What is important is that the proper booths showcasing the items are there for everyone.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Fried ice cream?
There is a type of food called Deep Fried Ice Cream. So how do you fry ice cream? If you do managed to fry ice cream then it shouldn'r retain the ice cream name because fried stuff are not icy. Any ice would be melted. Such food would be costly too as I expect it. Maybe it is still new but sound bizarre. Would you dare eat it?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Too little good christmas songs
Christmas is coming and radio starts to play those christmas songs. I have no problem with christmas but do play those classic type and not those modified which "act cute" kind. Also I am sure there are many serious singers with christmas album. Then the radio station would over play certain christmas songs. They think the song is good but doesn't mean you jam it to the airwave every 30mins or so.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
de-aging in movies begins
The latest Tron Legacy had started something rolling. "De-aging" an actor on screen.... Jeff Bridges's character as an avatar is a younger image of his face on a younger body of a different actor, using his younger face. This is the first time a young face to use on a different actor. So if this works, you never know all the older but good actors will start to act young, all it need was their face for the computer to de-age. Maybe it won't happen to everyone making movies now. The cost may be high but when the technology is cheaper, I am sure everyone will start doing it.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Treat your mom well !
Just watch a clip on TV and it reminds me that it is real and happening in real life to everyone. The clip shows a mother calling her daughters back for dinner and these daughter either say they are busy, or one of them agreed and later on called to say can't make it. The mother already made so much food got so angry that she felt unwell and got sent to hospital. The doctor say she is healthy. I did not finish the show. I know what would be the ending. Either it ends in tragic or that the daughters realised what is happening. So is this how it is, the daughters or sons ignoring their parents, in this case the mother? The show is a reflection of what is happening. Sometimes it is even in the newspaper. I even read a story send from a email. A sad story. It is in chinese. Use a proper translator to translate. If you use Google that translation is lousy. Anyway the story ends with, the daughter managed to spend a few days with her mom after some persuasion. She left anyway, back to her work life. Her mom passed away, because she was dying and did not let her daughter know. After reading the story, I would not forgive the main character. Is this how the sons and daughters wanted in the end?
The story taken from
The story taken from
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Staff over give company items.....
Just read a post by someone. He ordered KFC and it came without chilli sauce and spoons and napkins. He called back to ask for the items. When the items was delivered, it came in 72 packets of sauce, 31 spoons and napkins. So here, the point is how is all these items be used? 31 person having KFC would be a big party. A big party would they even need to order KFC? And what kind of staff did KFC hired? Staff may make mistake given more but 72 packs and 31 spoons is too much. Amazing such things do happen.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Who the real bully?
A local celeberty was accused of road bully lately. The celeberty defended himself saying the accuser showed him the finger after almost knocked his car. And people started to take sides on whos right or wrong. People are doing this because a celeberty was involved. If it is just some nameless dudes who would care? So people prefer to see celeberties to do something? Sometimes things just happen to anyone, regardless if you are well known or not. People who does not know the truth will go pick their own truth and started to take sides. To the accuser, you are no saint too.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Salvation Army got stormtroppers
This year Orchard seems to have a lot of the Salvation Army with their donation pot. The usual spot at Funan is empty. Not enough human traffic? Perhaps. This time they even have those stormtroppers from the Star Wars club to stand for them. It is inovative, I am sure it helps alot when tourists would pose for pictures and also donate.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Don't wait if you found it!
Ever found something you wanted but choose to wait to buy it next time? Well yes I did, and the waited and waited until it is gone. Feel like a dumber. But somehow if I feel to do that it must have mean getting it is not in my priority. Well now that the thing is gone, I would feel stupid that I should get it. In anyway, I guess it is true it is not in my priority. Maybe next time if I found it again I will get it but now that with ebay around, I could still get it but a bit troublesome.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
mrt death still occur and will continue until the platform wall is there
Death on the MRT tracks is still occuring. Looks like SMRT need to buck up the building of the platform wall. Some of the stations have platform walls built and it really halr people from falling, regardless intention or not. These things take time so for the time being, SMRT need to increase their staff at the platform to really need to push back the crowd. If you ever take the MRT, when the train comes in, the crowd, especially during peak time, kind of become zombies. They will move forward, blocking most of the ways. That's the way of life in sg.
Wikileaks, how come US gov still leaking to them?
Wikileaks going in the news lately. How come they keep getting more and more documents? This shows that the US government doesn't do much to protect their informations. They have moles here and there. From the way I see it, they don't seem to be doing anything. Something leaked, did they catch the guy who leaked the info? The American need to buck up and protect their data. All the security to protect their properties against bombing but nothing been done for info leak.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dubbing or Subtitle?
Foreign shows, would you prefer to listen to s dubbing in a language that you understand or read the subtitle? Somehow I prefer to listen to a dub, unless the dub was done terrible. When done correctly, the spoken dub can be as entertaining as the original language. I got fustrated when the videos on sale in the stores are all in their original language while on TV they are in English. So does that mean the TV station have their own dubbing team for the show? Perhaps yes. A pity if most good shows doesn't speak a language you understand. Most of the time I save my bucks.
burning in the air
It seems that I am not the only one who detect the smell. I thought the haze was back. I smell burning smell and thought those dudes that burn forest are doing it again. But since it is not hazy perhaps it isn't that serious. But from the media reports it could be something else. Something is burning and all these pollutions are really making it bad for the environment. Hopefully people will wise up before serious damages are done.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Mirror worlds do they exists?
Just watched the movie Mirrors. Makes me wonder if there is a mirror world as being shown in the show. Is the mirror world same as being in an alternate universe? They could be the same but I prefer to think they are not. The mirror world would be an exact duplicate except that things are reversed. Reminds me of the movie "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun". While that isn't about a mirror world it kinds of show us a duplcate world. Many fictions uses the mirror world in their story. So if the mirror world do exists, does it bond with the real world? In a sense, any events that happens in the real world will be the same in the mirror world. If it does exist, maybe man will find a way to enter it. Or maybe, if man do enter it, unexpected disasters will be unleashed. Like a can of worms opened.....
Saturday, November 27, 2010
typers thinks they are good
No one expected when portable camera started poping up everywhere. People taking pics of others and complains about them. How ignorant are these dudes? Except that pics that tells a thousand words that really captures something, things that doesn't show much shouldn't be there. It is like I show a pic and claim he do something but the pic does not shows. This type of people are everywhere on the net. Something need to be done. They post the pics thinking they are annoymous behind a computer with a lame nick. One day someone will break the straw and a lawsuit will come in. People should wise up what they type.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
malfunctioning day
Good day or bad day? Guess part of both. THe bad part, malfunction in my trouser. The good part, it happen at the later part of the day, I do not need to move around and dark and rainy. The zipper got stuck, it already been stucky for days that it got ripped when I unzip... Not that bad when I use a staple to close it up. Wanted to visit the computer show but this happening just make it impossible. Looks like safety pins are a must to have in your wallet for such malfunctions!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Is x-ray scanner at airport safe?
Due to the security issues, the tightening at airports in the US have the people complaining. Mostly reports of people claiming the pat down are more of privacy invasion. Now the question is that the X-ray, while being claimed safe by the US government, is that really that safe? After reading about scientists reacting differently to it feels that not all is being revealed. If X-ray is not safe and pat down is not comfort for some, then stop traveling to these places. So it is your decision, safe of not for x-ray?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The ladies pot calling the kettle black
A news article reported tbat the ladies find that the men cannot make it. Reasons given such as doesn't know how take care of their body, does not know how to repair computers, low stamina, no ambitious etc. Well, are they looking for the perfect man. They must have watched too much movies. In movies, the men will know how to service the car, cook and even protect them from thugs. If they have such thoughts, the men would be looking for the perfect lady too. But to go on news and shout out that the men cannot make it shows that the lady and full of themselves. Unless they are hot models looks and have fat bank accounts, I doubt they can make it too with such thinkings.
一名网民在博客上指出,在许多新加坡女人的眼中,新加坡男人很多时候都“不行”(cannot make it),因为他们运动不好、不懂得日常维修、体能成绩差、没有理想和冲劲。
Friday, November 19, 2010
Visual impaired after 2014?
Astronomy will never be the same after 2014. That year will be the end of the Hubble Space Telescope. It will be falling back to Earth when it's orbit around Earth put it into the path into the Earth. Most likely men wanted it this way. Why can't they leave it forever in orbit? It could still work or at least work until it goes dead forever. The telescope will not provide visual impressive like those from Hubble. If that is the case, they should have another one for visual type. If you can't merge these functions into one then have them separately. These maybe costly but all in the name of science, the cost could be reduced. Maybe not. And for all reasons, I doubt at such a speed mankind could reach the age of Star Trek, not to mention a moonbase.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
abuser try picking on equal size
It seems that recently there have been some raging news of people abusing domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Some people started to post their thoughts on other animals such as chickens and cows. The issues here is that domestic animals of cats and dogs are more to lives among us as part of the family. There is no commerical reasons to kill them, even more to kill by abusion. While there is no right or wrong, the wrong here is the abusion. Do we say it is wrong for the government agency to put down the animals? But anyone else caught doing that will be dealt by the law, provided it happened in the land where such law exist. So because of this, abuser been caught, flimed do it. The human superiority is corrupting the mind and soul. To those who killed the kittens or puppies, try picking it on a tiger or Rottweiler.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
media files or compact discs?
So Apple finally gets to sell Beatles tracks on their Itune store. Then, is this what it will be in future? All new music will be media files? You will need a USB flash device to carry them just so you could play it on your hi-fi set. Whatever happened to the, but the CD and you get to read the booklet within the CD case? Usually you get to enjoy the photographs, lyrics and any other stuff included. Already the effect was felt when I couldn't find cds of my favorite band in local HMV store. They didn't have it because it isn't a hot seller or so call well known band. They used to have all kind of CDs regardless of famous or not. Now I will have to order through internet. I will get the CD because I want all the goodies included and also to support the band and lastly, I don't need to dig out my USB device to store the tracks. Maybe I am old fashion but CDs isn't like a floppy or cassette. I can copy the tracks to my mp3 player or even use my discman. It will be sad if it all become just another file to download.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A-Ha newest album
I listens to them when I was a kid and always prefer their type of music than the commerical music played on radio. The band is A-Ha. They are calling it quit and while doing so released special edition albums with special tracks. HMV got it and I got my copy. More of a collector's edition. In today's internet age, CDs are harder to find since people just download them. I will get the CD. The quality would be better and also be supporting my fav band. Even those early albums are not avaliable on the shelf. At least I got them, either is CD or as cassette.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
too much differences everytime
Ever feeling fustrated when reading a story from the comic it got a different storyline from the TV? I have been getting that often and wonder why the authors can't sticl to the same story? Usually some origins got changed or the character got changed. Take Transformers for example, Optimus Prime been altered many times and is still happening. I watched his origin from the cartoon on TV. Then the comic shows a different origin, and a different one again, if it change publisher. Will reshuffle or reboot storylines be good for sales? I think it done too many times the readers hates it. Now DC Comics wants to make changes on Superman's early days, during his Superboy days. I haven't read it yet but from the art, it just don't seems to be my type of material. What's next? Batman, Spiderman or .....?
Orion Pax from the TV series. Before becoming Prime. |
Optronix from the comics. Before becoming Prime |
Friday, October 29, 2010
time travel?
Do you believes in time travel? It seems someone believes there is one such case from the DVD of Chaplin's 'The Circus'. In it part shows a woman talking to a device being held at her ear, just like the modern day cell phone. But because the flim is grainy it is just hard to confirm. If she is from the future, then her cell must have signal. So could she be talk to someone from the future or someone in the current year but also with the same device? It is just speculations. See it and you decide for yourself.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
cowardly neighbours
In this modern time, where everyone lives next to someone. The old days, these neighbours are like a family, or as a small community would look after each other. It seems this kind of spirits are lost. When these family spirits are gone, the neighbours could be your nightmare. Usually cowards that goes wrecking your stuff while you were out, complain about you to find fault or act insane just to show you they will annoy you. And it seems these cowards are happening at other countries too. In New York a lady have to defend herself because she built a treehouse within her own garden. So some cowards filed a complaint. Somehow she is blessed and won the suit. Her treehouse is now granted landmark status. She is safe and those cowards would now focus on other poor souls.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
walkman ending
Sony walkman still exists. But not for long. Sony decided to stop production. The walkman is the portable cassette player. I used it when I was a teen during the early 90s. I am stil holding on to mine but doubt that it still works. Have not been using it I assume the rubberband within it melted. The FM radio should still works. The cassettes are still around but no one sell their songs on cassettes anymore, except maybe in those third world places. I still have my cassette but it is not possible to continue to listen to them. MP3 format is easier to play. Still the best memories are with the cassette and my money was spent there so I am holding to them for now. Maybe portable players of other brands are still avaliable. Whatever the case, it is end of an era.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
haze is daze
The haze is back. As usual it comes every year. The Indonesian there burns as usual the vegetations and this haze just float all the way to as far as KL. The haze doesn't affect me like it does to other people. Maybe I am not that sensitive. I am even planning to go jog. Having haze doesn't make the day special. It is the usual normal day you have to slog. Weekend coming. Enjoying hazing... :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
hdb sleeping
Came across this sad post about HDB wanting to put to sleep a cat because someone complained. If a complain can lead to putting sleep on a life, HDB should be put to sleep. News of dog biting people and yet just a fine. What worse can a cat do and it will lead to being put to sleep? HDB better wake up from your sleep because a cat have the rights to live and it isn't a stray cat. If the rule forbid cats, then you should also go knock on every door to smoke out other cat owner. And to the complain king, go sleep 1st.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
McDonald food bash....
Story on McDonald's food hit the web again. This time someone claimed to have kept the meal for 6 months and show off the results. It turned rock hard and no decomposition happened. The usual two groups of people then starts to bash the story. The basher and the defends. All these seems to be happening so what is really in the food from McD? How is it other fast food doesn't get such stories on their food? Maybe someone should start to be fair and compare the other fast food too. Getting the government to involve would be good too, consider it as kind of regulation in the food safety. Somehow I doubt it will happen.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
complain kings
Chickens roaming around ruffle feathers of some residents. So what is wrong having chickens roaming around? The news of Bukit Merah View having chickens around is too much? Chickens have the rights to live a life. They are not much of a nuisance as compare with the residents themselves. Stray cats complain, chicken complains, typical complain kings and queens. These people should reflect on themselves just because they are of a higher being doesn't give them the rights to stop others of a life.
Monday, October 11, 2010
TV guide are fakey
Ever experience that a show is being list at a certain timeslot and channel in the TV section and it doesn't show at all? Yes it's been happening every week. Either they don't bother to update the TV guides or they just do not bother. It is annoying when your favorite show gone missing or you missed it because they are not expected to be shown. So what can be done? Go rent the DVD or set your VCR to record. If there isn't any you didn't waste any time waiting for it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Jensen is back!
Seldom listen to 91.3 ever since they dumped dance music and changed most of the DJs. Today I just on the radio and was surprised that Jensen is back in 91.3. He was last on Safra Radio. His unique style of hosting is infomative. It would even be better if he gets to play some eurodance tracks like he used to do. Anyway I will tune in hoping to listen to Jensen's programme. Most of the other DJs just so and so. They have those good ones, Jeremy, Rod and Daniel. Maybe the rest are more geared to the younger audiences. Right now the music needs improvments.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
un-paid bill could lead to inaction
If there are protection bills awaiting payment, better do so. A resident in Tennessee did not pay for fire protection and when his house caught fire, the fire fighters does not do anything. So how can this be acceptable? In a sense, the fire fighter did no wrong. The guy did not pay, and he will continue to do so as long as his house did not get burned. When it does it is too late. I am sure in Singapore this won't happen. Because, if you default on payment for something, you will be reminded and be took to task in court. Such issues have no rights or wrong. Just lucks, good or bad.
Monday, October 4, 2010
trance returns to radio!
It's been a long time since I get to listen to trance music on radio. This time 91.3, which previously dump all dance and trance music for the usual commerical music, now brought in Above & Beyond programme. They are DJs that mixes music and even host and talk about the music. It was good, but the timeing is just late. While it was happy hour but not for everyone. I would enjoy it more at the normal hour listening to them. It's a good start. Let's see how long before more changes comes in, either add in or dump em...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
marina night scene
Just went on a nightwalk organised by maybank. Amazing night scene at the edge of Singapore's financial area. It was also my first time to walk into that area since they built the casino. The breeze is strong. The area seems to be still in construction. A good place to relax. Better than all those crowded places, at least until this new place get crowded too.
why still no arrest?
Remember the dog basher of Sengkang? It seems the basher is still at large. So what is keeping the arrest from happening? From the reports, there are a lot of witnesses. While these people did not use their citizen arrest, they sure talk a lot of what's happening to the press. With so much talks, the police should have enough info to flush out the basher. So hopefully after such long time something would be done else it seems to say all the witness are just blowing stories since the police are unable to track the basher down with so many witnesses.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
YOG accept the blunders and move on
YOG volunteers got their free F1 ticket late. So what else is new? It seems once something goes wrong, the wrongs just keep coming. YOG should just accept their mistake and moves on. It isn't Singpost's problem. Singpost requires one day to process and send out the mail and if you post on thurs if you are lucky you get them on fri. Why risk such narrow time frame? Better still, have the recipents to collect the tickets. I am sure they are happy to do it since they even volunteer for YOG. Lastly, someone wrote about the display at Mountbatten station is still showing YOG clips. Ion Orchard still countdown YOG. I haven't quite saw it but when someone posted on ST Forum it should be true. So is the timer now negative?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
F1 over - so fast
F1 was over. So how many was actually watching? I didn't watch any. Not much of a racing fan. However I enjoy the view from the cockpit. They should show more of the view. It is like emulating as the driver. So now that it is over all road blocks are removed. I guess I could grab my Daytona game and play driving instead. It is safe and it won't catch fire like Heikki Kovalainen's machine.
Monday, September 27, 2010
91.3 manage to line up another fine DJ
Local radio 91.3 have managed to get another DJ into their lineup. Yes. Dan The Man. You doesn't know who Dan? Go google. Have always thought he wants to take a long break. But then, to leave a place one will always use the long break to get a short break. He is good but I prefer him during the Safra days. So now that he is on, does that mean that someone is leaving? I hope not. It is normal for DJs to come and goes. Heck, I don't quite listen to them anymore ever since they dumped trance music. But now that they started to play them on Sat night, I might tune in again. They just need to improve their reception.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
lantern festival or mooncake festival?
Today is the lantern festival. Or mooncake festival? So what is the name exactly? Well no one will bother since it isn't a holiday nor will the children be bring out their lanterns since these lanterns are battery powered. The classic candles type will be burnt once the children dropped them or swing too much. And the weather is pouring and everywhere is wet so where is the mood? The old days were better with these since there isn't much distractions like nightlife and TV. Is this part of evolving? :|
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I got iphone
I finally bought an iphone. Now I have joined the ranks of apple users using iphone. Am using the version 4 iphone. Sudden switch from those normal phone to this current smart phone is a tax on me personally. I am still struggling to import my contacts into the phone as well trying to learn to familiarize the functions of the phone. Also many stuffs are annoying such as, you can't mute the sound effects without muting the whole phone. Guess you will just have to adapt to the new gadget.
Monday, September 20, 2010
rude mute after meet
Some people are really plain disappearing. Know each other from the net. Been chatting for a while. Chatting on the net is quite enjoyable. Both friendly and soon it is the time we decide to meet up. Meet up will always be much different since chat on net there is always using emoticons when you have nothing much to type. And no one can see your expressions or body language. So meeting is ok. Just relax and chat over coffee. So when it was time to go, there is no more reply. No more contact from net or msg. Yeah and I know she use the block since certain site show her last online activity. It is ok to say I don't want to friend you anymore but people just like to play the mute and do the avoid. I don't even bother to ring her up. Just doesn't worth it. I am moving on new direction.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Movie with a twist
Just got to watch a extended edition of Terminator 2 Judgement Day. It was a classic movie. Hollywood doesn't do such movies anymore and of course the stars just not as good as those before. At least not in shows we see now. The question just pop up. Mankind will be terminating themselve with technologies. All the self aware self learning artificial intelligence will soon outgrew their programs and rule over mankind. Or before that happens a war broke off and that's it. So it is always going towards that path when man evolved. Getting better will be a bad path. Even if war doesn't, the way they treat the environment and the over population will just end up there.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Philippines do the right thing and dump the clowns!
The Philippines crisis is getting worldwide anger because of their blunders. The police in action have been doing the moves all wrong. It all looks like a hollywood movie gone wrong except this is real. According to newspaper reports, they have policeman that posed like.... some kind of actor in a classic movie. Having live broadcast of what is unfolding in the bus. Hollywood have such plots too so to have this happening is slapping their own faces. The media should be taken to task for this too. Angering the hostage taker by arresting his family broke the camel's neck. And lastly why does a civilian have a M-16 rifle? Heads have to roll, particularly the chief of police and all those top police chiefs that talks. Media heads too for live reports that is making a problem more problem. And the president for showing a smiling face when there is nothing to be happy about. There is no use defending what is happening. You just need to face it and drop all those "clowns" involved. Clowns, not scapegoats.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
cartoon to movie not a good cup of tea
Old classic cartoons are jumping into the movie world. It is fun to watch them in the movie but when the cartoons turns into realistic graphic and mix with real actors in a real environment it would be awful. In the good days we have seen Who Frame Roger Rabbit where a mix of cartoon characters mix into the real world. It was watchable. Then that basketball movie with the Bugs Bunny I never watch that. But when it comes to Garfield it just be painful. Maybe I am stuck in the old days but it just doesn't make sense. Do you need real actors to do it? Can't you just make a full movie animation instead? They are bringing in the Smurfs and Berenstain Bears too.... Smurfs will be harder since there is no real smurfs....
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
disgruntled always goes terror
Manila standoff is the recent news on disgruntled ex-employee that goes on a rampages that led to lost of lives. Most cases occurs in the US since firearms can be owned or bought. But what shocked in this case here is that the terror was from an ex-cop. And more importantly is that he got firearm. Does officers get to own personal firearms or it can be purchased from somewhere where enforcement is not in place? So with a new government in Philippines, this is one black eye on them as well the police involved.
better food finally only with a few remaining days.
YOG organiser finally rectify the food quality. Volunteers all agreed the food had improved. It was revealed that the organiser replaced the previous caterer to a better caterer that is also catering for other events like World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Somehow while everyone managed to get happy, it seems most were unhappy for most of the YOG event. It is only a few days left and it seems action was only taken when report of diarrhoea happened. The rectify is seen as a bit late but it is better than nothing been done.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
empty seat in YOG event
YOG is a success so far but not so in term of the audiences. You could still see empty seats despite they announce a sold out. So why sold out if no one occupied the seats? So far netizens is pinning the blame on MOE as their "mass" purhase causes the empty seats. The students are no attending at all. Either they are busy studying for the coming exams or they are not interested. While MOE denied they are the cause, it is news they mass purchased and not much students as the audiences. While long queues out hoping for getting one of those empty seats, the organiser just wouldn't do anything. Not even when the minster want to rectify the problem. So what is the problem here? The problem here is lazy organiser that refuses to fill up the seats when there are long queues and empty seats and also MOE contribute to the system by mass purchase but never use the tickets. Don't deny it because it is your show and both system are link to the gov. So you can reply with reasons but no action taken mean you are still not solving anything. World class event but lazy system. And not to mention all the food issue and so far no mentioning of any improvements too.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
YOG time to improve!
Another happening that gives YOG people behind it a black eye. It seems during the weekend some volunteers got diarrhoea after consuming meals. So out come the food standards again. Investigations shows that the hygiene standard are in order. So where does it goes wrong? I am sure people are talking about closing one eyes or both eyes to get over this black patch. So is this how volunteers are being treated? There is the complain of lousy food that doesn't taste good and now this food poisoning. Volunteers are our citizens and this is no way to treat them when they are proudly do this job for the country and not getting anymore form of payment other than transport and meal. The more the gov assures it is ok, people just got suspicious of the situation. I prefer to see action, not assurance. Assurance is just talk and no result it is just disappointment. The world is watching so it isn't just for the citizens.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The dams are the cause!
Flood disaster been happening in China. I think they should stop their dam activities at those large rivers. They already had some it is time to stop. It seems the dam just block up the rivers and before the dam could release the excess water everything just goes. It is like a burst of a blood vessel. In this case it is the river. The river brings water throughout the land and by putting a dam there they are restricting the other neighbors the usage of the water. China is good in many aspects and even overcome situations which seems to put China in a negative disadvantage but this is plain selfish which I say is just a warning to them for their selfishness of blocking the river. Nature will not allow anyone to own nature. Stop before more disasters strikes.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
FIFA need (wants) money. Period.
During the World Cup 2010 Singaporeans have been complaining of the high cost for watching the matches as compared to neighboring countries. It seems when FIFA President Sepp Blatter came to Singapore, a reporter posed this costly question on why was Singapore being charged that high. As reported, he paused for 4 secs before asking his colleague to answer, whom have no answer too. He guaranteed to provide a response. The answer he gave is that FIFA needs the money. He puts it as the footballing activities need the money. Ok, a fine piece of answer. Which provider that provides their entertainment doesn't needs money? But the real question is why or how did they came to the high cost for Singapore? It seems they have no wish to answer that. Either that they see the population on this small island nation as loaded or that they want to flex some muscles or somewhere along some long lines someone not in the right minded manage to influenced the decision.,4136,252090,00.html,4136,252090,00.html
Passing of cats' heroine
Read from the papers that the founder of the SPCA, Mrs Marjorie Doggett passed away. From the report, Mrs Dogget started the SPCA from scratch under her own strength and determination to help the stray cats in Singapore. It was her action to help these animals that started something that became into today's SPCA. Mrs Doggett also have 7 pet cats at home. So she is a cat person and all these happens because of her loves for cats. That would be the case but her action also helped other animals too. So today's people who still bullies cats or looked down on cats and their caretakers should be ashamed of themselves. And HDB should consider lifting the "ban" for cats staying in HDB. Some are already HDB's pets so like people who sometimes "fell", I am sure cats doesn't fall that often. People should change their thinking because this land is being shared with other living animals too and they have the right to roam among us.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fake $50
If you haven't watch the news on TV, you probably haven't heard. There are fake $50 sing dollars in the market.... This news didn't appear on the English language papers from SPH. It did appear on the night papers Wanbao. Blame it on competition war between media corporations. The fake $50 according to reports is that the colour smudges with water and the and the silvery circle print on the notes doesn't shine as the real ones. So when you received $50 notes, make sure the silver shines, no smudges. There is no way to avoid it if you are caught in a peak hour but alert about it will be handy.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
YOG started!
The YOG ceremony had passed. Well done to the staff and workers puting up the show. But then when the flags are coming down they have to go to ads several times. So whoever the flags not shown on TV due to the ads well, what would the TV station explain? I would say it is lack of respects. They didn't show ads while NDP is going on. And also I believe if it is YOG it should be youths going on stage. I saw the older athletics going down with the flags. I still don't agree with all these adults doing in a youth event. In any case, it certainly is history making for Singapore.
Friday, August 13, 2010
YOG food cannot make it
YOG is a global event and the people running it are using volunteers. Someone is not happy with the food given and even put up a photo of the pack of food. Many netizens agreed the food need to improve more. That food while some say is much better than the NS food, I would say NS food actually would be better than what was shown. This pack is dry food and some bean crud. The NS food would have soup and meat and vegetables. In any cases, both just cannot make it. For NS we got no choice, but for YOG, those being fed are volunteers. They are our own citizens. It isn't a one day event. These volunteers have to eat the same food everyday who can take it?And I doubt the caterer will do much "improve" since it is all boil down to profits.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
NDP, I think someone is fake.
NDP is over. However this year's NDP seems much boring than previous years. The parade of the nation's defense forces is magnificent. Just doesn't much like the idea of mixing the cadet corp with the NS Men or NS regulars. Anyway there is a singing segment which I find it fake. You probably should be able to figure out which segment. It doesn't look like the singer is live singing. Maybe I am wrong so you, if anyone is reading it should decide if is it live. Why I would see it as fake? The vocal sound so clean and so same as those MV that was repeatingly shown on TV and broadcast on radio all the time. In live singing, such as those in a concert, the notes and tone will be very different in a sense such as opening wide the mouth or even when you have to take a breathe the sounding should not be so clean and neat. It sound like the sound done in a studio. So it is my view. I guess if more people voice out much the same as my view then it certainly raised some concern, specially since it is NDP.
Friday, August 6, 2010
YOG torch runners are middle agers.....
Youth Olympic is sizzling in Singapore. Not just for the youths but for everyone. However they put in the YOUTH is to mean this event is to participate by youths only. So when the torch relay event list adults running for it, some people start to questions. Why adults run for this and not youths or young person? This question make sense to since it is YOUTH olympics. We don't see a youth running the torch relay or participate in the adult version of the Olympic. The minister explained that the running is for everyone. As the news report people disagreed, giving example, that in Star Studded events that meant for TV, you don't see an athlete going on stage to recieve or give awards. Yes this made sense. No matter how the minister explains it goes to show the organisers fail to take in common logic. It is a YOUTH event. Although the organisers are adults, it is all about the participants. YOUTH is the words. The blunders will be tagged although no one could make them change their minds.
the translated English version
the translated English version
Thursday, August 5, 2010
cosmic tantrum?
In case you didn't know it, there was a massive sun storm blowing towards Earth on Sunday. It hit Earth on about Wed. The sky over the north all lit up like weavery aurora. Usually it only affects places near the poles but now further down places people could see. Scientist are unable to pin point when and how a big one could happen that it could wrecks chaos on Earth. Such as disruption of communication and damaging of equipments. Are mankind ready for this big one? Something is definitely brewing. With all the wacky weathers and this solar storm, nearby space rocks, it seems something is massing.... perhaps the position in the cosmos have something to do. Or we could put it to global warming due to men's dirty works. Maybe it isn't that complicated. It could be years before you can see the result. Until then it could be too late.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Rock music dying?
Rock music is dying. I would say it is quite true. Unlike the 80s to the 90s, metal bands like Guns N Roses and Metallica blast the airwave with those familiar rock music, nowadays there isn't much. The bands exists but radio doesn't play them. Must be due to commercial reasons or people prefer pop instead. Even Bon Jovi whose heavy metal classic Bad Medicine seems to go towards pop. Maybe I am still stuck in the good old days where every songs are good regardless of rock or pop but I just can't seems to listen much to todays music, mainly teen singers or boybands. I will try to adapt, or I will just go back to my cassette collections.....
Sunday, August 1, 2010
reading comics is worse than watching soap opera
I just finish the book Final Crisis from DC Comics. Very colourful pages and many characters. Mainly the main villain Darksied invading the Earth by squeezing their souls into the human body thus the human became a zombie or a shell being manipulate. A comics is supposed to show readers what is going on. Many times most happenings are being in words form which I do not quite get the true meaning or perhaps my English language isn't that great to understand. When Superman confronts Darksied, with Lex Luthor and his army of villains going to clash with Darksied's army, wordings again, describing Wonder Woman using her lasso on Darksied. The rest I am unable to digest. And the next scene is showing Superman confronting another super villains. No sight or Lex Luthor and his army nor any other super heroes. I do not see how soap opera can be in such confusions. But for a book, you could add in pages for more story details. I haven't read much on other comics. Maybe I will do, and hopefully on this title is confusing. Otherwise the pages are colourful.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Yahoo Japan Google partner up.
Yahoo Japan and Google will partner up in their search engines. It seems that Yahoo Japan does not being controlled by the main Yahoo. Since that is the case Yahoo Japan could decide for themselve who to partner with. Yahoo Japan will adopt Google's search engine and search linkd advertistment distribution system. As Yahoo Japan and Google plan to separately provide their respective Internet search services, this seems to work in their favour with those antimonopoly law. Even though Yahoo Japan is kind of seperate from Yahoo, their right to use the Yahoo name gives user the impression that they are the same company. Even I think so too, until I read the news of Yahoo Japan Google tie up. MS will definitely not sit still. But it takes more then tie up and brand names to make users switch engines. MS better know what users want to gain.
Friday, July 23, 2010
flood can't be prevented. Just be prepared.
The recent flood shows that anything can happen. People are complaining that the government did not do enough to prevent flood. What can the government do? Make more drains? They can do that at the expense of more lands becoming drains. And do you expect the floods be a common happening? Low lying area will be affected since water flows down. People should move their belongs away or create a barrier to block off the rising water. With the region being blown by typhoons you can expect more rains. Just be glad that what is happening in China did not happen in Singapore yet. In China the flood really drown out everything. All the buildings are submerged. The local drains are working fine, just not able to cope with the sudden increase in rain water. One should just be prepare for the next wave.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
watch what you download
A malicious Firefox add-on discovered. Firefox users like firefox because it supported 3rd part add-ons. Most add-ons are quite useful. But because they are 3rd party, users have no idea what the add-on does behind the screen. So it affects only firefox. Add-ons will be going to many other applications. It will be a trend and so hackers will be using that trend to invade. There is no way we can know if it is safe except when the add-on been approved by the trusted source as well on most reviews it should be safe but until someone found something one can never be sure. You are responsible for what you download so have to be alert.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
One should know better to put his rep on a animal
The world cup is over. It seems while the ballers.... as in the footballers that got all the news and action, so do the animals. Not exactly animals but it all started by the keepers. The Paul the octopus made predictions by choosing its food from boxes that was labeled by the flags of the country that is in a match. Somehow the octopus got all the boxes that the labeled flag of the country won the matches. Plain luck or the octopus really knows what's happening? If it is plain luck it certainly got lucky on all the matches. In any case, the other animal, a bird, at least it looks like a parrot but smaller, failed to predict the last two matches. As usual the keeper, or for this case the owner started to put the limelight on the poor bird just because it got one match correct and it was only in the news after the match was over. So you can't blame the animals. The owner, especially the owner of the bird have himself to blame. Although he operate a fortune telling stall, everyones takes the fortune telling with a pinch of salt. But to put the bird to predict the matches when Paul is in the news it would take more damage when the bird fail to predict. In any case, the bird did not predict all the matches while the octopus predict all the matches correctly. Now the octopus is a celebrity and it boost visitors even to aquariums around the world just to look at a octopus. As for the bird, the business for the owner dropped as reported by the medias. It is a big risk and the bird owner took it and lost.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
stand on a plane? sound ridiculous!
Tiger Airways intending to have standing room on flights? Which mean passengers will have to be standing on a flight, just like a bus. The difference between a bus is that bus journey is usually shorter, less bumpy and restrictive and passenger can alight anytime he wants. If you are on a plane do you prepared to stand for over an hour? Even if so, on board the plane you have no where to rest, you can't move around and you will be stuck standing through the journey. You can alight the flight like a bus. It just isn't possible for most people. Maybe those younger stronger people will have no issue with an hour of standing but how many would want it? If you can afford a flight then get one with seat. Already people have left out the meals on flight but to leave the seat for standing space is ridiculous.
Monday, July 5, 2010
sore losers of the world
The world cup is almost over. Now the world will get to see all the sore losers again. Everytime after a world cup, the losing team will place their aftermaths - sore losers of their own country. The team will return not as heroes but being booed at or even get investigated. The coaches will get fired and it will even turned into political. These people should be considered as heroes even if they don't win. Not everyone gets into the world cup so if they get to be on the match they deserved better. There can only be one winner. The rest maybe losers but they lost and that is no shame. they put up a good fight and put up a good show. So those of you who whined you should go kick the ball yourself if you think you can do it better.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wonder Woman now wear pants
The comic world came a new change. DC Comics announce new costume change for Wonder Woman. Costume change have been quite common in the comics. But on certain core characters, the original costume sticks. They had changed Superman's costume and powers, but return him to the originals. It happened to Batman and Green Lantern where the costume as well as the character had changed. The original characters was brought back. So I wonder how long will Wonder Woman stick with the new design? Only time will tell if readers welcome it.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Console games port to PC not happening yet
While the best games usually comes to a console, because the console have a higher processing power than a PC. But a console will be obsolete in a few years while a PC will be more lasting. Guess you can't have best of both worlds. So when Final Fantasy XIV comes to PC, it seems like finally something worthy in term of branding. Sadly it is a MMORPG game. An online game so now it makes more sense. Not many would use a console to play online game. So it seems that to play Final Fantasy you still requires a console for the best experience. Else a emulator might help but then again, the cost might put you off. Hopefully with Blue Ray technology coming to PC, they could put up some good console games for the PC. Afterall a PC do out last most console in term of OS and upgrades will make it live longer. You can't do that to a console and when a newer console release, the games for the old console can't be play on a new console. You can still play old games for PC, while not easy, it can be done. I will stick to my PC.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Eat a fish for $1200
So it seems bully eateries exists and will still be around everywhere until someone makes a complain. There are these group of tourist went to a eatery at RWS and being made in a sense given a fish that got a price tag of $1200! Now what fish you eat will cost that much?? No matter how good a fish is, paying over 1000 dollars is way too much. So much I believe there is criminal intention involves in the establishment. Time for the police to investigate. Being a tourist hub such nonsense keep happening and somemore it got the tourist. Last year there was another eatery cover charge some prawns now anothe case. Regardless of explainations, who what fish would cost such price? Maybe a whole big fish like shark or dolphine but a small fish?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I think Facebook did kid unfair
It seems that in the age of computers, people tend to be quite loose on their valuables such as their money. Here it involves credit card. If you read the news from the attached link, it says the child spent all his money and then used his mother's credit card to spend on more in a facebook game. Facebook refused to refund and instead disable the account. So here it isn't about how the mother should teach her child on authorised use of one credit cards, nor the responsibility on the right use of a computer. Here it tells you that this is simply a family affair. It is fair that you earned the money you don't refund but now that you got the money you disable the child's facebook account. So what is this? You don't refund and you took back his account. It becomes like facebook just took the money and never gives anything. Because that belongs to a child and the child would not know how to go about getting back the account or because the mom spread out the news that they decide to "do the right thing" since the child is not at the "legal age" to own a facebook account? It is all bullshit since he got to own an account, played game and spend cash at the expense of his mom and now facebook decide to "do the right thing"? Now this right thing is wrong thing. The right thing is refund then disable account.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Toy story can be real
Toy Story 3 can actually be real among our toys if they were really alive. When I was a kid I used to think some of my toys or objects I owned could be alive among their kind. Well, we never know do we? But the prospect of the toy ending up in any places to the trash could be real and still be happening. No matter how great and expensive or rare a toy be, it will be a goner once the owner had enough of it. If it got lucky, it be ended up at cheap garage sales or bazaar where a new owner turns up and buy it over, and the same cycle be repeated again. The sad truth will always be, nothing last forever. Some last longer. As newer generation of people comes, they will be more connected to the toys of their years rather than those old toys from the old days. So for a toy to last longer, they must have some cartoons or TV shows to give them life. Then again, toys with an oversize casts, such as Transformers, Star Wars, GI-Joes, how many of us ever managed to collect all of them? None I will say. They keep coming out new characters. Characters that doesn't even appear in the show gets a toy. The old have to make way for the new. That's life, for everything.
Friday, June 25, 2010
social networking mirrors real life
Using the social networking sites can be a double-edged. You could either get to know a cool person or you will know one who is on the nightmarish sides. So this does not mean that you should steer clear of it. It is just like real life. You never know who you meet the next day or in a new place. In social networking, the other person could put a a pic which could be anything but the real face. You could even get to chat on messenger or email, which could be a fake since all these accounts are easily avaliable to anyone who needs a new account. Now, even mobile numbers could be easily obtain and in the next few week the number will be unusable. So it means, never to take the person seriously because the only way to know is to meet up the person. Rather if you encounter persons who drags about sending you the real pic or plays out on a meeting, you know you have been the fool. Just dump the character and move on. Experience points gained and intellgence dropped. Now you are wiser.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
2013 another predicted ending?
NASA predict there will be a super solar storm brewing and by 2013 May it will blow... In a sense solar storm will interfere with Earth signals. At worse it might overload transistors or any current technologies Men are using. If it does happens, it will send Men back to stone age. With the dependent of technology, if everything are down, many facilities will be rendered useless. Such as modern medicine will be halted and research will be useless without the use of computers. Outbreak and chaos will happens and if it do happens, it will be like a scene from those Hollywood movies. Think about it.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Death From The Skies
Recently read a book. Interesting title in term it isn't science nor is it fiction. It is like a prediction on a grim future but no one will really knows because no one will last until then. The title of the book is Death From The Skies. It is a grim book, at least grim for the future generation of people, if they haven't reach the space age. The book describes how Earth could be threatened by space rocks that may crashed onto Earth or cosmic death rays from distance stars and black holes and also the death and destruction of the Sun. All these will really show us that there is no way you can avoid if it does happen, all life on Earth will be gone. Unless human managed to migrate into space and onto a new star system, it is a matter of time, the Sun will used up all its fuel and will grew in size, swallowing the inner planets including Earth. The book also talk about the end of all matters. Yes, if we look at all things, everything ages. Even the stars in space and the energy and space dust all will be used up where no new stars will be born and it will bring about the dark era where space is in total darkness. So if it does goes on and on..... Time may even end somewhere in all possibility. It is a interesting book. So while it is interesting to be watch all these happen as a 3rd party, it would be the end for anything that last that long.
Monday, June 14, 2010
world cup grumbling
It used to be like the city never sleeps during world cup period. Now it is just like any other day. Not many people are watching. It just isn't free for anyone to watch. I still remember I used to woke up during 3am to be able to catch a match on free to air TV. Then tv wasn't 24 hours. But for world cup they have telecast through the night. And it was like almost all the neighbours are watching. Then again during those days TV are the only entertainment, there isn't internet. It seems that everything now cost money. It rises in cost like nobody's business. Where all the money goes? The blame game with FIFA and the broadcasters but it seems they are all taking the bucks since they started it. People are not biting and with the internet getting more advance, we can just watch the match from the internet. Someone will eventually wake up and do the right thing. Now it remains to be seen who will wake up first, the grabber or the watchers.....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Should be Kungfu Kid
A new Jackie Chan movie is coming out. Karate Kid. Yes it is a remake of the original. If you have no idea of the original got check it out on google. The original uses a Japanese actor to teach the kid to fight, karate or should I say, Japanese martial art style. Jackie Chan doesn't do karate or any of those Japanese martial arts which you wear those Gi. Gi is the white clothings you wear when you do karate. So the show should not be Karate Kid because Jackie only knows Kungfu. Kungfu Kid should be it.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
comics mart closes
It is a sign of changing time. Comics Mart closes, at least so call officially. In a sense, the loyal fans and customers probably sensed something was wrong when it closes some time last month. Now that the closure is in the papers, it is official. Contacts to the owners are not successful in anyway. Even their listed apartment seems to be closed or being "seized by bank". So what is Comics Mart? It is a comic shop that been around since the 90s. It was reported by some as open since 80s but I only visited it in the 90s. I got my comics from there regularly. Only stopped getting them since last year as I find that the comics are not much to my taste. You could go there and browse come of the comics. It is good as you could read on some other titles that looks interesting but not in your list of to buy comics. Even though they have sub branches in Orchard and Raffles City I don't go there. I only visit the Serene Centre main shop. So how did it ended up this way? Comics nowadays just seems to be not so exclusive as before. Lousy artwork, lame plots are part of what contribute to the decline. And you could download from the net if you know how. There used to have other good comic shops but they didn't make it years ago. Then Comics Mart started to shrink the shop space, put a big portion of the shop into selling magazines and you can't browse some older comics anymore. So hopefully it will come back it an updated fashion. Or someone new took over the name and bring it back. If it does happen, it isn't the old shop anymore. The name, right now remains to be seen if coming back will happen. For the news, read the 18th May 2010 Straits Times Life.
Friday, May 14, 2010
world cup that is making news before the ball start rolling
World cup fever is here but this time it got so hot it burns everyone! So what the heat about? It is about money as usual. It seems that FIFA is asking for the price that no one willing to pay and have been in discussion like forever and ever and time is running out. When it does announced that a deal was done, it just isn't appealing to majority. All boils down to the price. Most find the package costly. They blame one of the telco for spoiling the market during the EPL bidding. Some people analyze that FIFA think people will bite the same way as EPL. So now do the telcos involved think they should have accept the package offered? It remains to be seen as people might not take the package offered and will go for other alternatives or even forget about world cup. Now it seems money talks but one needs to know which direction the money is talking to.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
my view on the SDA meetup
The local political scene is bustling with activities again. Most likely that election is near, that it will happen anytime near instead of dragging until its due date. At least that is what being speculated by some people. One story that make the news was the Reform Party in discussion with SDA about possible alliance. With all the positive and negative out of it came the so call 11 conditions from RP. One of the condition ask for SDA leader Mr Chiam in a sense to hand over the post to Mr Jeyaretnam. Read the conditions on or search for it on google. Now SDA, or Mr Chiam is a veteran politician that is respected by all. Mr Jeyaretnam is to me, a newbie who only his name will reminds people that he is related to the late senior Jeyaretnam. The late Jeyaretnam is good, but his son hasn't shown any results. RP should prove something and get some results in the elections to show that they are not just a party with a name. Only then they could start to put in conditions, and only conditions that will not be seen as taking over what Mr Chiam built. To do that you have to be good or bad. Someone had already done the bad part before, now it is just waiting for someone doing the good portion.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Korean Tour pt 3
Korea in the rural areas are very clean. There are no rubbish along the roads. It reminds me of China but in China the road sides are litered with trash and the drain or river the water are polluted. What these two places are similar is there is no street lights. Some major roads have lights but mostly there isn't any light. So if you happened to walk along there it would be creepy when night falls. And some stretch of the road there are tombs! It will be so dark at night you could hardly see your own hands in front. Some area have horses and they roam the place.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Korean tour pt 2
The meal time can be quite annoying. Not that we are late or the food is not good. It is that it isn't suitable to my taste. The Koreans like steamboat, BBQ and even raw seafood type. Amazingly they have it every meal. Along the way I even noticed that most of the shops are eatery of BBQ, steamboat seafood. So it seems they like their food like what we eat here, rice everyday. Luckily the breakfast is better. Cooked food or even western food. So it was a good meal until lunch or dinner.... Or maybe it was just me. :D
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Korean tour pt 1
Went on a tour to South Korea. Arrived at Seoul and although it is no longer winter, the wind are chilly and the sun is bright but no heat. It is like sitting in a aircon room with the aircon full blast in under 10 degree. I kind of got impressed by the people there. It seems most of the young people are working. Such as I saw young ladies doing traffic wardens, sales, and even cleaners. I won't see young people doing these jobs in singapore. There is a certain charm with them. It makes the city youthful.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
No free lunch
Sometimes even being a consumer have to be cautious. I recently spent on something and was given a piece of paper that said I could collect a free pearl. I read through the whole paper to get a grasp that the place to collect is next to another counter on the same floor. Nothing was mention on the paper you have to pay. So until at the counter, a pearl was extracted but it wasn't pass to me. The lady at the counter then proceed to ask which type pendant I want on the pearl. She blabber for a while before saying the pearl is free, the workmanship is free. I only need to pay for the pendant. What crap is this? I am only to collect the pearl. So the saying about no free lunch is true. Even if they never put on the paper, there is hidden cost. They should wait for some hard core consumer who demands for the free pearl and states that the paper did not mention any cost for it. Of course I walked away.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lame broadcaster as king
Local TV just irked me again. While most the the shows I do not watch, there are exceptions. They do show Battlestar Galactica, but for some reasons after 4 episodes, they stopped and showed some local info shows. And now suddenly for some reasons, they started showing again... For one thing, not everyone read the TV sections on what will be coming on air suddenly. There was no trailers. Although I do not watch TV much, I do watch on some shows or surf the channels. They have full of lame advertisements and trailers of the same repeating "blockbuster". I am just irked that I missed my show. So as usual, the local broadcaster has became so bad in services since it is the sole broadcaster around, it gone on broadcaster as king.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Lift daze
Have you ever got struck by lift daze? What is lift daze? It is when inside a lift waiting for reaching your designated floor, you suddenly seems to lose your sense of direction, or so to say alertness. When the door opens, we would usually be moving towards the opened door, not aware if the level is the correct level or not. So even if the sound system in the lift would announce the floor number but it seems somehow blocked from our ears. Lucky for us we got alerted to the actual floor before the lift door closed. So other then being embarrassed it just seems to happen again over and over. So how is it that the lift could dazed you? I am still being stuck once in a while in the lift in my work place. So I make it an effort to concentrated and think of nothing until the lift opened with the correct floor. Maybe taking the lift isn't for the weak minded.....
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Girls are hypos too
One girl I know from msn started to rant at me for not taking the first step. Well, we know each other from internet. Met for movies. However she mentioned she hate to have relation with net friends as they are hypocrites. Yet she kept asking me why when I online I never msg her first. While I don't mind chatting with her, she threaten to delete me from msn because I never make the first move. It is fine with me. I am a hypocrite since we are net friends. And you have quite a number of demands so it doesn't make any difference to me if you delete me or not. Ok. Right now she still haven't delete. I am hypo, that what she said of net people. So I am hypo.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Nothing spectacular about lunar water
Water on the moon? I still find it hard to believe. Perhaps they are not in liquid form but all along I expect water in any form type to be vaporised in space. So they say the ice or frozen form of liquid is buried in the lunar soil. If they is true, other space bodies, like astroids or even Mars and Mercury have such form of liquid. Especially Mercury since it is so similar to Moon in appearance, the dark side or Mercury could have the same liquid ice there. So having found liquid does not seem like a giant leap into Space Age. There is no warp drive or any planned mission to Mars or even hi-tech spaceships. The existing space shuttles will be grounded soon and news of jobless from NASA are filling the news portal. Time to buck up before times runs out on Man.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Jack Neo should start explains before everything blew out of control
Jack Neo just join celebrities like Tiger Wood. Not that the local director play golf but for his recent sex scandal. Everyday in the newspaper more and more news of his sexcapade starts to reveals his personality. The involved parties turns out at latest count 11 girls throughout Jack's career. So this is the darkness behind showbiz. While it was common in other countries, it was rare to happen locally. Even rarer for someone the status of Jack Neo. While most would take the news as juicy news, it began to irk most people on Jack's attitude towards it. His movies all have a certain social moral topic while his actual real life person doesn't live on it. Yes, we all know it is a show. While Tiger Wood and others all apologise, using news conferences, most people would kind of take it and forgive. Now, Jack just seems to avoid the apologising part. When the news first broke, he doesn't deny nor admit. He does acknowledge, through third parties like his showbiz colleague and church pastor. While the news are going out of control as his past starts to return to hound on him, he did not do what those others had done. To apologise to people around him. He also involves his wife into the news. People irks that the recent press conference he only mention what is happening but stop short of apologising to those caught in the affair as well as his fans. He left when his wife, obviously unable to take the spotlight. Even more his "ruffian" styled colleague shouts and growls at the media while the couple leaves hurriedly. Jack Neo, you should be a man and own up before more and more juice from your past catches up. People are starting to believe more to the victims rather than sympathies for Jack. What irk me was that you have ministers and a pastor standing behind him. Why stand behind a person who did not show he had made mistakes and own up. He put his wife into the spotlight, unlike Tiger who didn't brought along his wife. Probably his wife at that time was angry and he didn't have the chance anyway. Still putting your wife with you does not mean that showing support for you will lessen people's anger but increases because you haven't apologise. People want apology from you. And sending out Ah Nan to growls at media will do you no good and having ministers and pastor to talk for you just won't cut any ice. If you think this issue will die down after Ah Nan's shouting you will be wrong. Time to do the right thing. For those who think he should be given a 2nd chance, he would get the chance by giving people an explaination. Imagine those girls was one of your loved ones, would you still give him a chance while he hides behind his wife?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
MIO downtime, it isn't new
Looks like Singtel still haven't "wake" up until the recently 3 days breakdown. It have been known to techies in forums that MIO have problems that if it do goes down it will bring down the fix line and internet too. With the proud aquitsition of the recent EPL broadcast rights, they somehow didn't do something on their hardwares. So like the Earthquake that shook the world, it shook Singapore users, especially those paying for MIO. The service stopped working, the hotline doesn't work (did they link their hotline to MIO that it took down the hotline too?) and no explanations were given until newspapers started to report on the bad service provider that the ISP gave the usual, large numbers of people were calling at the same time. To those who just subscribed to MIO, good luck because I don't think much will be changed. It have been like that since day one. Those can dump the service will mostly do so since Starhub could provide most of it. For the EPL users, you are stuck with it regardless you get to watch the full match. Singtel should give discount for the 3 days which service was down. Why should someone be paying for the unusable service? Someone have to wake up, service provider or user. Better do something or you lose something. ISP better buck up your infrastructure because your EPL rights will not save you if these hiccups keeps coming. Users if you want to use MIO in the first place without checking it out from forums, you have yourself to blame. Either change provider or do something. It seems, MIO is here to stay. The hiccups will be around too. Until the next big one, everyone will just cool it and wait for that day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
MTV changing format
MTV is changing brand format. It is no longer Music Television. During its heyday, music videos were all the in thing. Everyone wants to watch the latest MTV on the latest hits. It seems that today's generation, MTV is not necessary. Maybe I am old school. But it seems as the music of today is much more different than the days in the 80s and 90s, so are the listeners. So the question now is that where do we tune to if we want to watch music videos? Most likely Youtube. There will always be some good videos that need to be shown again but without a network to do it, it seems to be a sad news for old school music fans.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pad war
Looks like Apple just got itself more news. Some china company is suing Apple for copying the design of the iPad. The china Pad device is named P88. While the design probably have differences in term of connectivity, the appearance looks very similar. P88 company is going to sue Apple. I am sure it isn't a win win issue here but this is a good time to generate publicity for P88 while riding on the iPad's wave. Apple probably will get all the bulk of the negative news now but at this stage it isn't a losing situation yet. What will it be for consumers? It might make more people to look at the pad devices. Mostly like iPad will gain more as P88 isn't avaliable to many places so time will tell who wins more or loses more.
Monday, February 1, 2010
private companies will develop new shuttles
It seems that the space evolution is moving very slowly. The US government wanted to pass on the task of developing space transportations to private companies. In some ways it would be good for NASA as they would be able to concentrate on other areas. Having companies doing the spaceships would be good as in it will be like having different heads solving a problem. You will get choices of transports. It would be like the aircraft business where the best one or the cheaper one gets the deal. But in the space business, it have to be the best one as anything wrong it will mean the end for those caught it the disaster. Hopefully things could go a bit faster but recently global developments it would be a miracle it isn't halted. All the money spent on war and other stuff. Hopefully a third world country could spur the space race to get mankind to space long term.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mcdonald move to add in pig for Doreamon toys-- a bit too late
Mcdonald after all the complaints and feedback decide to back down their defense and add in the missing pig. The only catch is that you have to wait until April to get it. And you have to order from their website. So it is an attempt to do damage repair on their image. But they forgot one thing. Why should people wait that long to complete the toy set when this toy set was for the Lunar New Year holidays? And those whose think there is no point to buy an incomplete set will even have no point to get the missing pig toy now. They have missed out on the earlier toys and now how to get those again? So the repair is too late for most seemingly. For those who manage to get all good for you as this toy set might fetch something in the future.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Google needs to wake up fast
Everyone may have heard of Goggle's first smart phone - Nexus One. Suppose to be a threat to Apple's iphone. However it has become a nightmare for Google and consumers. Google sold their phones through the web bypass the telcos. Now unhappy consumers have complaints over defective functions. From dropped calls to plodding download speeds. There is also no proper channel to direct complaints to Google. So with all these problems, it just gives users the impression, once sold the product is your problem. With such lack of support, it seems Apple's iphone will remain strong. One thing comes to mind, with so many issues on the phones worldwide, do Google or HTC or anyone involves does any QC? QC = Quality Check. Doesn't the Google management uses their own product? No one ever test or uses it at all? That said, I am glad I didn't buy the product since you have to go through the hassle of buying from the web. As they said being the first to own something isn't always an advantage. Now you are stuck with a defective device with no channel to resolve. And if you are from other countries, your local authority can't help you at all.
Monday, January 11, 2010
McDonald bad move on Doreamon toys
McDonald now is selling the Doreamon toys that represents the Chinese zodiac. Just one problem, they are missing the pig. In its place is a cupid toy. It make no sense. If they meant for it to be a set then they should include the pig else do not promote it as the chinese zodiac. Most people interviewed by the newspaper article published on Straits Times 9-Jan agree it is a bad move for McDonald which claims they do not want to offend the Muslims. It is just a toy with Doreamon's face. It should in no way to offend. Especially here in multi-racial society, excluded the pig would offend the Chinese instead.

Friday, January 1, 2010
New year 2010
Today is the new year. But somehow it just isn't so new year as before. Maybe one will enjoy the new year better when they are younger. It was lucky there was no rain while the clouds are there ready to pour. Some fireworks and some dudes spraying white stuff everywhere. The unlucky cleaner will have to clean up on a holiday. Maybe the white stuff should be ban like the chewing gum.
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