Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Death From The Skies

Recently read a book. Interesting title in term it isn't science nor is it fiction. It is like a prediction on a grim future but no one will really knows because no one will last until then. The title of the book is Death From The Skies. It is a grim book, at least grim for the future generation of people, if they haven't reach the space age. The book describes how Earth could be threatened by space rocks that may crashed onto Earth or cosmic death rays from distance stars and black holes and also the death and destruction of the Sun. All these will really show us that there is no way you can avoid if it does happen, all life on Earth will be gone. Unless human managed to migrate into space and onto a new star system, it is a matter of time, the Sun will used up all its fuel and will grew in size, swallowing the inner planets including Earth. The book also talk about the end of all matters. Yes, if we look at all things, everything ages. Even the stars in space and the energy and space dust all will be used up where no new stars will be born and it will bring about the dark era where space is in total darkness. So if it does goes on and on..... Time may even end somewhere in all possibility. It is a interesting book. So while it is interesting to be watch all these happen as a 3rd party, it would be the end for anything that last that long.

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