Thursday, August 5, 2010

cosmic tantrum?

In case you didn't know it, there was a massive sun storm blowing towards Earth on Sunday. It hit Earth on about Wed. The sky over the north all lit up like weavery aurora. Usually it only affects places near the poles but now further down places people could see. Scientist are unable to pin point when and how a big one could happen that it could wrecks chaos on Earth. Such as disruption of communication and damaging of equipments. Are mankind ready for this big one? Something is definitely brewing. With all the wacky weathers and this solar storm, nearby space rocks, it seems something is massing.... perhaps the position in the cosmos have something to do. Or we could put it to global warming due to men's dirty works. Maybe it isn't that complicated. It could be years before you can see the result. Until then it could be too late.

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