Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Managed to walked the rest of the orchard Road to see the rest of the christmas decorations. It seems that for the part of the not so busy road, the decorations are just milled. Unlike the major shopping malls the minor malls here just put up simple decorations. They are simply unimpressive at night. Perhaps the logic there is that not much people goes this way so no point putting up major light works.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Ever get annoyed when you go into a lift? It would be annoying, when some other creepo enters with you and press the lift button. Instead of using their finger they press with a tissue paper! Now that you saw it will you dare to press the button that got "contaminated" by the tissue? Although their issue is probably they do not want to press on the button that got pressed by many people, but do it with a tissue is plain rude!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Nobody expect it to even ever happen in a strict country like Singapore. On Monday early morning, some foreign workers gone berseks and riots on the street of Singapore. The last riot was in the 60s. This time it seems most of these rioters were either drunk or just joining when they saw others doing it. There were many stories of how an accident sparks it but it is just unbelievable to the citizens. Hopefully this incident will remain as just this one off time and not politically motivated.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
The recent hacking of websites have gone one level up. This time there is a fake gov website that looks totally the same. While this isn't hacking, this is phishing. Trying to con people thinking this is a gov website is also wrong. But whoever did this isn't smart. The domain registration will reveal the person and address. This person may not be the website owner but the domain name is enough to task him to some punishment.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Been ever get caught by some unknown phone call doing sales? Well, unless you have a good memories of what they are pitching and also alert and know what to ask, it is better off to drop the call. You would be getting second guesses what you have just bought. Had just got caught in this. It seems for some reason I got interested in the minimum cost for some upgrade, but somehow loses some info on some upgrade details. I was in an environment where I am not able to concentrate much. I should have just reject some strange number calls. Well, at least some effort made to call back and check on the details and managed to get some clear idea. You just need to be careful on what you agreed on, especially on some contract thing.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Just read a new report on a sudden death incident. While it wasn't much news, what made me took interest was that it attracted some inconderate wardens. And upon reading on, I found that the name of the person was familar. Further checks on facebook and internet turn up that it was someone, whom was some junor in the school I used to work. Yes I had interacted with many of them throughout the years and some of their names still stuck in an archive within my mind. The sad point is that how could it be that a young person would left so soon? It is so unpredictable but it is also lies on our health. Being too healthy could have a hidden toll on our health? Could be. Until it can be much truth, everything else moves on as it is.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Recently some hackers had done some stuffs on websites that have gov links. They also claim the action is aim on some displeasure at the gov. While this is happening some of the websites that aim on reporting the faults of the gov have been trying to "fan" up this issue by posting and posting this hacker news articles by unknown people which I think is non other their own selves. While it is something different for someone to start to go up against the gov. But it kind of make them the same kind, due to all these over reported articles. One side sue while the other side vandalize. This isn't the type of representative I want.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
My iPad2 battery dead. Strange as I seldom use it. It was off mode. Today I couldn't turn it on so I charge it and it shows 78% charged but when I removed charger it goes dead. Didn't expect the batter to be shitty. The iphone battery seems more lasting. Now I have to see if it is worth to use apple service centre or those sim lim square shops that does battery replacement.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The recent news of the dude that gone hyper and started to spit at some ladies due to some disagreement in queue. While all these were happening, the terminal securities and staff just stood there aside doing nothing other then to watch. They only intervene when the hyper dude start to action with fists. So they did intervene and guide the dude away. But is it enough while the dude was spitting away? Although they did report to police, it just isn't right that they as staff decide to stand aside. What could be the reason? They are not there as security and also they are no match against the spitting dude? get more help. This is just like the hype lady in a supermarket that starts to throw their food stuffs. It happened a full 20 mins, or maybe shorter but long enough that there is no staff to intervene. Supermarket have security. Unless these guys only goes after the shoplifters who stole milk powder as he have mouths to feed.....
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
So it seems there will be some changes to the NS process. It was reported that soon to be recuits could choose their vocation and it will be given to them base on their skills and work. Sound like some hidden puzzle? According to news articles, NSMen will get to choose their vocation to match their skills and interest. Most are just after schooling boys. They have no military skills other then those learn at BMT. So I guess they will all be put to combat unit. To boys waiting to do NS, don't get your hopes high. Even if there is a choice to choose your vocation, they will mostly be similar. Just make sure you are fit. If you are fit, and if you do well in studies, you get to be officer and life probably be a bit better. The tough part in NS is that fitness must be there else you will be slow and can't complete your task. So you have heard of the change in IPPT? It don't sound much change if you are weak. Running 3.2km is no joke. They didn't trim down the standard, they increased it.
Monday, October 7, 2013
I went to see the Mummy exitbition at Marina Bay Sand expo. Went with a new friend. The Mummy starts with a 3D show then walk through a corridor of exitbition of the stuffs. The 3d show is narrated by Patrict Steward, Captain Picard of Star Trek TNG. Never expect he to do naratations. Overall it is a good exitbition but not suitable for kids.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
It is a sad day for the music business. Gramophone, a local cd shop had close shop. Since the golden days, when music bloom during the age from vinyl to cassette to compact disc, there were many shops selling these. Then it came in mini mart type of store, like Tower Records. It had 3 stories of music selection, all cds. People went there for imported disc not easily available. Then came HMV, as well 3 stories. There are also those normal neighbourhood shops. But when the age of mp3 started, Tower Records is the first to close shop here. But only recently, shops started change. Sembawang Music closes, others like Music Junction no longer sell mainly music cds. HMV shrinks to one small shop. Right now, only That CD Shop still stand with a few shops. Will there be any more demand for CDs now? In this age of iTunes, the usual consumer complain since the old days remains. In a full album, not all the songs are good. Listener only buy the album for just that one or two songs. With iTunes, now you can just buy that one song you like. But for buying the cd, you could get the flip book with lyrics and stuff, most cds have them. But how many of us still goes for cds?
Friday, September 13, 2013
Apple have announced the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. The 5c is supposed to be a cheaper version but the final price just doesn't seem cheap. It is just a difference of 100+ dollars. For someone willing to buy a 5c, they would add a bit more for the better 5s. They will probably still people buying the 5c, which is actually the 5 with a few minor upgrades. The 5c is more on colourful casing.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
You must have noticed that the comics section in Straits Times is shrunk! It seems the reply in facebook to readers that asked what happened really is lamed. A survey done indicate no one reads the comics. I do read them and I am sure many others do. From all the responds to the reply, I guess those people are the comic fans. This seems to be the same as the good old days, when The New Paper also have a comics page. It shrunk to just 2 and now 1 comic. I guess no one reads it now that it is just 1. People could read them from the net or that comic isn't what everyone wanted.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Just managed to finish the game Aliens Colonial Marines. If you know of the Alien movie you would be familiar with it. This game also gives you the surprise when you get Corporal Hicks, the marine from the movie Aliens. He was supposed to be dead but if this is a confirm canon story, then he isn't really died. You will have him as a supporting character in your battles helping you. It is the ending that is frustrating. There is a "cliffhanger" feel to it as if there will be a sequel. Hope they get the sequel material out soon.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Finally got 2 of my wisdom tooth removed.... It was.... an experience of all kind of feel including pain... Right now the area hurts but in a numbing raw feeling and is not painful. I removed the cotton that aim to absorb any blood that still lingers but it seems to hurt more. I haven't ate much. Had a heavy meal before the extraction. After that can't say there is any appetite for food. Ate a kit kat bar. Hopefully it improves and I have to wait for courage again for the next extraction...
Friday, August 23, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Have you been to the new Suntec exitbition hall? There is now the The Popular Gadgets and Popular / Borders is having a book sale there too. It is to showcase the books that will come back in with the new Borders. So anything special? I would say none. Even the crowds isn't that impressive. I could do a fast walk without much obsticles. These books are either not in my interest or they are easily be found in MPH or Times. So if Borders really want to make it they better buck up and not just rely on brand power.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Borders Bookshop is coming back. Except that this time it is part of Popular Bookshop group. Borders, in the early days gave a relaxing environment and it got many books available for browsing. Popular bookshop is a more family oriented place that sells assesment books and stationary and school textbooks. It just remains to be seen how different can borders be. There was Harris and Prologue Bookshop, also part of Popular. Harris closed while Prologue is having a closing down sale. If they are banking on the Borders name, it will not be enough. They need to have the books, not just any books but books that was what made Borders. Hopefully it could survive the long run, regardless the type of books there.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Ever thought that newer things may not be better things? At least for me now. Been trying to find a good keyboard and mouse. Used to able to get a good mouse with multiple buttons. But nowadays all the mouse are plain left right buttons with a scroll wheel. And if you willing to pay more you get those costly mouse with more buttons and they are meant for gamers. So how did these people get the impression normal users doesn't need a mouse with multiple buttons? Managed to found a cheap china made mouse with additional 2 buttons but could be better. This mouse can't do horizontal scroll. Ok don't expect much for cheap but there should be affordable alternative for these mouse.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sometime you read the news, it is really weird such as the recent conclusion of the murdered of a youngster, given not guilty and cleared of all charges. If it happens to some other countries well known for unstabilty, I could understand but in the land of the big brother, they should know it is not logical. This is not even self defense how could one causes a death be cleard of charges?? Right not this issue is making waves of "riot" and could turn into race problem. Hopefully the leaders will take it seriously and rectify the error and of course, take action on the person who passed down the verdict...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
greener at the other side
Every now and then, there will always be two person envy each other. It could be job stability or blessed family life and others. But we should also note that, while it appears that one is doing well, there will always be an ugly problem behind all the goodness. The grass is always greener the other side. So make it a point to move over unless you have exhaust all options.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Hidden era
If you read the news, a private pre school staff used strength on a kid and caused fracture. All these was revealed by a camera recording. The point here, why the staff uses violent when there is a camera? It could be a hidden camera. In this era of hidden devices, one should expect it to be everywhere, to deter monkey businese. So all potiential monkeys, think twice.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Someone asked me if I am interested in a part time job. When I asked for details, the person said if I am not interested, why ask for details? Just revealing the job scope isn't enough dude. So I gave not interested as the answer. The person asked is it I have no free time. So I asked if it is weekend. The person just replied weekday after office hours. No more information. What would one expect? Relevant information such as location, duration as well pay. I am not going to ask for it since I am not the one request for the job. So I gave a no for answer anyway. Perhaps even with all the details I might still give no. :]
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Finally the first rain since the haze started. But it seems a bit late since the haze had left but it was a good start to wash off what's left of the haze. However it got strange when it rained hailstones.... Lucky it was just mini stones type cyrstals that probably will melt off into liquid. Could this really be the end of haze?
Monday, June 24, 2013
Amazingly the haze over here is over. At least over for now. Maybe it will be back later but right now life is back to normal. The haze is still there but if the Indonesian fire is still burning and the wind blowing it here we will be back in haze again. At least I finally got my N95 mask. Given free at work but it is not needed. Pity those that bought at a high price on the last day of haze....
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The recent haze is much serious and never before happened. The PSI rose past 300. The haze, caused by neighbouring Indonesia due to fires started by companies there. So it seems nothing much will be done as this haze thingy is back every year. Why would some minister there say we are behaving like children is more like slaping his own face. I would rather he stop his comments if he can't do anything then starting another with his words. Imagine the people in the affected hazed city to be breathing sooty air from those fires.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
You have any idea what this item is? Apple had finally started to go trashy with their creativity.

This is the new mac pro! It certainly doesn't look impressive. It is also not a good item to be put on a desk. It doesn't give a tidy look. And also to perform many things like add on peripherals will requires external which will have cables dangle outside. No optical drives for you if you think the era for blue ray is here. If everything is being excluded, then would you expect this cylinder be cheaper? I doubt it.

This is the new mac pro! It certainly doesn't look impressive. It is also not a good item to be put on a desk. It doesn't give a tidy look. And also to perform many things like add on peripherals will requires external which will have cables dangle outside. No optical drives for you if you think the era for blue ray is here. If everything is being excluded, then would you expect this cylinder be cheaper? I doubt it.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Rediffusion is on-air again but it will never be the same Rediffusion that entertain the elders. This new Rediffusion is only a internet station now. How would one expect the elderly be internet savy? Also the old archive programs offered online need to process a bit. The sound are muffled. I couldn't hear what the host was talking. If Rediffusion is a internet station, would they continue the dialet programmes? We have enough of mandarin and english programmes.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
A lot of noise been made on the net. This time, it seems the government wants to "regulate" local websites that post news on Singapore. The gov had listed over 10 websites, which are own by commerical media companies. But the new rule will have impact on other sites with high visits. So if I am posting news on what's happening around my home/town/school/workplace and it will be need a license in order to continue, especially if I get a high number of visit. Why in the first place need to regulate? So as not put up negative news? I believe news are news. There is no good or bad. It is what's happening around us. No one owns the news and by regulating them you are creating negative news on yourself.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
My computer of about 4 years recently broke down. Thinking that it oculd be the mainboard I bought new board and a new processor effectively upgrading my computer to a higher but not latest. It was some test of patience as such do it yourself assemble just isn't smooth sail. The board seems to be a bit out of alignment that the screw seems a bit hard to screw in. The back panel also doesn't fit. I have to use a piler and hammer to flatten some portion to get it in. Now after assemble, it took some time to adapt. There is not more use of the floppy. However that is still some problem with the power. Hard to start up. Guess I will need to change the power supply unit. Maybe I will test run the rig until this weekend.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Today news of actor Huang Wenyong passed away appears on all news website. He is the pioneer actor of local TV. In the early days, TV wasn't so colourful but the shows although simple was interesting. He was one of the young actor taking the lead. When he stared on The Awakening that show made him famous for his role. It is sad that the current station doesn't seems to appricate these contributions from actors from those years. Mostly they younger idols got the awards.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Recently the government had plan to removes the kampongs in ubin island. When people started to state their objections online, now the plan got scrapped. However there will be rents that the villagers must pay. So how could the villagers afford the rent? Shouldn't the gov suppose to assist the poor?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Lately i have been fascinated at watching documentary. So far most documentaries are usually narrated by a voice while showing scenes. Unless it is of the topics you are interested it seems very dull and gives you the feeling of, depending of the subject can be dull and cruel. It seems most of those wild life and nature type have such feel. Had watched the Nostradamus Effect, while it have actors portraying characters, it still feel distance and the topics shown can be disturbing to the mind. Lately, I am now watching the UFO Hunters. If you have interest in UFO related topic, don't get expectations up. No one have a definite answer but because this documentary uses characters on screen doing their search, it feels interactive and lively.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
If you read the news, you would have know that the coffeeshops are planning to have self-serving system without the coffee boys. Coffee boys are the name of the coffeeshop assistants. They will take your order and bring you your drinks. I would normally prefer to order drinks when these boys come to take your order. I would usually skip the drinks if it is a self serving system. I would be going to nearby provision shop and buy my drinks after my meal. Business aside, these coffee boys are part of our local history and should in some ways retain. If you can't hire locals, oversea workers should be it. Jobs for local is a yes but such jobs are usually rejected by local so the government should be flexible in managing these restrictions.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
It is sad to know that my friend Ally had passed away. She is a positive lady who bravely faced the battle of her illness. I know her from Tagged. Met once too when she was in town. Yes, she is from neigbouring Malaysia. Even so we would get to chat on MSN when there is a chance and usually she would msg me when I was online. It was regrettable that I wasn't using much msn for this last two months when it started to migrate to Skype. But I could still get to Tagged daily to tagged at her. I am grateful for the person to sms the sad news and thankful that by including her name I know that it isn't a wrong number. She will always be my friend.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The lastest IT show is at Marina Bay Sand Expo. It is a refreshing new location where it looks like a tropical beach area when you looked outside and see all the palm trees. There are also enough security to move human traffic smoothly, unlike the situation in Suntec that the human jam is terrible. The IT show however feels different, there are many banks "hawking" at people. Everywhere you walk there will be a bank booth and people will be pestering you to apply for a credit card. Unlike the good old days when IT show was at the former World Trade Center location, all the booths are pure computer related. Here you even get a booth selling special zipped up plastic bags. I don't see any chips in it.....
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Ever thought that when one do a spring cleaning they clear out their unwanted stuffs, they are actually clearing out their personal history too? Those stuffs could be something that tag along with you some 10 years ago. It could also be something that cannot be found again in stores. Imagine you trashed something that is minor like some collectable item some 5 years ago and it could even worth more now. While some other stuff might not worth any value it would be a reminder of the old days.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
It is quite surprising that people would go purchase medicine from outside your country. Wouldn't it be dangerous for consumsion? Without being validate by the local health authority you will not know if it contains any dangerous elements. News of people getting sick from unknown drugs surely wouldn't be the last. There are rotton apples everywhere trying to con your wealth so it is not worth the health. Get your medicine from your local drug store.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
There will be a change of coins. After years of using the current design it feels a bit sad to switch to new coins. The question is, they have left out the 1 cent coin. While it is true not many people will miss it, they should release it as collector item. Without the 1 cent seems to make this coin set incomplete.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Having been using the new Windows 8 seems to gives me the impression it is not as good as the Windows 7 operationg system. It seems to run slower for some programs and for others it won't run. Also the metro interface which is more for touch screen devices seems more of an annoyance instead. Luckily I managed to bought it at a discount so I guess no loss if need to downgrade.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
I had just watched a video showing some old footage of the old days when people shared their TV. In those kampong days neighbous would crowd around someone's home to watch TV. Was told then TV was a premium item. Compare to today one househould could have multiple TVs. With all the flat screen TV sets now, kids today won't get their fantasy jolt up. The old CRT type TVs used to gave me creeps when I was a kid. When late a night, when you switch off the TV the screen will kind of have a bright flash and fades towards the center with white patch of light. There was this effect of something will crawl out of the TV in such manners in reverse. Those day Sadako haven't make an inpact yet. So monster crawling out of TV is just that, nothing as horror as Sadako.
Friday, February 15, 2013
If you read the news today you will know that a space rock crashed into Russia causing some damage. They call that rock a meteorite. According to NASA, there is a giant sized astroid apporaching Earth. While the chance of it crashing into Earth is remote, no one expect a meteorite to crashed into Russia. But if that giant do crash, it will be almost end of everything.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Lunar New Year coming but there seems to be a number of sad news regarding the loss of human lives. We should take good care of ourselves. Must exercise and go for check up for any health issues. For those travelling do be alert as it seems the roads are quite dangerous now with news of death and injuries from road accidents. It could be avoided easily.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
I broke a cassette player but still unable to save the cassette. Yes. I am still using one. In the modern age of CD and even digital audio, I still have my heap of cassettes. They have been through my growing years. Some of the songs in it I would say are golden that even radio doesn't even play them. I play the cassette mainly to transfer the sound to computer for storage. Just my luck the player or maybe the cassette just got crappy at the moment and they got tangled. I spent over an hour trying to untangle them, before taking out the roller and lastly the cassette tape broke.... So I broke the player and also lost the tape.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Was sick on Monday. Strange which I actually was sick on Sunday but did not think much of it. Monday went for doctor, got two days MC. Now I feel good again. So what went wrong. I got diarrhoea amd I have no idea what did I ate. The day on Saturday I ate nothing much in the day. Before sleep I ate instant noodle. Next day morning I had the watery loo session. I think nothing of it. Then in the afternoon it got worse, at least I don't feel well too. At night can't sleep because loo session every forty to fity minutes. I am still puzzled now but glad it is over now.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Spiderman dead again.... in a sense
It's been just few days in the new year and I get to read an unexpected news in the comics world. They are killing Spiderman, in another sense. They are killing his character, his soul. Confused? I was too but after a few other articles, I got the idea. Peter Parker's soul got swapped with Doctor Octopus. Simple as that. The doctor get to retain all of Peter's memories and his body plus the spider powers. I guess the doctor also retains his genius mindset. As for Peter his mind will be trapped in Doctor's body and if I did not get the wrong idea, the doctor's body is dying.... So how was that going? The comics world just need to go killing their heroes in many creative ways and will bring them back.
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