Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Year end is here again? How did it go for 2012? It didn't get better? No worries as long it did not get worse. Every year is a challenge. I guess that is life but life is not only about living a life. It is also about living happy as we could. The world is a mess but at least you are not alone so have a good year ahead in 2013. Happy new year.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
We survived Dec 21....
We survived Dec 21 and now Christmas is over so I guess it is one of the "nerve" wrecking self created fear of being reached the end of whatever we are. However, it seems that this isn't the only so called prediction of being end days. There were some that went burr it seem the early days the internet isn't that well connect and such informations doesn't seems to affect the majority or people. Those who still lives in caves…. I mean those who doesn't stick to technology seems to be ignorant of this date and the meaning. So what is the next nerve wrecking date? The next one will never be as big as this Dec 21 unless the origin is as big as the Mayans...
Thursday, December 20, 2012
20th dec now....
This is it! Today, now is 20th Dec. The dates ended in the Mayan calendar. But if now is 20th here, in Australia it will soon be 21th!! Since the Earth is ball shaped, that area will be rolling into the next day first. So if the end comes, it will come for all at once right?
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
ending soon or just another myth?
The day is approaching. The Dec 21 so call end of the world day. Everyone in the world, at least those who took notice for it, are waiting with bated breath, I guess. Hollywood movies had even made such end of the world sceanarios like 2012 and Knowing. However I do believe that, if the world is indeed ending, there would be no escape. I do not believe that the Maya which their dates ending at 21 Dec mean the end. An end of the date does it also mean end of time? If it does, it could be end of everything. Rather to think too much of it, just take it one step a time and hope for a better tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Exactly whose fault is it?
The bus strike recently finally got SMRT to sit up and "clean" up their act. The drivers' complaint about the differences in pay is only part of the issue. The main straw seems to be on the accommodation such as bed bug infestation. The drivers feedback to management which seems to swept them to some long waiting list. So now that after a "strike" the management finally take action. Such management take action so fast against unhappy workers by using the law onto them but when workers feedback through proper channel it seems to lead to nowhere. So some drivers sacrificed themselves and got jailed and deported back. Now news is that these drivers that remains finally got increment, regardless the amount, at least still increase in pay. The clean up in the dormitory also got started. Is it only SMRT or does other big company also like to put staff feedbacks to long waiting list? Why do those drivers got punished but SMRT just got "scolded" by ministers and nothing else? How will they expect to provide good public services when their own people are not being treated respected?
Saturday, December 1, 2012
cheap unique drives
Recently saw some push cart stores at some shopping mall selling some special thumbdrive with cartoon shells. They are good as gifts. I doubt they will last as a drive. Most stores sell them quite expensive but today managed to find one selling quite cheap even available 1 GB drive! It is a good buy.
Friday, November 30, 2012
bottomless pit?
Today the newspaper had a new article about a mysterious bottomless pit the site of a crater somewhere in Washington. It was said to be a site of supernatural related. What is interesting is the bottomless part. It is hard to imagine to have a bottomless holes on Earth, no matter how deep you dug there will always be an end. However it is a interesting article that if you search on google for Mel's Hole, you will get results on this, and possible other related pits.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
new foolish way to waste food
Just read an article that the internet craze had turn to something called milking. It involves pouring milk over your own head at any location while someone will take a picture of that action. It is like that planking thing except minus the dangerous situation unless these jokers will want to stand at dangerous grounds. Jokers indeed wasting milk while somewhere else others have no access to milk. Hope this will not grow to many others, at least remove the food items. One should never play with food, especially to waste them.
Monday, November 26, 2012
new packages for cigarettes
Australia been using new packages for cigarettes boxes. Those boxes will not have brands and logos and the pictures are those gross diseased human organs that was caused by smoking. How would such packages deter people from smoking? I would think it won't do much. People who hate the pictures could just transfer the contents to other boxes. If the government really wants to remove smoking, they should ban it. Since it is really causing health problem, that should be reason enough to ban it.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Rubbery phones
It may soon coming out rubbery mobile phones. These type of phone will be flexible. You may probably be able to put in your back pocket and sit down without worry it will be cracked. It may be a while before such products be in the shop but would you take up such a phone? One thing for sure you wouldn't worry if you dropped it. But what if it got hot?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sitex at Expo I not going
The Sitex computer show is happening as usual around this time of the year. However I won't be going there as the location just isn't central to me. I would prefer to visit Sim Lim for the usual not so crowded and get stuff at the same of similar price too. Is Expo really such a good venue?
Monday, November 12, 2012
Interesting book
Had a chance to browse a book at the bookstore today. The books is The Custordian. It is quite interesting about aliens abduction type topics. It mentioned in one chapter that Aliens are already been in contact with some and have been assisting mankind to evolves. While it is worth reading with an open mind, it is indeed quite different from other books.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Dumb luck
Sometimes it seems like in the movie but it could also happen real life. You arrive for the schdule but fail to find where. Messages and calls went unanswered. Tried again the voice at the other side said not to call again. Well at least inform if you are not there yet. Maybe there was some hidden problem but since this is not drama some things just won't be shown.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Little India during festival is better than Chinatown
Deepavali at Little India is something like Lunar New Year at Chinatown. However, it seems Chinatown is onlya small area and the shops just cannot be compared with teh shops in Serangoon. Along the road are shops selling clothes and stuff plus the tents set up to sell more stuff. Chinatown would just be that one area whie the shops are mostly for tourists browsing souvenirs. Also there are many people there but you do not feel trapped as there are roads and paths to get out. In Chinatown within the festival area you will be trapped.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Disney owns Lucasflim
Unexpectedly, someone told me that Disney bought over the Star Wars franchise. I thought could it be another fake news? Unfortunately it is real. Major websites are reporting it. Disney bought over Lucasflim. There are good news though. For die hard fans, expect more movies to be out. What what kind of storylines? It will never be the same without the original Luke Skywalker and Hansolo actors. The bad news will probably be that Siths and Jedis may not use excessive violence anymore. Less planetary invasions with tons of troopers. Expect more kiddy adventures from C3PO, R2D2, Ewoks and maybe Jar Jar Bink. Marvel is an example.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Road crossing can still be dangerous
Crossing the roads even when the lights are green for pedestrian can still be quite dangerous. Recently I witness while people are still crossing, one car started to drive pass. Such reckless driver should be jailed with fine and also ban from driving. Ultimately we have to be on alert at all times, never to assume that everyone sticks to the rules.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Think before ranting.
The recent case of "racial" posting by a high rank union person sparks comments from everyone. Next she made apologies for her postings. Would making apologies be enough to put out the fire started by one dumb post? She of all people should be educated enough to know what not to post. She got the "Donald Trump" word and action of the day - "You're fired!" and now she had to go oversea to hide while someone even made police report against her. Will this be a lesson to anyone else wanting to post without thinking straight? In time, this will be forgotten and the cycle will start again. This posting isn't the first and won't be the last. There must always be tolerant in our society.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I am not talking about grass if you understand the text
Is grass at the other side greener? This saying have been used by people who have been admiring their peers at the other side, having done so well. However as time goes, we all get to know the real meaning of the grass, it looks greener but there is a hidden view. Our peer from the other side also admires the green grass which we are holding. But they doesn't know or understand the problems that we faces, nor do they relate their problems to us, at least not with details, or no one will understand until we get the taste of it. So having green grass may not be good. If that is the case does that mean we aim our side to a new site of grass patch? Every green grass patch have their own hidden rotten side. We should be grateful to the grass that we have, at least if we could still holding it, tries to hold it with some positive view. Crossing to the greener patch maybe even more worse than what you get in your original grass. Always take things with a positive view. Never get angry at things going bad. It ain't life treathening nor will it causes you to go bust since it isn't a casino. Everything will work out fine, else you could still leave the grass patch. But that will only be the last option as finding a new grass patch may not be as good as your old grass patch so leave it for the new patch if you really can't hold on to it.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thumbs up for minister support.
Since last month the news of the hair cut teacher made waves when the overreacting parent made police report of it, the Education minister finally official spoke in agreement with the teacher. He explained that after numerous reminders that the teacher decide to take such action. Read from the Chinese article to better understand. From the previous news report when it first happened, I feel the principal did not gives their support to the teacher. The teacher even have to apologize and having police report made against her. Without proper support from the principal, how to you expect the teachers to stay long under your care as well, how to expect good students of upbringing, further more these students will be the future leaders of our country. Learning methods from the past is never be the past. They are effective then they are effective now without all the high tech gadgets and all the welfare treatment nonsenses.
Minister support:
Mypaper 13-Sep 2012
Minister support:
Mypaper 13-Sep 2012
Teacher cuts pupil's hair, mum files police report
Straitstimes 23-Aug 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
different treatment for winners
After reading the letter column in the Straits Times, someone pointed out that the prize awards for Paralympic medals winners was much different from the Olympic, as well the from the last Paralympic. While I am sure the athletics would feel it to be an honor to represent the country to participate, but the question here is that why such big differences? Perhaps we can't group both event with the same status but such a big can't seem to justify without some explanations.
From 5-9-2012 Straits Times
From 5-9-2012 Straits Times
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Pearl's Centre will be affected by the new MRT planning
The new MRT line is beginning with the planning and as usual more "casualties". One of them is the current Pearl's Center. While I agree the center is nothing much interesting, there is some better part that is the atmosphere and the people. The feel is there and when it is gone it is like something missing from Chinatown. Also the cinema which is the one of its kind will also be gone. It seems inevitable that the building will be demolished, hopefully some of those shops and establishments be move to another nearby building.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
RIP Neil Armstrong
Mankind lost their space hero as the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong passed away today. He was the greatest during his time and after years passed he is still the only greatest space hero. The space race ever since ended and till today there have been no progress in space explorations. Man need to put away their squabbles and look toward the sky together. Right now all man can do is to launch out space probes. They had retired their space shuttles. Perhaps some private companies with out the burden of politics will get to build the first ever space ship that will get to bring out people to further out, possibly Mars. Right now there is no slim chance at all. Not even any structures for moon base.
Friday, August 24, 2012
news of the whimpy kid
Has Singaporean parents become overprotective to their kids? This looks more like show off syndrome than kiasu syndrome. Either syndrome isn't good, especially when a kid is involved. You read the news about the kid hair need to trim but for real reasons not revealed, letters were being handed to parents about get a haircut, were ignored. The teacher cut the hair of the kid and the mom started going hyper boost and gone to complain to the media, MOE and even police. The detail being boasted, a $60 haircut before the cut and need another $60 haircut after the teacher "force" cut. I wondered if the mom herself is a true local breed singaporean? I had my share of being trim by teacher when I was a student and that is nothing to think of. It is normal. No one laughs about it nor joke at those "victims". Here it reported the kid felt ashamed and won't go out the house without a $60 haircut….. I get my haircut for $8. Imagine those people who had no money for food and this show off everyone her money power plus complain power. Misuse police by reporting this useless happening. The school should be supportive of the teacher. If the parent gone whimpy over their kids the school will need to stand firm where they have to impart some good moral values to the kids, who will be our future leaders one day. This kid will grow up a loser since he cannot even take a haircut from a teacher. He will not survive enlistment. How will he survive society when more menacing stuff awaits? His poor up bringing are because of his over protective mom, his name as well the mom is now forever stars. Their names and fames will be stuck in the internet and they will be forever known as the haircut stars. So far nothing about the Dad being mention. If the Dad knows what's right he better start to take matters in control, for his kid's future.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
fake disabled
Recently I went to Melecca. Something caught my eyes was that there was a man crawling on the floor with the impression that he is a disabled person with legs problem. He wore a big cardboard with some wordings. I did not get to read clearly what it wrote. The man was like holding a metal tin, perhaps it contains money given by passerby. After a while when I next pass by the area again, this time I saw the man, able to sit up and he stood up and cross the road..... I was kind of surprised, that his disabilities were fake. It was this kind of act that many people would not really give them money. It would seems that such people looking for easy money would be everywhere preying on the kind people around.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
where are the coloured flags?
National day is here. I still remember National day used to see those coloured flags put up at the street lamps. Now seldom you can see the flags. They instead put up banners. I still like the colour flags. They are simple but they sure can captive young minds. The banners of today have the messges for the people but the design is plain. Can't they put up both?
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
medals earned any differences
Olympic is coming to an end. Singapore managed to bag in 2 bronze medals. The last Olympic Singapore bagged 1 silver. So people start to ask, is 2 bronze better than 1 silver? So will the coach be moved to other position after a few coach movements? It seems that way after they got their medals in previous matches. Right now lets be grateful for the medals earned. Hopefully Singapore sports get some improvements and they need to have local talents in it. Well done to the sportsmen who participate.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
US is not the only place to produce champions
The Olympics have many news now that matches started. What is more shocking than some timing cock up is that accusations over other athletics who won. The Ye Shiwen's world record have the westerners up in arm claiming she is using "dope". Despite the Olympic will conduct test and results are not out the accusations still on-going. This seems to bring out the western ego like what happened during the pre WWII in China where western powers kind of split up territories among themselves. Here they can't accept a Chinese that best them all. Does that mean that only champions materials be in US? With the kind of population in China and the hard work they put in, it will be a matter of time before champion of champions emerge from China. In a international event, until the official said otherwise, be a graceful loser and move on. If you want "justice", make sure the Korean who lost in the fencing due to some timing cock up gets hers. Right now the west have no case on Shiwen's performances.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
walk for children society
Today I am at the Bishan doing the community walk. Walking around the park is easy but walk among the large crowd is not. They are moving extremely slow. I managed to squeeze through most slow walkers and at the front most of them are faster walker so it is easy to walk. It was a good experience.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Who to save?
The question that have no answer have started again. Who would you save should they both fell into the water? Wife or Mom? Tough question that happened to someone as reported on the WanBao on 25-July. The man saved his wife first and got some harsh words. This looks like a no win situation in term of critics. Save mom first will get the same bad comments. The good news is that no one died. The guy made a logical decision. He save the nearest first. Should he decide to save the one furthest away he risked losing both.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Strong stuff for a documentary
I finally watch finish the documentary series Nostradamus Effect. It is a very "disturbing" show even though it seems to stick more with religions. The disturbing part is that it seems to imply to current situations around the world. While the series name I would get the impression the show is more on Nostradamus and his predictions, this documentary is more about end of the world and about Christian faith and the coming of Jesus. The chilling part would be on how the end will come. What about other religion get to say about it? Although the show did talk about some minor portion of Egyptian and Mayan stuff, mostly it would be about Jews. From here I know is that there are connection with Islam and Christian. And it would be this connection which would come about regarding the end. Watch it with a pinch of salt but beware it could mess with your mind. Lastly, Newton calculated the end date would be 2060 but Nostradamus' possible date is somewhere over 3797…. Regardless how it will end, just be a good person.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Newton calculated the end as 2060
After watching a documentary from the History Channel on prophecy, it says that Issac Newton, the great scientist had calculated the end of the world. While nothing on how he came to that conclusion, he gave the year 2060 as the end. I would say the word end is vague as it can mean end of civilization, or end of all life as well end of the world. But will we see the end will be something else. While the documentary describe all things linked to the Bible, to other religions they may have other interpretations. Right now Newton's notes only recently surfaced and will still need more studies. Hopefully not all be negative news.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Garden By The Bay what is so special?
The Garden By The Bay doesn't seems to be going right just by the admission price. After reading the article from Yahoo, it seems even foolish to even go there. The admission price is $20. What is there to look other than plants? Although you are looking at them from some structure, it still doesn't seem worth the price. Unless you are a botanist, then perhaps it is a once in a lifetime to look at plants collected from around the world. Also there is chicken rice being sold for also $20?! This sound like cut throat. For that price I could go to a good restaurant. Chicken rice will all taste the same what is so special that it cost so high? Even the so call best chicken rice outside will just cost you maybe $8. I could have my KFC marathon and might have spare cash left from $20...
Friday, July 13, 2012
National day song is nothing special now
National Day is coming as usual those special songs meant for that day. But it seems as songs goes pop, it just doesn't sound as catchy as those in the early days. I feel that such songs should be catchy and fun to sing. Even though it is very patriotic but it is catchy. The composer of today aim it as some pop song with well known pop singer singing it. But how many of us could remember the song, sing it or even remember the tune? I couldn't and I am sure neither could you remember last year's song.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
today's annoying tv ad
The most annoying thing on TV is that music sang by the kids about saving Earth. Over play and I believe they have shortened it but still annoying. It is for a good cause yes but to force it down your throat every ad time is too much. A nice sound it may be now becomes annoying sound. Yes right now I hate it.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
movie showing now
It's been a long time since Mel Gibson been in the movies especially since his rants that caused some stir. His last show The Beaver doesn't do much. Now his current movie How I Spent My Summer Vacation although lack much action it is still entertaining. The action is there and Mel's character is a survivor and kind of a joker. It is worth watching.
Friday, June 22, 2012
meet up vs chat over apps
Ever feels that behind the hi-tech apps you could chat so well with the person on the other side, but then when you meet up it just seems like both are on different section of the bookshelf? Guess this is why there is nervousness of meeting up. But if meeting up doesn't give you much to talk why would using sms or man be any easier? Most likely the emoticons. Looks like we would need to do better than to expect more in a meet up in that case there would be no disappointment.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
MS new tablet PC
Microsoft have finally released their own tablet. How would that ever compete with iPad? It probably might not be much of a threat the first time. But if there are interests and prospect, after some fine tune and improvement there will be a chance to be in the market. Perhaps it will have to take on the Galaxy then it can be view if it can go against Apple. Or maybe it will just be another alternative pad out there after Galaxy.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Budget comes with a price on timing
Budget airline been getting delays due to technical reasons. Some of those delays made it to the news. People been complaining about the bad services, not have any food and drinks or even a proper place to sleep. It has been happening and yet people still goes to them. They are budget and won't work like the other major airlines. If people expect good services they will have to pay more to travel on those luxury airlines. Ultimately as long they get deliver you to your destination safely they have done their job.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Battle of the sexes still on-going
It seems that battle of the sexes are still on-going. When a certain actress commented on local men, people start to agree and disagree, as well as the genders start to take their sides. The usual, there is never any perfect person around, be it men or ladies. If you start to comment, do you think you are must better too? Ultimate it will be the money and appearances that matters to most people. And it seems the media that starts to fan the fire have been getting their fuel from those usual, slim, pretty type. How come they did not get their comments from those bigger sized and appearance wise that isn't impressive? These group would probably have different thinking. When it seems that you do not have much of a selection you will take what you get so to the people being used by the media, you are being used.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Facebook posting problem
It seem strange I couldn't post to Facebook. At least I know it is a Facebook problem after I found a website inform that users feedback about the issue. Apparently they have the same problem too. Hopefully Facebook resolve the problem. I would rather to be locked out rather than to see posts but couldn't reply.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
DC going towards extreme
DC comics after their relaunch seems to be going towards dark. It have been like more violent in the already violent Batman titles, more sex too in other titles as well Batman. So now they want to adjust a well established character into gay. It isn't new but to adjust an established character is just to get into the bad books of fans. If it is some established but seldom used character that doesn't been in relationships before, it might not be a big deal. Might as well make it as Superman. He had already gone through death, marriage and now he is single again for unexplained reasons. Might as well put Jimmy Olsen in there since Jimmy doesn't really have a girlfriend and he is Clark's best friend! Well, either way I haven't been reading the new DC. Perhaps I will try the Green Lantern titles once they put Sinestro back as villain.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Music scene passes
This week have been quite a sad week in the music scene. At least for the people who have gone through the early era of disco. Donna Summer and Robin Gibb or the Bee Gees passed away. It seems like not long ago, during February Whitney Huston passed. One thing in common, they passed away young. I am proud to say I went through my early years listening to music, with some of the songs from them. They are legends and their songs would be always preserved in CDs and mp3s.
Monday, May 14, 2012
MIO problem (again)
MIO crashes out on soccer fans. Disruptions to the live telecast of English Premier League on Sunday night seems like the sport version of the MRT breakdown. The usual excuses. Remember during the world cup there were problems as usual? MIO will need to improve and improve. There will always be some new problems and when it happenes you will get the wraths of your consumers. People were forced to use your services because you held the soccer matches contract. What is the use of having it when your infrastructure can't handle it?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's day
Today is mother's day. Found this story which seems to be partly true to some of us. If it does happens do change for the better!
If you treat your mom this way it is not too late to amend!
A Tribute to Mothers
When you came into the world, she held you in her arms.
You thanked her by wailing like a banshee.
When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you.
You thanked her by crying all night long.
When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk.
You thanked her by running away when she called.
When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love.
You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor.
When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons
You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.
When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays.
You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud
When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school.
You thanked her by screaming, "I'M NOT GOING!"
When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball.
You thanked her by throwing it through the next-door-neighbor's window.
When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream.
You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap.
When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons.
You thanked her by never even bothering to practice.
When you were 10 years old, she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastics to one birthday party after another.
You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.
When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies.
You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row.
When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows.
You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.
When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming.
You thanked her by telling her she had no taste.
When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp.
You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter.
When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug.
You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.
When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car.
You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.
When you were 17, she was expecting an important call.
You thanked her by being on the phone all night.
When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation.
You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.
When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bags.
You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends.
When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone.
You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business."
When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future.
You thanked her by saying, "I don't want to be like you."
When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation.
You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.
When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment.
You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly.
When you were 24, she met your fiance and asked about your plans for the future.
You thanked her by glaring and growling, "Muuhh-ther, please!"
When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.
When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby.
You thanked her by telling her, "Things are different now."
When you were 40, she called to remind you of a relative's birthday.
You thanked her by saying you were "really busy right now."
When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her.
You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.
And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Movie time on Avengers
Managed to catch a show for the Avengers. Not a bad show. There are some hilarous moments with the Hulk. Was surprised that the theater was not full. Ok the ticket was a sponsor by my uncle's company but you mean there is not much people in the company interested in the Avengers? I am glad I got the chance to watch it in theater. Since it is a Marvel production, they have the usual end of the show scene where it reveals that the next villain or villains will be the Kree. These guys in the comics will tangle with Silver Surfer and Fantasic Four. So does Marvel think that Avengers will always be best to talk on alien invasions?
Friday, May 4, 2012
comics not just for juniors
Comics today, as well as some cartoons are certainly not for children. Most of these materials are written by adults for adults. The plots and the texts are sometime quite hard to understand and certainly not for children. So how would one knows which are for children? You will have to look at the art. If the art is drawn very childish, simple story, everyone are friendly and it is a happy ending with everyone smiling that should be the one. Somehow the publisher wanted to earn their dollars from both adults and juniors that you get to see kiddish version of Spiderman and Teen Titans. Then again, how many children would go for these when they have pokemon and Spongebob? As for Spongebob, it certainly is for juniors but it captures adults too. How many such shows could be fun enough for all ages?
Thursday, May 3, 2012
track your dreams?
Does anyone tracks their own dreams? I do tried but usually I would have forgotton them when I wake up. Some of the more memorable ones I will jolt down. Some dreams can be a mess yet it seems to reflect your everyday view like you are living it. Nothing spectecular but it feels like you are living it. Some of them you can perform extrodinary feats like high jumps over distants. While it may be dreams but it sure feel good.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
iPhone can switched identities!
It seems that the iPhone had scored another first of its kind of disaster, swoop of contacts between users. How could such thing happen? The story indicate the user did an upgrade of the iOS which could mean something happened along the way. It must mean that some apple server been storage our contacts. Then there were more stories on the chinese papers. Users claimed it even happened over night! If that is the case it should mean that some apps running on the iPhone been sending and receiving contacts infomation. So far Apple remain silent on these.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Istana visit
Today by chance came upon the opening of the Istana. I decide to go for it since I have never been there before. I would be turned off if I know of the remove all things from pocket and go though scanning like those custom. Lucky for me I don't usually carry many things. I was also holding on a plastic bag which I bought from a bookshop. I dumped the coins into the bag. Went through fine, other than pissed by a blocker in front of me for not moving. The Istana walk was easy. It reminds me of Botanic Garden. I walked all the way to the house there, found that visitors need to buy ticket. I took a few pics with my phone and walk the way back. The walking distance would take about 10 minutes.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Getting sick with the weather
Today was a good day. Not much task during work. The weather is quite good. However I got a slight nose block. Must be due to the weather. These few days the weather can be so hot or it rained heavily. Hopefully it will not affect my luck for the week.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
MRT should start major repairs
The recent news about MRT breakdown, seems to form two group of people. One groups feels it is normal for it to breakdown, just like the London subway. The other group feel it is unacceptable for the frequent broke down. While breaking down is unavoidable, it is the breaking down during rush hour seems to piss people. During the broke down period, the MRT staff are not organised, not helpful with informations as well there is no proper buses provided. Then the people feel that with the increased in ridership and fare, the transport company should spend on better maintanence. So maybe now the company will wise up and do something with the government's help. Just fine the company for bad services just will not do as it will just be ammunitions for some politcal issues at the next election. It maybe some 4 years on but the issues will not be forgotton.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Replaced new devices
I just replaced my router and keyboard. Just my luck that I got spares for these. Not quite used to the keyboard though. The contour of the keyboard are much different. It feels so different when your fingers keep moving to the wrong area where there used to have the keys when using the old keyboard. Even the backspace key became a small key while the old keyboard it was a long key. Right now the mouse would be next.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
aged another year
It is funny that this year quite a few persons notice my birthday coming but it is tomorrow. They must have know about it from my facebook. Now that they know it, they started to wish me happy birthday. Actually now to think of it, birthday is really telling you you have aged. So it is for the adults I guess....
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
a year again
It is like a blink of an eye and a year passing again. The birthday is coming again. So what had I achieve? Basically nothing much. At least I managed to maintain my health. Perhaps something good will reach this year. Perhaps as usual...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Dreams that could mean something?
Ever had weird dreams? Usually dreams would be forgotten once woken up. However I had this dream which seems to stick on after a few days. I have been pondering if it meant something. In the dream, I am approaching someone, who seems to be demanding something or couldn't get his wish. He then threw something at the direction of my leg. That something seems to be kind of sharp. Somehow I do not feel anything emotion and I just move on away. Once I woke up, I kind of rewind, does that mean I will have leg problem? Meaning my mobility could be affected? Scary but I will be careful for now.
Friday, March 30, 2012
posting without thinking
Proud youth gets into trouble because of their rash posting. They post without thinking of the consqeuences. Knowing that their posting is aiming at a majority group of people, they just post them onto the net. The net is like a public notice board. Everyone gets to read it. If you put it as private, for the privileged friends that you tagged, think again. One of the youth got "poked" by one of these friends when her private post got leaked. Perhaps those friends are just net friends. For various reasons, it just happened. Will this be a lesson to future posters? It certainly won't be the last.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Job apply with Facebook access
In the US, if a person applies for a job, there is a possibility that the company may ask him for his Facebook access. According to news article, it stated that the company involves wants to know more about the person. Indeed, depending on how much a user of Facebook uses, the degree of showing oneself will be different. But it would be very uncomfortable to force someone to show you his access, or even force to friend the manager or someone whom you have no wish to friend. Sure you can reject and you won't get your job too. What has the world come to be? What about those that never uses Facebook? You might say it is unbelievable and would assume it would be an excuse to fake out. Right now it might be hard to control in the US but for other smaller countries, I doubt this problem would happen. The gov would surely comes down hard on company demanding the Facebook access. What next? Key to your apartment?
Monday, March 19, 2012
Hover screen
Touch screen on smart phone have been much adapted. Personally I would have preferred the old styled buttons. You can type without looking at the screen or the keypad. You just feel on the edge of the buttons to get the character you want. Now Sony comes out with the float screen. According to the Yahoo article which describe the function as "You don’t even need to caress the screen of Sony’s “magical” smartphone to interact with it -- just hover your finger over the screen to navigate through the menus." How is hover being easy? Until I get to use one I would decide how good it is but until then, I could imagine, if my finger touches the screen would the command given be taken or not? How far the hovering be the accepted distance? Right now the thought of hover for longer timing just don't seems good for the finger.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Cybertron Con 2012
Went to the first ever Transformers Cybertron Convention at Sentosa. It is my first ever self trip to the island. Entrance fee just pay using ezlink like using the MRT. A bit of finding the way to the convention hall and it was a breeze. I had purchase the ticket in advance so I need not have to queue again. However the craps started here onwards. You have blockers everywhere. It was difficult to take pictures and blockers even start to stand behind you that if you step backwards you step into them. Next into the merchandise section, everything are quite expensive. The toys are not impressive. They can be found outside and the Decepticon Rodimus is a collectable but costly. Only for die hard collectors. What I hate is that all the merchandises are from the movies characters. Many of them Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. I don't see how Bumblebee can be a leading character despite it been one in the movie and subsequent animation Prime. They are a redesigned vehicle. Unlike the original Transformers cartoon where there are many many other characters much better than Bumblebee.
At a wedding dinner
At a wedding dinner of a colleague tonight. It was the usual yum sing from the usual kakis. When the video shown at how picking up bride will always be hard to get thing where the guys will have to do some task before they be enter house, I find that most every wedding similar happening to the guys. It seems to be a put off to me. For now I am still waiting. Maybe until then I may think different.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Scarlet Heart is good
After watching finish the drama Scarlet Heart, I was surprised I could get attracted to such shows. I don't usually watch drama, least to say, idol type plus love and cry type. Somehow when I do channel hopping and I procee to watch portion by portion, I got hooked. I got hooked onto the ongoing plot and following the adventure of the female lead. Then there is also the theme song or music that is very captivating. When mix this with heart wrenching scene, I would go into feely mode. The ending isn't that perfect but still well done. They did it to start a second part. The second part probably wouldn't be as good as the first. Until it comes out, it remains to be seen if it breaks as hard as the first, the tear ducts. Right now, the theme music is stuck in my mind. Early days I heard of such sad music from computer game xuan yuan jian, now this music is as good, if not better. Maybe you can't compare but right now I would give it five stars.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
DBS again?
DBS is at it again. It is another case of fraud using ATM cards. This time now is happening right here locally. However now DBS isn't forthcoming on details on how such fraud could happen again after the 1st incident which is just last month. Would consumers lose confidence with the bank? Some perhaps but most others will probably stay put. With such news, consumers will get compensated by the bank so there isn't much money to lose but maybe lose some sleep over it if you happen to be the victim. As usual, the consumer will have to take their own initiative to do what is best for them.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
protect animals road users
Having animals knocked down by cars isn't much of a big news. I have seen my fair share of dead rats, birds and sometime cats, on the road. While most of the time the knockers would usually fled without a trace, the latest case not only did he not get to fled off but he left behind an item that would track down the car, the car plate. The driver went back and it became that he "returned to the scene feeling something was wrong". However what makes the news sizzling is that the driver is a national bowler. I have no idea who he is but if he is a national person, then there is a 40% of the people knows him and it seems his fame just expanded, not for bowling but for knocking the dog and not stopping. He returned later but it just isn't the same as stopping on the spot. Most people, even myself would believe he have no choice to come back because his car plate dropped. Due to this incident, now people start to question, why the law does not applies to cats or rats or other animals? According to the article on Mypaper 21-02-12 only certain animals are protected by this law. People are more kinder to animals now and some animal groups wants something to be done on this. Meanwhile the bowler will be in the spotlight especially the internet age.
Mypaper 21-02-12

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Bookshops are closing
Bookshops are closing one by one. Each giving the reason due to increase in rent. So does the owner really get the impression that bookshops are earning? In today's high tech age, books are like music CDs, slowing phasing out. People can get e-bboks instead. People also goes to library rather then to buy books. To see bookshops closing one after another is just sad. While e-books are much popular, books still have their advantage. There will always be something you can't get online. Hopefully these bookshops will be around for a long time and of course have interesting books if not it wouldn't make any differences if there are there or not.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Elder-care in the void deck
Sometimes when you have foreign media bad mouthing Singaporean's attitude you have to wonder how much truth is in it. While I am sure the usual "you do not condemn the whole basket from a few bad apples", it is enough to have people to start label the basket. Depending on who the basket is, the recent news would have me feel that because of these bad apple, the basket could me all of us. There were also a discussion from a radio programme where the hosts really brought out the morals and values. The issue here is the government intend to build a elder-care centre at the void deck, the residents opposes the idea. Reasons given, they want they space for their own activities, they do not want increase in death in the area. The elderly had given their life for the country, and here these people would not welcome them. To be cared for in the neighbourhood is much better than to moved them to some designated area for elder homes where the place is out of the main road and looks to be kind of out of view. Having an elder-centre in the neighbourhood would also provide alternatives for filial children to put their elderly parents for the day while they are away at work. The government is doing right to listen to feedback, but only listen to constructive and positive ones. If you give in to the residents here, you have have the same problem at the next neighbourhood. One will never know, when these residents became old people themselves, would they preferred to be remain intergraded with the community or be sent in "exile" to some far away old folks home tucked away behind some trees?
From the Straits Times 03-Feb-2012
From the Straits Times 03-Feb-2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
New Year mood!
Chinese New Year is next day. So fast. I went for a walk into chinatown. Surprisingly there isn't much people. Usually on the eve would be very crowded mainly to grab the cheap stuff. It seems some of the stalls was closed. So I don't see any cheap stuffs to get since most stuffs are gone. Too bad the sweets I want are not there.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Bank problems
So you have heard of the unauthorised withdrawal of money from ATMs oversea. Now you get instead, "unauthorised" deposit into a bank account! That guy is now a billionare, except that he can't use any of those money because for some reason, the bank doesn't allow withdrawal. It doesn't matter anyway since the guy is an honest guy and he reported the matter to the bank but the bank although acknowledge such an error, they for some reason did not remove the additional digits from the account.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wikipedia black out
Wikipedia is having a black out on their site to oppose a internet bill in the US. The bill in effect will gives anti piracy more power to block sites. By doing that, the these people seems to make it more simply just a click of a button to block out websites. Currently it seems when pirate contents are found they will send out letters to demand for removal. So if you encounter foreign websites that ignores your letter the best way is to block? It will lead a block off the US internet from the rest of the world. Some lazy bums just decide to use blockage as the ultimate stoppage of having their content freely available. You can block yourself from the world but the world that got blocked still have access to many contents, minus US websites. It would be like a self exile in internet world.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
long hair annoyances
What is the most annoying thing you ever encounter in public? Some woman who would flick the long hair. It is annoying and they think their hair is damn clean? It doesn't and at that time it certainly smells. These people just being an annoyance and one day someone nearby may just blew their top and start to give it back at them with a strong verbal response.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Batteries killed my remote twice
How was the new year? It was ok until, well, my remote for my DVD player died. That is the second time. The cause is the battery leak. I am using the GP battery. Why is the GP battery so lousy? Damn. Blame it on lousy luck I guess. I won't be using GP batteries anymore. At least on my remote...
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