Friday, July 20, 2012

Strong stuff for a documentary

I finally watch finish the documentary series Nostradamus Effect. It is a very "disturbing" show even though it seems to stick more with religions. The disturbing part is that it seems to imply to current situations around the world. While the series name I would get the impression the show is more on Nostradamus and his predictions, this documentary is more about end of the world and about Christian faith and the coming of Jesus. The chilling part would be on how the end will come. What about other religion get to say about it? Although the show did talk about some minor portion of Egyptian and Mayan stuff, mostly it would be about Jews. From here I know is that there are connection with Islam and Christian. And it would be this connection which would come about regarding the end. Watch it with a pinch of salt but beware it could mess with your mind. Lastly, Newton calculated the end date would be 2060 but Nostradamus' possible date is somewhere over 3797…. Regardless how it will end, just be a good person.

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