Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Responsible usage

When you are using the internet, be careful of what you are posting, from emails to forums to newsnet to guestbooks and stuffs. Posting are very different from a simple conversation with a friend. You speak and he listen. That is it. In the internet, you post, everyone reads, they re-read, get more people to read. Yes, when you speak no one else can listen to what you said the first time again. When you post on the net, anyone anywhere to anytime it is available for all to read. So the contents of what you post is important. If it is something about someone to somewhere that could causes distress to others, make sure you have some proof to back it up else the people involved would be able to sue you. Even if it is just a email to a friend, you never know who else get to access it and distribute it for all to read. Just like this news article. Responsible posting is the right way to use in the net. 

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