Tuesday, June 30, 2009

e-learning still a long way

The H1N1 have finally hit home. The schools that got affected are using the e-learning to to minimise the spread of the virus. What they didn't expect was that the server was kind of overwhelmed by the mass access that some students are unable to login while others experience lag. So what went wrong here? A few possibilities. The infrastructure was not suitable for such large gathering. The software was also not the correct type. All these mean the school need to spend more if they want to have everyone to have access. Lastly the vendor need to be pro-active. If they only sell you the stuff and doesn't give you any support, you are better off going to the vendor that charges more but gives you better support. You never know when the next virus start to form so time to plan ahead.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformers Movie 2

The much anticipated Transformers Movie 2 is show with a lot of explosion and running but less transforming from the robots. As usual the politicians tries to take over everything and the human allies start to go rogue and help the Autobots. The usual plot from most movies. This show we see many many nameless or faceless random robots. Some of them will be the main talk in forums but most will be forgotton. This time the Autobot focus will be two quarreling twin robots. Not much transforming can be seen. Some scenes can be snipped. A waste of time. Example will be Sam's mom got "drunk".....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson RIP

You probably have heard it, Michael Jackson passed away today. Most people know him as King of Pop. The current generation exposed to Britney and Westlife may even wonder why is he even King of Pop when he was not trashing the charts. Michael was trashing the charts way back in the 80s. His classic Beat It, Billie Jean and Thriller is still one of the best but strangely it was never been on any of those retro collection. He had more coming, such as Smooth Criminal and Leave Me Alone in the early 90s. He faded off the scene due to some of his personal issues. All his achievements from those years it seems no one managed to over take. I do not much listen to any of his songs much, I don't even listen to much other songs nowadays as the musical direction is much different from my liking. Still his musical direction have never changed and alas his comeback just couldn't make it. Lastly, shame on those people who had ever sued him. For whatever reasons they sued him for just make me feel they want to make news out of it. Now the vultures will be eyeing on Jackson's collectables at his home. RIP Michael.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Missing the bumpy rides

In the good old days where you have cars or buses moving in constant speed on bumpy roads. Those days the roads are bumpy as compare to today's good maintaining of the road making them flat. The journey wouldn't be boring when now or then you get some bumps of high and low feel. Guess if you want that you have to visit some nearby countries. Their roads on some areas are still as bumpy as ever. But if you are still in the army you might have the chance. Being on the tunnel or rover, moving on hilly areas you get the bump there. It might be harder bumps. We all know they just get going bumps or no bumps.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

mediacorp hardsell their own ads

As the only free TV here, mediacorp knows everyone are watching because they have no choice. This time round their keep dumping their own ads, that mocca search engine. Yes it is a search engine but unless you are a mediacorp fan searching for clothes and bags you will have better luck on even the lousiest search engine around. So for that reason they keep forcing their ads down viewers throat. The lame ads that aims to be a spooky scene is a turnoff. Improve the search engine would be a better way to attract users instead of bombarding it on screen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Responsible usage

When you are using the internet, be careful of what you are posting, from emails to forums to newsnet to guestbooks and stuffs. Posting are very different from a simple conversation with a friend. You speak and he listen. That is it. In the internet, you post, everyone reads, they re-read, get more people to read. Yes, when you speak no one else can listen to what you said the first time again. When you post on the net, anyone anywhere to anytime it is available for all to read. So the contents of what you post is important. If it is something about someone to somewhere that could causes distress to others, make sure you have some proof to back it up else the people involved would be able to sue you. Even if it is just a email to a friend, you never know who else get to access it and distribute it for all to read. Just like this news article. Responsible posting is the right way to use in the net. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MS new search out in beta

MSN had their search engine out in beta. Strangely  I am not sure if it is still being named as Kumo anymore as previous report stated. I have tried it and I am happy that it is indeed an improvement. I don't recall MSN search engine being so tidy in the sense of selecting information when searching images. You could point on one picture and get to see its info. Selecting the picture will bring you to a frame page where you get to see the original web page with the picture without losing the list of images. I don't see google and yahoo being in this format. Still content is king. I will need to search more to know if interface improvement comes with more results. Hopefully the answer to the question of is Bing Kumo could be found. In case you are wondering, the URL is http://www.bing.com. Not to worry as the current msn.com is already "binged".