Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dubbing or Subtitle?

Foreign shows, would you prefer to listen to s dubbing in a language that you understand or read the subtitle? Somehow I prefer to listen to a dub, unless the dub was done terrible. When done correctly, the spoken dub can be as entertaining as the original language. I got fustrated when the videos on sale in the stores are all in their original language while on TV they are in English. So does that mean the TV station have their own dubbing team for the show? Perhaps yes. A pity if most good shows doesn't speak a language you understand. Most of the time I save my bucks.

burning in the air

It seems that I am not the only one who detect the smell. I thought the haze was back. I smell burning smell and thought those dudes that burn forest are doing it again. But since it is not hazy perhaps it isn't that serious. But from the media reports it could be something else. Something is burning and all these pollutions are really making it bad for the environment. Hopefully people will wise up before serious damages are done.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mirror worlds do they exists?

Just watched the movie Mirrors. Makes me wonder if there is a mirror world as being shown in the show. Is the mirror world same as being in an alternate universe? They could be the same but I prefer to think they are not. The mirror world would be an exact duplicate except that things are reversed. Reminds me of the movie "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun". While that isn't about a mirror world it kinds of show us a duplcate world. Many fictions uses the mirror world in their story. So if the mirror world do exists, does it bond with the real world? In a sense, any events that happens in the real world will be the same in the mirror world. If it does exist, maybe man will find a way to enter it. Or maybe, if man do enter it, unexpected disasters will be unleashed. Like a can of worms opened.....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

typers thinks they are good

No one expected when portable camera started poping up everywhere. People taking pics of others and complains about them. How ignorant are these dudes? Except that pics that tells a thousand words that really captures something, things that doesn't show much shouldn't be there. It is like I show a pic and claim he do something but the pic does not shows. This type of people are everywhere on the net. Something need to be done. They post the pics thinking they are annoymous behind a computer with a lame nick. One day someone will break the straw and a lawsuit will come in. People should wise up what they type.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

malfunctioning day

Good day or bad day? Guess part of both. THe bad part, malfunction in my trouser. The good part, it happen at the later part of the day, I do not need to move around and dark and rainy. The zipper got stuck, it already been stucky for days that it got ripped when I unzip... Not that bad when I use a staple to close it up. Wanted to visit the computer show but this happening just make it impossible. Looks like safety pins are a must to have in your wallet for such malfunctions!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is x-ray scanner at airport safe?

Due to the security issues, the tightening at airports in the US have the people complaining. Mostly reports of people claiming the pat down are more of privacy invasion. Now the question is that the X-ray, while being claimed safe by the US government, is that really that safe? After reading about scientists reacting differently to it feels that not all is being revealed. If X-ray is not safe and pat down is not comfort for some, then stop traveling to these places. So it is your decision, safe of not for x-ray?


Sunday, November 21, 2010

The ladies pot calling the kettle black

A news article reported tbat the ladies find that the men cannot make it. Reasons given such as doesn't know how take care of their body, does not know how to repair computers, low stamina, no ambitious etc. Well, are they looking for the perfect man. They must have watched too much movies. In movies, the men will know how to service the car, cook and even protect them from thugs. If they have such thoughts, the men would be looking for the perfect lady too. But to go on news and shout out that the men cannot make it shows that the lady and full of themselves. Unless they are hot models looks and have fat bank accounts, I doubt they can make it too with such thinkings.

一名网民在博客上指出,在许多新加坡女人的眼中,新加坡男人很多时候都“不行”(cannot make it),因为他们运动不好、不懂得日常维修、体能成绩差、没有理想和冲劲。

Friday, November 19, 2010

Visual impaired after 2014?

Astronomy will never be the same after 2014. That year will be the end of the Hubble Space Telescope. It will be falling back to Earth when it's orbit around Earth put it into the path into the Earth. Most likely men wanted it this way. Why can't they leave it forever in orbit? It could still work or at least work until it goes dead forever. The telescope will not provide visual impressive like those from Hubble. If that is the case, they should have another one for visual type. If you can't merge these functions into one then have them separately. These maybe costly but all in the name of science, the cost could be reduced. Maybe not. And for all reasons, I doubt at such a speed mankind could reach the age of Star Trek, not to mention a moonbase.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

abuser try picking on equal size

It seems that recently there have been some raging news of people abusing domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Some people started to post their thoughts on other animals such as chickens and cows. The issues here is that domestic animals of cats and dogs are more to lives among us as part of the family. There is no commerical reasons to kill them, even more to kill by abusion. While there is no right or wrong, the wrong here is the abusion. Do we say it is wrong for the government agency to put down the animals? But anyone else caught doing that will be dealt by the law, provided it happened in the land where such law exist. So because of this, abuser been caught, flimed do it. The human superiority is corrupting the mind and soul. To those who killed the kittens or puppies, try picking it on a tiger or Rottweiler.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

media files or compact discs?

So Apple finally gets to sell Beatles tracks on their Itune store. Then, is this what it will be in future? All new music will be media files? You will need a USB flash device to carry them just so you could play it on your hi-fi set. Whatever happened to the, but the CD and you get to read the booklet within the CD case? Usually you get to enjoy the photographs, lyrics and any other stuff included. Already the effect was felt when I couldn't find cds of my favorite band in local HMV store. They didn't have it because it isn't a hot seller or so call well known band. They used to have all kind of CDs regardless of famous or not. Now I will have to order through internet. I will get the CD because I want all the goodies included and also to support the band and lastly, I don't need to dig out my USB device to store the tracks. Maybe I am old fashion but CDs isn't like a floppy or cassette. I can copy the tracks to my mp3 player or even use my discman. It will be sad if it all become just another file to download.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A-Ha newest album

I listens to them when I was a kid and always prefer their type of music than the commerical music played on radio. The band is A-Ha. They are calling it quit and while doing so released special edition albums with special tracks. HMV got it and I got my copy. More of a collector's edition. In today's internet age, CDs are harder to find since people just download them. I will get the CD. The quality would be better and also be supporting my fav band. Even those early albums are not avaliable on the shelf. At least I got them, either is CD or as cassette.