Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Problems over new OS

It always will occurs. Whenever a new release OS, there will always be problems. In what way, take the latest Apple OS Snow Leopard, users complained of data loss. Apple acknowledged and is looking to fix it. Data loss as compared to those other types of issue such as hacker or network related is more critical. You wouldn't want your photos or important documents to go puff? So why is this even happening? While the MacOS can only run on a mac machine, I don't see any competitor OS. The issue could be because they want to be first over the upcoming Windows7. Or maybe the OS have gotten to big to being an OS. Too many features, functions. All these should just be split into a separate disc and manage by a separate programmers. The good old days of OS is simply to run your machine and to manage your files. Now you got all these wireless, bluetooth, ipod.... You expect too much features and here you go, features that include errors that got missed because it is too big, and too little time. So while this is on the MacOS, wait until Windows7 release and you can bet in time that they too might have their own issue. It happens to every other versions of Windows. If they could minimize the type of issue it would be normal but something like data loss is unacceptable.

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