Monday, May 25, 2009

Keep out politics from science!

Obama appointed the first black chief to head NASA. To me, black or white doesn't matter. As long as that person will do the job to get mankind into the black void. All these while since Bush was the boss it seems that NASA wasn't doing much. While other countries get to developed their own space programs, there wasn't much from the US. We could all speculate why nothing new but now that Obama is doing something, hopefully none of those politics or religion people start to step in like those other science and research area. Men had lost a lot of time while men in politics seems to control the space programmes.  Sometimes I wonder at the rate it is going, would there even be a space station at Jupiter or Saturn. Not to mention to have a Star Trek kind of environment, I doubt men will get to that stage if all they want to do is to boss around on land. I shall see if all these are just to start some news or if it will result in some over due developments.

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