Thursday, March 5, 2009

almost doomsday

If you haven't heard, an asteroid almost hit Earth on Monday. Reports said that if it does hit, the impact would be like ten nuclear bomb detonates. That would be like crack off a large chunk of Earth, not forgetting billions to trillions would die with many more unable to survive. It would be one of those Hollywood type of show that turn Earth back to the savage era, at least what left of it. So while there were many other close call from passing asteroids, do men have the capability to stop one, or any asteroids that would be on the path for a crash into Earth? You might have watch too many movies about have rockets to stop them but it just isn't that simple. Hopefully men will stop their bickering and concentrate on advancing ourselves where astroids would be not be a threat. Meanwhile the chance of one crashing is still somewhere out there.....

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