Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ever thought that newer things may not be better things? At least for me now. Been trying to find a good keyboard and mouse. Used to able to get a good mouse with multiple buttons. But nowadays all the mouse are plain left right buttons with a scroll wheel. And if you willing to pay more you get those costly mouse with more buttons and they are meant for gamers. So how did these people get the impression normal users doesn't need a mouse with multiple buttons? Managed to found a cheap china made mouse with additional 2 buttons but could be better. This mouse can't do horizontal scroll. Ok don't expect much for cheap but there should be affordable alternative for these mouse.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sometime you read the news, it is really weird such as the recent conclusion of the murdered of a youngster, given not guilty and cleared of all charges. If it happens to some other countries well known for unstabilty, I could understand but in the land of the big brother, they should know it is not logical. This is not even self defense how could one causes a death be cleard of charges?? Right not this issue is making waves of "riot" and could turn into race problem. Hopefully the leaders will take it seriously and rectify the error and of course, take action on the person who passed down the verdict...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

greener at the other side

Every now and then, there will always be two person envy each other. It could be job stability or blessed family life and others. But we should also note that, while it appears that one is doing well, there will always be an ugly problem behind all the goodness. The grass is always greener the other side. So make it a point to move over unless you have exhaust all options.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hidden era

If you read the news, a private pre school staff used strength on a kid and caused fracture. All these was revealed by a camera recording. The point here, why the staff uses violent when there is a camera? It could be a hidden camera. In this era of hidden devices, one should expect it to be everywhere, to deter monkey businese. So all potiential monkeys, think twice.