Monday, December 31, 2012

Few more hours to next year. Good bye 2012 for a almost terrifying year (Dec 21). Hopefully for a better 2013. Right now it is raining so how would people do the countdown at the riverside? Guess they either do it indoor or using umbrella.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Year end is here again? How did it go for 2012? It didn't get better? No worries as long it did not get worse. Every year is a challenge. I guess that is life but life is not only about living a life. It is also about living happy as we could. The world is a mess but at least you are not alone so have a good year ahead in 2013. Happy new year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We survived Dec 21....

We survived Dec 21 and now Christmas is over so I guess it is one of the "nerve" wrecking self created fear of being reached the end of whatever we are. However, it seems that this isn't the only so called prediction of being end days. There were some that went burr it seem the early days the internet isn't that well connect and such informations doesn't seems to affect the majority or people. Those who still lives in caves…. I mean those who doesn't stick to technology seems to be ignorant of this date and the meaning. So what is the next nerve wrecking date? The next one will never be as big as this Dec 21 unless the origin is as big as the Mayans...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

20th dec now....

This is it! Today, now is 20th Dec. The dates ended in the Mayan calendar. But if now is 20th here, in Australia it will soon be 21th!! Since the Earth is ball shaped, that area will be rolling into the next day first. So if the end comes, it will come for all at once right?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ending soon or just another myth?

The day is approaching. The Dec 21 so call end of the world day. Everyone in the world, at least those who took notice for it, are waiting with bated breath, I guess. Hollywood movies had even made such end of the world sceanarios like 2012 and Knowing. However I do believe that, if the world is indeed ending, there would be no escape. I do not believe that the Maya which their dates ending at 21 Dec mean the end. An end of the date does it also mean end of time? If it does, it could be end of everything. Rather to think too much of it, just take it one step a time and hope for a better tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Exactly whose fault is it?

The bus strike recently finally got SMRT to sit up and "clean" up their act. The drivers' complaint about the differences in pay is only part of the issue. The main straw seems to be on the accommodation such as bed bug infestation. The drivers feedback to management which seems to swept them to some long waiting list. So now that after a "strike" the management finally take action. Such management take action so fast against unhappy workers by using the law onto them but when workers feedback through proper channel it seems to lead to nowhere. So some drivers sacrificed themselves and got jailed and deported back. Now news is that these drivers that remains finally got increment, regardless the amount, at least still increase in pay. The clean up in the dormitory also got started. Is it only SMRT or does other big company also like to put staff feedbacks to long waiting list? Why do those drivers got punished but SMRT just got "scolded" by ministers and nothing else? How will they expect to provide good public services when their own people are not being treated respected?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

cheap unique drives

Recently saw some push cart stores at some shopping mall selling some special thumbdrive with cartoon shells. They are good as gifts. I doubt they will last as a drive. Most stores sell them quite expensive but today managed to find one selling quite cheap even available 1 GB drive! It is a good buy.