Friday, November 30, 2012

bottomless pit?

Today the newspaper had a new article about a mysterious bottomless pit the site of a crater somewhere in Washington. It was said to be a site of supernatural related. What is interesting is the bottomless part. It is hard to imagine to have a bottomless holes on Earth, no matter how deep you dug there will always be an end. However it is a interesting article that if you search on google for Mel's Hole, you will get results on this, and possible other related pits.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

new foolish way to waste food

Just read an article that the internet craze had turn to something called milking. It involves pouring milk over your own head at any location while someone will take a picture of that action. It is like that planking thing except minus the dangerous situation unless these jokers will want to stand at dangerous grounds. Jokers indeed wasting milk while somewhere else others have no access to milk. Hope this will not grow to many others, at least remove the food items. One should never play with food, especially to waste them.

Monday, November 26, 2012

new packages for cigarettes

Australia been using new packages for cigarettes boxes. Those boxes will not have brands and logos and the pictures are those gross diseased human organs that was caused by smoking. How would such packages deter people from smoking? I would think it won't do much. People who hate the pictures could just transfer the contents to other boxes. If the government really wants to remove smoking, they should ban it. Since it is really causing health problem, that should be reason enough to ban it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rubbery phones

It may soon coming out rubbery mobile phones. These type of phone will be flexible. You may probably be able to put in your back pocket and sit down without worry it will be cracked. It may be a while before such products be in the shop but would you take up such a phone? One thing for sure you wouldn't worry if you dropped it. But what if it got hot?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sitex at Expo I not going

The Sitex computer show is happening as usual around this time of the year. However I won't be going there as the location just isn't central to me. I would prefer to visit Sim Lim for the usual not so crowded and get stuff at the same of similar price too. Is Expo really such a good venue?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Interesting book

Had a chance to browse a book at the bookstore today. The books is The Custordian. It is quite interesting about aliens abduction type topics. It mentioned in one chapter that Aliens are already been in contact with some and have been assisting mankind to evolves. While it is worth reading with an open mind, it is indeed quite different from other books.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dumb luck

Sometimes it seems like in the movie but it could also happen real life. You arrive for the schdule but fail to find where. Messages and calls went unanswered. Tried again the voice at the other side said not to call again. Well at least inform if you are not there yet. Maybe there was some hidden problem but since this is not drama some things just won't be shown.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Little India during festival is better than Chinatown

Deepavali at Little India is something like Lunar New Year at Chinatown. However, it seems Chinatown is onlya small area and the shops just cannot be compared with teh shops in Serangoon. Along the road are shops selling clothes and stuff plus the tents set up to sell more stuff. Chinatown would just be that one area whie the shops are mostly for tourists browsing souvenirs. Also there are many people there but you do not feel trapped as there are roads and paths to get out. In Chinatown within the festival area you will be trapped.