Friday, April 29, 2011

SG election fever

It is election fever. The opposition finally got many credible canditates for the contest. However it is still quite slim change for a big change. Everyone knows that. However those A teams could really have chance to pull an upset win. Speaking of upset, why isn't there any opposition contest in Tanjong Pagar? Those guy who got disqualified could be unlucky but if they really serious they should be there early and not to seperate themselves. All the lame excuses and actions from both sides kind of happening just that no one really care since all eyes on the A teams. Since I don't get to vote A teams are just, well non of my concern....

Back after some lazy excuses.... :p

Been off posting for many days. Was reinstalling my computer. While I could still post since now everyone would have more than one computer or even smartphone. Well I just do not have the mood or topic to post. And it was a challenge and fustrating installing computer. Was upgrading to Windows 7 and it was full of bugs! Yes bugs! Comparing to Vista this windows is a lot better. So what bugs that need swipping? Mainly the interface and usage and functionality. Since most of us are used to XP, the sudden change just seems to make us lost like a newbie being exposed to a computer. What people hates is to learn new interface again. Especially oldie like me. The saying teach old dogs new trick? I am stuck behind. To re-adapt to a new interface I could try. But the issue of old softwares does not work just pile up waiting for the final straw before reverting back to XP.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Jaywalkers just won't get it, at least some will get fitter.....

Jay walking in Kuala Lumpur can be a toll on your health or let you become more fit depending. According to the Wanbao, plain clothes officers are waiting for jay walkers at the overhead bridge, when they do got caught will get a fine. Those who do not have the money to pay up will instead have to walking up and down 10 times on the bridge at the full view of the public. Imagine those elderly or those unfit people have to go through. Then, I am sure they would rather do this to save their money. Hopefully they learn their lesson not to jaywalk but it usually be only temporary which after that will happen again when the authority stop the operation.

Love story turn out as fake as some would expects

So as expected, stories of love between couples of big age gaps turns out to be fake. Already many people do not agree on such a union with such big age gaps but they have many who gave their blessings. Those who gave their blessings would feel that they have been fooled into someone's gimmick. Hoaxs have been around us all the time, but to have someone's face being used would be stupid. The person who participate the hoax would be known and probably be spammed online for his participation.

Wendy's fries are better than Mcdonald?

Wendy's have better fries than McDonald's? I have yet to try Wendy's fries but I doubt Wendy's fries could be that good over McDonald's, at least for a short time. There isn't that many Wendy's resturants around. People who enjoy McDonald's fries are because the fries are crunchy or crispy. So is Wendy's fries crispy? Also there are other contenders like KFC or Burger King. They have as many resturants. Even if Wendy's fries are better, their sales wouldn't increase because there isn't that many Wendy's around.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How real is the magic incident?

Saw a video on a magic that gone wrong and the assistant was killed. So how real is the video? Having a failed up magic is few. Usually the magician is experienced and done it many times. To have shed blood would be even rare. This video supposed to show even death. Would such a video even exists? There were posts that claimed the video is fake. So what do you think?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Close shave moment anyone?

Ever encounter a close shave moment? Close shave moment like almost got knock by a car or almost trip over something dangerously. I guess the close shave with car is common. Usually when it happens do we blame it on bad luck or our carelessness? Guess if we can't control our luck at least we could be more careful.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Comic characters should be treat with respect

Remember when Marvel Comics killed Captain America, everyone know he will be back. But during his absence someone else filled his shoes. His former sidekick Bucky. He is the new Captain but we all know that only the original person is forever the hero that started it all. Remembers Superman, Batman and even Wonder Woman? Even Flash, whom Barry Allen was dead for about twenty years is back. Everyone prefer the original character. So we know Steve Rogers will take back the shield. So Bucky got demoted? In a sense it seems to be. While the comic which showcase the return of the true Captain is set in July, we shall see how Marvel deals with Bucky. They shouldn't demote Bucky. He isn't some outsider created to fill in shoes. Unlike Wonder Woman, her replacement was created or pulled from a vault of lesser used character and put in her boots. She was tossed away back into the vault when the true Wonder Woman returns. For the case of Batman and Flash, their replacements was Dick and Wally. They were established characters before they start filling shoes. So now they remains as Batman and Flash, meaning there are two Batman and Flash. Marvel better do the right thing, at least Bucky shouldn't fall back into sidekick role.

Monday, April 4, 2011

colored bubbles could be messy

When we play with bubbles, it is just plain soapy water that just washed off and it leaves no stain. Now that Crayola came out with colored bubbles, it caught people's attention and leaves them bad taste - in this case bad stain. Parents complained about the stains after the colored bubbles burst.  Somehow there is a warning label but the words are too small to be noticed. I wouldn't read on something that is hard to get noticed. For the parents who have to clean up the mess, looks like they won't be using colored bubble anymore.


Marvel and DC works best with each other

Marvel and DC both made their digital format comics available for only 10 cents. While 10 cents in US currency could be much more in other currency, it is still much more cheap. At least we get to see the 2 rival comics publisher started something together rather to be competing each other. Both have comics that are good as well as not up to standard but it shouldn't be the reason to avoid doing stuff together. Ever since those Marvel DC crossovers, there isn't much. With this hopeful something else is being planned. Now somewhere an article states that Stan Lee wants to be in Batman cameo. Warner Brothers studio should put him in. A cameo shouldn't cost too much.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Aliens found. How real is that?

Aliens baby found in Mexico. Hoax or real? Sound real with a big hoax possibilty. Because this is the first time I read about it and the article claimed it shocked the world so how come Yahoo and Google doesn't have the news? I did not read it on any newspapers too. In any case, if it is real, the farmer guy who caught it certainly too his time to pass it to authority. He later died in a fire that is too hot for normal fire. So it seems aliens among us could be very real. Then again if it is a hoax.....

bub gone mute

Why is there communication break down? For some people they just prefer to stop communicating. By stopping communication they want to shut off the other party. It is the most easy way to stop but also to show that you are the same as those others. A good communicator would provide the most essentials information before ending. Those without ending formally just gave people the impression they are sitting on top. Weak signal all the way to my block list. Roger out.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mr Spock vs TF.....

Leonard Nimoy, "Mr Spock" is going to provide his voice in the new Transformers movie. So maybe there would be a big chance to do a Transformers vs Star Trek type of show. Anyway Leonard claimed to retired but now he is back, at least the voice is back for Transformers. He voiced Galvatron in the 1986 animated Transformers Movie back then. Hopefully with Mr Spock's voice in the show it should be much better in term of storyline than the previous movies.