When we read 20000 league under the sea, we got to know of super giant octopus fighting at the submarine. We know such monstrous size creatures doesn't exist. RIght now, maybe they will evolve into that size. It is all so possible now that such monster fish of giant size could even be there. It just have not show itself. Right here the stories in the article have people at sea wrestle with giant stingray and big shark landed into the boat on its own! Or maybe just like those comics or toxic poison they turned into monster fish. While this may never be true, we do know there are bigger stuffs in the sea and they are coming out.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Fake news struck lazy news portals
It is amazing that news website could still deliver some fake news. Jackie Chan is not dead. It seems some news rumors started that he died. Whoever the news website posted it is not in professional manner. Everyone wants to be the first to report news but they did not do any verifications. Usually the death news could be false, especially on healthy people. So I would doubt it if more death news on healthy people pops up, unless death by other means that could be possible but still, if it goes unverified is still doubtful.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
met a new old friend :D
Met a new friend today. It is strange as I know this friend from online for a long time but we never quite got in contact. It was only recently that I contacted her without reliasing that she was already my friend. How stupid I was. Anyway we had a nice day chatting.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Nuclear Boy
With all the nuclear stuff in Japan how much do we know about it? Someone took the pain to briefly explain what is kind of happening there. While it skips all the science stuffs, it is making some sense.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Conflicting news...
Election is coming and the political parties are making appearances debating issues. Here one report is conflicting. Straits Times 24-Mar-2011 page A8 with the report Form govt? RP says it's ready, WP says it's not. On MyPaper Page 1, the report is that RP's Jeyaretnam agree that they are not ready. So the question here is which paper is correct? The weird thing here is that both papers comes from the same publisher SPH. Somewhere someone have gotton it wrong.
Read full report at MyPaper
Read full report at Straits Times
Read full report at MyPaper
Read full report at Straits Times

Is it worth it?
PS3 hacker fled when Sony is going at him with the court. So now he is a fugitive. Is it worth it? Your lose your freedom, your properties as well your bank accounts. He is good with these knowledge he should be employed by these companies rather than to go after them because they know where to look for weakness in codings. Both parties are probably want to be in the news. Sony wanted additional, money. The court may even gives the hacker a jail time if found guilty. So with this chapter gone on hold, Sony probably looking for the next "hacker"....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Mask Rider movie not bad
Just watched the movie Masked Rider Kabuto: God Speed. If you do watch Masked Rider regularly on TV the series you will be used to the characters and knows about the story. Watching the movie version is really on high expectations but it is kind of disappointed. Kabuto only get the hyper clock device. I expect him to pocess the sword. This weapon did not make an appearance. While the usual special movies only Rider appears, there are not much screen time. They should extend the movie by 20 to 30 mins rather the normal 60 mins playtime. Overall it isn't a bad show.
Radiation, what are the real facts?
The nuclear crisis showed that Man is not ready enough for emergencies that deals with nuclear. All these radiations stuff, no one around the world know much about it. All there is are fake sms causing panic. The doctors at the neighborhood clinic are clueless on checking on radiation sickness. People all rushing for salts. Even the informations found on the internet could possible be untrue. So what is it that people really need to know? Will attached this info at least the source is from a news website. Should be reliable enough.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Speed up space exploration
NASA managed to put a spacecraft orbiting Mercury, the hottest planet in the solar system. It is time they send out more crafts for the outer planets like Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. Space exploration is going too slow. If you don't get to know your environment you can't send people into space. Sending spacecrafts to those places takes time and do Man have that much time?
Monday, March 21, 2011
The bully got bulled....
Bullying in school is a common thing. Usually from those who think they are stronger physically or have more people to "shadow" him. But for this bully in an Australian school, the bully became the victim when he took on a bigger size boy to bully. The bigger boy managed to grab him and "slam" him on the ground like what you saw on wrestling. In the end, it was reported both are suspended. The person who gave the suspension, probably never got bullied before. If the big boy did not take action, the small bully would continue, thinking he is "tough". And the way I see it, the school probably aware of the problem but just brushed them off as children playing. They have to answer that now that news gone out and gave the right and wrong stuff but never explain what they were doing. That is just nonsense. The video gone viral is probably a reminder to the small bully, change a new leaf because the video is there to remind you in case you start to feel tough again at others.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Original DVDs are so one sided.....
Been to JB after many many years. There I was wanted to buy DVDs that is not avaliable locally. Found that there are many selections but most are not original so it is not possible to buy back. Just wonder how come they don't have the original version? What pissed me off is that their non original versions have different dubbings. If the original sold locally have such different dubbings would be wonderful. Guess I will have to search the net for such original versions.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Texas beauty pageant includes snakes....
Texas beauty pageant need to behead snake and skin it. This probably is a Texas only kind of pageant and is only valid in Texas. So does the ladies in Texas have to do these tough acts? I know you get to be cowboys there but do being cowgirls need to show such acts? Perhaps it is some kind of traditions but it sound very bizarre to people from other places. I am one of them and to some others could be a bit hard to digest, for the snakes.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Will animation exist in 100 years?
Will animation exist in 100 years? I would say yes. 100 years is just about 1 lifetime for a person. Animation is being used to tell stories in a cheaper way and also in ways that is impossible to be done in real life movies. Even movies have to involves CGI animations in some scene. And kids shows are easier to produce using animation on some cute characters. Perhaps animation have advanced by then by it will always remains as the cheaper alternative of story telling for the greater part of imagination.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
fake sms making waves now
Pranksters are at work sending out fake sms about radiation cloud coming your way. Amazingly you will have willing recipients to forward them to others and at the same time causing panic. The authority should put away those who took part at forwarding. Sending without verification of the text is irresponsible and causes panic. Brought in and fine them even if they are not the one started it, but being in the chain sms should be punished too. Punished for being lazy, not because the usual to be on the safe side. Next some virus will emerge to do the same on the PC world. After so many years of such cases there are still enough people willing to forward them without thinking.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Time to move on for those stuck in history.
With Japan being wrecked by disasters, the world powers unite to bring their recovery teams and any relief efforts to help the Japanese people. But through all these, there all still some single minded people still stuck in the past and stuck in an inflexible view. Because of Japan's past, these people still view it as some kind of punishment. The world obviously have moved on. The past belongs to the past generation. Politics do not mix and everyone does wrongs somewhere. Japanese have also contribute to the world and above all else no one deserves such disastrous event. You should chill out and move on rather than to stuck in the past. History are already made but to be forever stuck in history you will have no future.
Will insurance covers?
The Japan disaster is affecting everyone in the world. Some reports that people will be claiming insurances for it. I am wondering if insurances covers natural disasters? I have always read that it excludes the "Act of God" part. So with all these damages from the sea, would that be consider as "Act of God". It would be interesting to see how it will conclude.
Monday, March 14, 2011
time for better safety form of energy
The force of nature is at work again. This time the earthquake at the sea bed in Japan caused a Tsunami that wrecked northern Japan. Right now as the world tries to help Japan in recoveries, the more concern comes on their nuclear power plants. Already news of about 3 are in unstable conditions, perhaps it is time for Man to looking into better safety form of energy. What comes to mind would be solar energy. Earth's raw resource would surely be out with the kind of consumption and solar energy would be safe and unlimited depending on the number of solar panels available for collection. Right now unless Man start to buckle up rather than being split, more rumble and tumbles are coming and will be as shocking after each other.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Do you accept comic characters to grow up?
Comics we haven been reading since young face one obstacle. Do comics characters grow up along with us or stay forever the same in the timeless world? It is not easy to grow up. But it is not easy to stay young all the time. The recent Marvel's Venom have Flash Thompson, once the bully in Peter Parker's school is now a grew up, injured war hero. And of course Peter Parker no longer goes to school and he got married. It is kind of strange to see them grow up and they have to change environment. Imagine all the Archie characters graduate and move on into working life. Would the readers still accept that?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Who is interested in microbe fossils from space?
The recent squabble among scientists on the Alien Life in Meteorites wouldn't be of much interest other then one of those browse through news. It is more like one of the family squabble dramas. Now, the center of the squabble is a "fossils" of some microbes. NASA is claiming that the meteorite have been on Earth for 100 to 200 years, and could have been contaminate by humans. NASA's explanation is simple to understand. While the scientist that published the findings merely explained as "these fossilized bacteria are not Earthly contaminants but are the fossilized remains of living organisms which lived in the parent bodies of these meteors, e.g. comets, moons and other astral bodies." I would rather get news of human size aliens than these microbes. Expecting alien space cillvilzation is more interesting than finding microbes. At least it is not news to me. But the squabble makes this interesting than the fossils.
Monday, March 7, 2011
SONY gone to big to its head
SONY is now busy going after hackers of their console and properties that they even managed to get the judgement on their side. While the "hacker" or the person being seized usually be the center of the news, here for SONY they want to throw the big net to trap all who accessed the hacker's website. It is this part that people are freaking over. Visiting the website cannot be seen as intention of jailbreaking the SONY product. Anyway with internet can access the site, with or without any SONY product. It is like when some criminal activities was caught in a mall, you don't see the law goes checking on who been entering the mall. It seems like the internet protocols, design to track down rogue activities in extreme case are being misused here. Sound like SONY is feeling big brother here.
Could you accept different arts for your favorite comics?
Recent news there would be new materials of Peanuts comics coming out as adaption of the animation. Peanuts was drawn by the late Charles M. Schulz and in the new materials, someone else provide the artwork. If you have been following the Peanuts comics you would be familiar with the style of art. Would some other artists, trying to draw like the original creator be easily accepted by fans? The same can be said to those third parties artists of Tin Tin in those unofficial materials. Unless certain standards are there, I doubt the fans could accept it.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Would Man survives mass extinction?
Until I read this article that I realized that there were 5 events of extinctions happened on Earth. Mostly happened in those early days of Earth during those dinosaurs days, I wonder how scientist could detect 5 times it happened. Right now there we are on the edge of another extinction. Jungle shrinking, causing those wild animals into urban areas where they got killed by humans. And poaching of some animals as well as over fishing for those fishes and whales and turtles. We all know that the eco system is like a web that links to every type of animal. When a species died off, it will affect the system of those that links to it, causing a breakdown. If that happens how likely would Man survive this?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Should phone be strictly for communication use?
When I got my new iphone, I do not expect to use it for anything else other than to access internet while on the road. I believes that the phone should be strictly be used for communication - voice call and text messages. But ever since I could access some good tools, apps offered from the Apple store which are free, I started to download other free apps which are games. Mostly are the puzzles type. Since the games are free, they are usually the lite version of the full game and I don't really care much. That is until I found out that a some websites post some exclusive free apps for a limited period that I started to download them since they are free. Some of the games are addictive and now my iphone occasionally became my portable game console. While I do not play all the games I download, only the very few addictive ones, I am so far able to refuse to play music and video from my iphone. I have my mp3 player and as for video, I hate the long process of converting videos for use. My thinking may change and technology improve in the future. Right now, my iphone will be strictly communication, and for my entertainment in those few minutes of my spare time.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Gmail glitch erases mails
Looks like another upset from Gmail. This time mails erased from some accounts. This shows that no matter how good the technology and the brand, there will always be that 10 percent chances that disaster will strike. And here that 10 percent had took effect. So did you have backup accounts? If you don't it is time to plan one. If one account goes down you have another to rely on. It is fortunate that Gmail is restoring the erased mail back and hopefully important mails are back.
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