Monday, January 31, 2011
Earth is angry
Freak weather is happening all across the globe. Scientist claimed that all these happening due to global warming. While human do contribute to the carbon, I believe the Earth would have it's own way of dealing with the heat. Scientist have also said that the Sun had upped its heat output. The Sun is burning hotter than before and is or maybe increasing its size. If that is the case, there is no way Earth can escape the heat. It have been known that every stars will increase in size as they burn. After a certain size achieve, they will explode. I don't think human will get to see our own Sun reaching that exploding stage, as the growing Sun will swallowed all the planets. Now this current generation of man will have to deal with the freak weather, but is it really caused by heat? Right now, this seems to be a nice answer. Instead, man should try to come out a way to transporting excess rain water to area where there is drought. It is like a jar of sand toppled, where the balance of sand over fill some area. Action needed to relieve, if solution does not exist.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Inner voice? or simply an excuse?
Ever sometimes when you met some people that needs help, such as old lady needs help to push a trolley across the road, you feel compelled to assist? Is it our inner demons, or in this case our inner angels at work? Yesterday I walked past this old lady, who needed help to move the trolley down a steep step. I helped her with it and carry on my way. Then it seems that within me some voices was telling me I should do more, like help her push the trolley across the road as it is about to rain. In the end I walked back, already started light rain, I saw the old lady and told her I help her push as she leads the way. Along the way the rain grew heavy and I discovered, one of the wheel isn't rolling. In the end I reached shelter but the place of the old lady isn't avaliable so she can't move on. She thanked me and say she will move on her own once the rain stopped. I procee on my way back. So now the voices are gone. Or is it my own voice actually?
Friday, January 28, 2011
take time anyway
Sometime we wonders, do time really goes on and on endlessly? How do one define time? Scienctist would link time with space. Time is suppose to be simple. The passing of present, the constant moving towards the future. So when we hear that we are running out of time or not enough time to do many things, it doesn't really means not enough time. Time is endless, at least enough for many many more. The only problem is that, our existence doesn't last with time. We seems to be some kind of reaction to when time is moving forward, our existence is like those sparks caused by movement. So beginning and the end only applies to us. In any case, there will never be enough of time or why bother? Just take time and let it flow.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Fantastic 3 minus The Human Torch
Marvel revealed that The Torch will be the fatality for this storyline. Let's see how long he stayed that way or perhaps Hulk Woman will rejoin to make up back to Four if sales is down again, or a new character Torch before the original Torch returns. How will it return? Hopefully something that is original rather than those used ideas.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
blood drive for me failed
There is a blood donation going on. After much struggle I decide to go for it. There after filling up the form, I told the counter person I am taking the propecia drug. They say I can't donate. I did ask my family doctor about blood donation but maybe I did not make it clear. Either way I am glad I told them about it. You wouldn't want someone's health issue tagged to you. Their form also never mention about other drugs. I am not sure I will be brave enough to try again since these things pains. At least I tried.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Stress of buying new gadgets
Anyone ever feel lost when trying to purchase some new gadgets which you have no experience with it? It could be stressful, to both usage and the wallet. I just bought a harddisk media player. Being new to such devices I have no expectations, except to be able to play all my videos. I went to browse at all the different type of such players. Most of them are of unknown brands from China. The sales person doing the demo do not sound local and they kind of avoid specific questions, probably they have no answer. They gave the most common features, plays all medias, can do streaming and watching online videos. After over an hour of loitering and decision making, I selected one which is cheaper, with the features I am looking for. The rest are considered value added. Once home, I connect it to my TV. Looks good except that the screen size seems wrong. Doesn't matter. Test a few video files it works. Pull out my network cable and connect to the player, it could access net videos, hosted on a china website that is like youtube. If it is china website, expect chinese contents. There are some movies and drama selection. Some of them are laggy. Looks like you need luck. I could also stream drama to my harddisk. Tried to pop in my 3.5 harddisk to the casing, it seems I have some connection difficulties. Either the casing doesn't fit well or I need to adjust my harddisk. I plug it as external for time being and tried a mass selection of some videos. Most works, except for some AVI, FLV, MP4 they can't be played or no sound. I understand that with all the new codecs coming out there is no 100 percent to. Now that I am kind of familar with what the play could do, I am tempted to go for one that could surf to youtube. Maybe in a few months time....
Friday, January 21, 2011
Borders at the borders??
I read an article on Yahoo about possible stores that will vanish in 2011. Borders will be one of them. If they close shop in the US, it probably mean all oversea stores will be closed too. Just like Tower Records then, one of the large CD store that closed in the US and the local store closed too. As for Borders, in this age of computers where people get to read from the web, books, in the long run may end up like Audio CDs. I hardly read much. In my younger days I do read a lot of those fantasy books but probably during those time there is no computer games good enough to tie you to the screen. And even the non gamers have nothing to do much on the computer, during those time is just a black screen where you type in commands. The DOS years, computing at those times are boring. So reading would be another entertainment. But now it seems less people are reading, or at least buying new books. There are 2nd hand books store that have used books there in good conditions. It is still sad to see Borders go if there ever happens. They have a large collection of good books, as compare to local bookstores like Times and MPH, these store sell the same stuffs and the stores are smaller and the environment kind of repelling.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My recorder just fired me! :~(
I encountered some kind of bad lazy luck today. Yes, lazy luck. It is bad lazy luck so meaning it is not good. My lousy grumpy DVD recorder just gave me a big boot! The scrap is still kicking. All because of my laziness. This is all my own fault. I recorded tons of clips of cartoons and some shows like Mask Riders and Battlestar Galactica. I usually dub them onto DVDs and erased them to release space on the recorder. For some bad timing that scrap just hung with error messages on the TV. I have to restart the recoreder and all my clips and shows are gone.... Now I cannot finish my Mask Rider shows. All because of my own laziness. In a way maybe it is a blessing. There are too many clips that I don't remember what I save them for. Some for my pokemon website I guess. Now it is all gone I guess I have to turn to youtube or hope that there will be a repeat telecast of Mask Rider. Maybe this will be another reason I will go hunt for a new recorder. The same lesson to be apply on the PC. I am doing it now, before my harddisk decided to fire me forever..... :S
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Fantastic Four change to Three....
The comic world is going to shake again. This time round another death of another classic character. This death will not be as big as Captain America or Superman. One of the Fantastic Four will be killed off in comics. I have to wonder at Marvel Comics, or should I say Disney, since they own Marvel Comics now. Do death of major characters really helps in sales? Face the facts. Everything in comics is about sales. The writers may be saying otherwise such as better creativities and such but if it doesn't bring enough money in it will be cancelled. Here I read that they even kind of hinted the death will be permanant. I think they make a big maistake. The Fantastic Four are some classic characters we grew up with. To make them as Fantastic Three is just nonsense. What makes them think the Fantastic Three is better? Remember the old days when the Fantastic Four cartoon only feature three members and left out the fire guy? Can't remember the name now because I haven't read much Marvel since all the big big events that confuses more than anticipating. That cartoon doesn't seem right and they never rename to Fantastic three. All the major characters go died usually comes back in some ways. They might even add in a new character later on, and if it doesn't work out the original character will be back. Just look at the Flash, he died for years and the new Flash was doing well, but Barry (the Flash who died) still came back for the great Green Lantern event. Death been overused.
This time, however, Marvel is adamant, noting that once the current story ends in No. 588, the Fantastic Four will cease to exist.
Friday, January 14, 2011
cab-less or just plain luck-less?
Ever tried to get a cab but none avaliable? It is either you have no luck or there was no cab then. I don't take a cab but then yesterday I had to hail one for work related, there are no cabs avaliable. They are all hired or busy. To make matter worse, I can only go for comfort-delgro cabs. I had spent 45mins that I decide to go back to my company main lobby when a cab pulls in with an alighting passenger. So what could the problem be? Either that the cab business is doing well that most of them aren't at work yet or they are all at other places. When you don't need a cab they are all around you but when you need one none avaliable. Maybe it is just plain no luck...
Monday, January 10, 2011
Can't even handle a drink?
Spillage are happening everywhere and it seems no one really bothers, at least until that air craft incident. Actually, no one cares about the spillage more than the actions in the cockpit. Sadly spilling of drinks is happening, such as dining and drinks were being poured in and some spilled out or when you drank too fast some water spilled out. It happens at office when the IT technician came to check on a non responsive laptop and found flavoured liquid, more common such as coffee inside. With such liquid spilled on the equipment, you can say good-bye to it. Even plain water spilled on a keyboard will makes the keys go crazy. If it is just plain water, a bit of luck include, the keyboard will be back to normal after the water dried up. So at high risk locations such as the cockpit, the pilot could drink but if spills could occur because they like to drip the beverage then they either drink with a straw or drink away from the controls. The hijack alert due to spills maybe a relief but annoying and no one will take it seriously if a real alert comes on and the people on he ground might think it is another coffee break gone wrong.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
to update or not?
There is a new ios update for the iphone. So do everyone rushes to update their iphone with the new ios? I am not updating mine. I do not see the need. There are risks for doing updates, such as bad experience after update. While the new ios provides more sms ringtones, I do not need the other stuffs. So would you put your usage experience at risk by updating the ios?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Hotmail too hot for some....
Hotmail being too hot finally burns all mails.... :D At least whatever happened within Hotmail, it lost many many mails stored by users. It seems that when they finally increases their quota space, users get to store more, delete less. Now the mails all gone. If you haven't backup the mails, what would the chance of getting them back be? If the mails are just not accessible, due to some programming issues, they are safe and will be back. If it really is, removed by error, I doubt Microsoft will put in effort to recover them since there are millions of users affected. Such problem will plague any email provider from time to time. It is all due to human error. And it is also human error that users themselves did not backup their email, relying on the mail server to store the mails forever.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Hair burnt more funny than news worthy
Just read some news on a woman's hair caught fire while in a bathtube, at a party. A singer, P Diddy, hosted some party at a hotel, with foam bathtube?? and some of his lady guest in the tube. Then the lady's hair kind of caught fire, due to a lit candle behind the tube. If the host is some nobody, it probably is no news at all. The security may even started chasing people off and (the hotel) suing people (the host). One thing I don't get it, why do well known entertainers most the west like to have bathtubs or even foam pool in a party? They even have candles around. And comments left on the site, I agreed with those writers. If the host is someone else, no one even cares. Anyway, I don't even know much about P Diddy. Give me MC Hammer anytime. :p
Saturday, January 1, 2011
iphone alarm boycotting!
Looks like Apple got a instant black eye on New Year. Their popular iphones have a bug, the alarms all failed to ring. And I am a victim too. At least I am not so victimised here. Today is a holiday for me so it doesn't matter. All the while I thought it rang but I am too deep in sleep manage to slept through the rackus. Not when I watched the news that people all over the world encountered the alarm problem. So is the alarm boycott only on 1st of January? I hope so because many people depends on iphone for wake up call and now the iphone is boycotting, it will be bad. Fortunately I managed to woke up. I am going to wait and see if the boycott will continue or just for today.
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