Saturday, December 31, 2011
Good bye 2011
The last day of the year 2011. Time flies. So how did you fare for the year? Ups and downs? Let's hope next year will be better. Happy New Year! Thanks for the good time 2011.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
people who should be forgotton
You know how much forgotton you can be when you didn't message them enough. Just when I did not message some contacts for a few days and they would ignores you or claimed they doesn't know you. It was a cheap excuse anyway. But I guess it works for them because I would have really dump them. So why should I ever waste my time on them?
Saturday, December 17, 2011
JB trip
Went to JB yesterday with a friend. Watch a movie at the cathay cinema there. The movie theater is not much different than local. The few hours spent at the mall there, it seems there are still some shops hidden. I couldn't find another cd shop. It was also the first time I went home late at night.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Finally got my last A-Ha cd.
After months and should I say years, actually is only 2+ years of searching for the A-Ha cd, it isn't on sale at all in local shops as well as shops in JB. I finally got the disc by ordering it online from some seller. While order from online can have some risks, it is the only way since it isn't on sale at all. Now all the waiting is over. It is still in wraper. I will listen to it soon.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Lying on the net would soon be a crime....
Soon it will be a crime to gives false infomation on the net. You cannot lie about your age or uses a fake name. Sometimes we uses the fake info to protect ourselves. As usual, it is a double edged blade. It will protect you but it will cut you too. People also uses fake info to do bad things. So is the law flexible enough to filter out safe people who just gives fake info because he don't feel comfortable to gives it? Then again, it is a must to give the truth so, if you can't avoid giving, then don't use that service. Currently it seems only Americans are affected. Who knows, if this works for the US, it might set a standard for the rest of the world. All the liars get ready for your pants on fire! So does the liars include those using a fake picture? Looks like a grey area which will eventually be covered, just to be safe than sorry....
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Majies are the family jewels
Just heard the majie story on channel 8. I just wonder how those employers could just forsaken them after their years of service? Some of the adults whom the majie took care of during young would still be showing concern to them. While they may be of no blood relation at all, but after all these years of taking care of the family I am sure you don't need to be related to be part of the family. I respect those adults who still show their concern to the majies. These people can sometimes be more dear then the parents themselves. Their sad stories deserves our respect. If you are still lucky to have one in your household you should treat them as family members and not like a servant.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Would you meetup far away pals?
What is consider a true long distant friendship? Unlike short distant friendship where you can meet up for activities, long distant friendship will usually be restricted to exchange of letters. In today's high tech age, you get to call on phone, or the cheaper alternative would be skype, msn, webcam or any other ways now. Sometimes you meet that someone who is from a faraway land and usually these people can also click well. So what are the chance they would ignore you after a meetup? The chance is there as well. So would you still take the chance to meet the person, knowing that the person would dump you if there is a disappointment?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Iphone 4S a hardware issue?
The fuss over the new iphone 4S seems to died down. Now the next flame starts to burn. The battery problem is next. Even though Apple released the next IOS update that should rectify the battery issue, many users complained it doesn't. Some would even claimed that more problems surfaced after the update. So I believes that the problem have nothing to do with the software but it is the phone itself that got problem. Just like the Iphone 4 when they have the reception issue which could be resolved by using a bumper. This time round hopes Apple get something out or it would be a nightmare for everyone.
Monday, November 7, 2011
crowded big walk
the big walk is a good experience to walk through sentosa and the resort. it is crowded but not a bad trip for 26 bucks. although it is just walk you get to take photos if you are lucky. I managed to brace the crowds for the goodie bag but I move away for the shuttle area. it is long crowd and not moving. Guess it will be another walk out through sentosa this time at my own pace.
Monday, October 31, 2011
hospitals are modern now
I went to visit a relative in the hospital. The hospital used to give the impression of those old rooms with old paints. There would also be those heavy smell of medicine. My recent visit, the place now looks like a hotel to a mall. You have a rest area at the wards area where patients could sit there to watch TV or meet with family so that you won't disturb the other patients. Also it amazed me to see so many young people, as nurses and doctors. While most of them are foreign talents, these young people makes the place quite lively and hip. Thanks to them the hospital could be a pleasant place to recover from illnese.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
China should wake up the people, morally
You should have read the news about that china girl that got knocked down by a van and got ran over twice when passer-bys refusing to help. China is growing in the world but the chinese people just doesn't seems to. You have oppression in some cities, poison foods, kidnappings, slavery, lastly, moral decay. While Chinese have always been regards as victims ever since the end of the world war. Even in television and movies, yet the latest news that shook the world just tipped the iceberg more. The passer-bys are all morally wrong by ignoring a little girl lying on the road. If it is an adult, it happens everywhere else but who would left a little girl there? Rather than admiting their wrongs those passer-bys that got caught would even claim they didn't see anything. It is a shame to all chinese around the world, but it also brought out the heroes, such as the granny who saved the little girl as well as others that gave the passer-bys a piece of their minds, one even reported going there and gave them a slap! China time to buck. You maybe a monster now in the world economy but within the country moral decay is happening bad. Time to educate the arrogants and jail the bad apples.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Moon should no be mined because it belongs to no one.
Is the moon ripe for mining? Some millionaire wanted to plan for a mining operation on the moon. While the moon contains many resources for mining, imagine a round moon that turn into potato shaped and will it be dangerous when they mined too deep will the moon loses gravity and crashes into Earth? Then again, who owns the moon? The moon belongs to everyone and unless resources mined from the moon will be use for the greater good and no one gets to earn money from it. The moon should remains untouched. These businessmen should all turn their sight towards the astroid field or even Mars.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Iphone upgrades, standard practise?
Apple had announced the new Iphone to be Iphone 4s. It is considered as an upgrade version of the Iphone 4. The upgrade isn't just minor. It got improved camera, voice commands, and a better screen. Maybe after ever new model there should be an upgrade model, like Iphone 3, Iphone 3GS. With all the negative news of a stolen prototype Iphone 5, fake iPhone 5 floating around, it should be a good time to redesign the new iPhone 5.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
REM quits.
Bands calling it quits. REM is the latest band from the 80s that announced they quit. Their early music were good. I used to listen to them on cassettes. It seems the music direction have changed. People kind of goes for boybands, R&B and those teen singers. Veteran bands kind of lost the magic. Just last year my favorite band A-Ha quit, but the indivuals members have their own solo projects. Would the members of REM remain in the music industry? Usually they would if they are really tightly linked to the industry. I hope the music direction moves change again to something more acceptable to older listeners.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Space junk falling back to Earth
NASA had confirmed that a satellite will re-enter the atmosphere on Friday and will land somewhere on Earth. The location is unknown. That can be bad news. Imagine that chunk of metal fell from the sky and does some damages. What would the difference would be as compare a meteorite that fell? This metal chuck belongs to NASA and if it toppled your house or sunk your basement NASA would probably have to take responsibility over it since it is their property. So watch out. If it is Friday in the US, it would probably be Saturday on the other side of the globe.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Space is a treasure chest
Scientists have found a planet obiting a twin star. While everyone thinks it is impossible, it happened. So what else is new? When you get the better and better with technology that enable you to look into the sky, it is a treasure chest opened for you to rummaged through. Right now man should buck up on spaceships technology. Space travel should not be late. It seems an overcrowding problem with be happening and for man to expand is to go into space.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Top worst songs of the 90s?
Rolling Stone recently put of the 10 worst songs of the 90s. In the list I would say, not all 10 songs I hated. There were songs that were overplayed as well as songs I didn't like. All of them were hits in some charts. So how did they came with such results? In any case, I would say all those songs are catchy in some sense except for Celine Dion's track. They are much better songs as compare to todays music.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Do you trash stuff without checking?
An Australian man while moving out trash had threw out his wife's jwellery and gold bars. Those stuff are put in trash looking bags to foil any thieves if any. Why didn't the wife put those treasures in a bank? According to report the man tried to ask if it is possible to dig through the trash piles to locate them but it is not possible. I guess there will still be people not comfortable with their valuables inside the bank. Then again, why didn't the man inspect their bags before dumping them?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Do you believe when you are down on luck?
Ever felt you are down on luck? Sometimes it is felt like you are feeling negative and can't seem to think straight. I could even felt distracted easily. I came down on a escalator and almost step onto another escalator that goes back up. I even did not ask for the change when I went to buy drink. So do anyone feel this way before? There is currently no crisis in my life so I am fine.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Apple still got Steve Job for now.
Steve Job stepped down as CEO and appointed Tim Cook as his successor. Unlike Microsoft, Steve Job is still within Apple, as chairman which is also an employee. He will still be valuable for his years of experience and will be available for any consultations when needed. Even if Steve resigns, Apple will always be linked to him just as Microsoft to Bill Gates. With Jobs still in the company, products from Apple should still have the same waves as those past products under Jobs. Unlike Microsoft, when Bill Gates left the company, consumers have issues with their new OS, as well other products. Hopefully, Tim Cook could do a job well done, if not as good as Jobs.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Would a new multiverse be better instead of reboot?
If Marvel have the Ultimate universe, why can't DC get one similar? DC is well known for creating multiverses, so to have another is just "nothing". Is it because it is nothing which is why they are doing the major rebooting, recreating, restarting with a different path. There are fans on both sides, those who welcome it and those who objects it. Perhaps they want to start a new but to do it on established icons like Batman and Superman is just playing with double edged sword. Changing Superman's costume just seems to be part of something that fans object. The younger Superman will wear t-shirt and jeans. The older Superman will have armored like clothing. The red underpants is gone too. He is the only guy that could wear the red underpants outside that seems so right. I could forget about the wedding between Clark and Lois. Perhaps, if sales doesn't work, they will establish these reworks as a separate universe. But for now, certain titles seems to be meant to be a collector's item, that is only for the 1st issue. Let's see if DC's gamble will reap any profits.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Discovery of life on Mar?
New discovery on Mars now suggest that there was life on Mars. It also claim that early Mars does not have oxygen. If such theory is being accepted, it would mean that oxygen and water will not be the only life giving materials. While nothing can be proven yet, there will always be possibilities that alien life forms can lives on places where dangerous gases that will kill Earth life will instead be the needed element for the alien life forms. That would also be possible that even the different temperatures would not affect life formation. If life can form over anywhere, then scientist will have to find what is the element of the universe that create life, regardless of how different the conditions maybe. To discover that, it may not be possible in this lifetime, or even the next few lifetime.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Space travel will need miracles.
Men have always been looking into the skies. While NASA had grounded the shuttles forever and left the fates of going into orbit to untested companies, funds been cut from the government for political reasons, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is now trying to get some people to start planing for space travel to the nearest star. For current technologies, it is impossible, even to reach the next nearest planet, or even the moon. The last time someone went to the moon they are unable to stay long unless they have improved equipments for long stay. Imagine cycling from the borders of Canada to the border of Mexico, that would take months. Including the rider would have to take breaks and rest. Current spaceships all kind of using rocket boosters. It takes fuels and before halfway to it's destination it would need refuel. Also the crew will need to survive the conditions in long term space flight. Space travel will need miracles.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
SETI continues to find aliens
Politics and science should not mix. All these topics should not even be mixing with other topics such as music and entertainment and sports. Somehow there will always be some politicians doing it, mixing them. The latest is the budget cut from research project SETI. SETI is the project for searching for alien life in the sky. Some people just think that they are not important enough. The US should look back at how did they ended up this way. The simple answer is that they over spent. Over spending on wars at other people's countries. They may be then, the richest country but to dump their money into war, plus the economy broke down during 2009 just shove them into their current status. Spend only if you have the amount. That is simple logic. Right now, donors who believes in the continuing search for aliens stepped in. Hopefully it will bear some fruits. A sign to show that something is out there and people can throw out the area 51 stories. The real story will be coming from the sky instead.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Pasting protectors need skills
Had purchased a new ipad2 from Supura. It came with a free screen protector. Just wonder how do people do the screen pasting on their own? Ever tried to paste but you see all the bubbles underneath? Every time you tried to remove the bubbles, more will appear. So how did those people who does screen pasting at the shop did it? I saw them just aim correct on the screen and release the protector on the screen and it lay down nicely. Guess even a simple pasting requires skills and practice. I will have to take mine to one of them for re-pasting....
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
National Day just doesn't seems memorable nowadays
National Day is over. I did not watch it as usual. It seems to have evolved to some kind of hippiness that I just can't accept it. Maybe I am stuck in the old days. But one thing for sure, how many National Days gota memorable song? Remember the 90s where those catchy songs still last? Now they have to get a local international singer, to sing it. People remembers because the radio mentions and plays it. Else who remembers? Even the national anthenm being altered, in term of the musical portion. I like the original, where from being a child I sang to it. The change just makes it hard for me to accept. Perhaps people will need the change to reflect the country growing. To me, somethings just need to be left alone. They should go back to composing those classic type of National Day songs instead making it pop song where no ones remembers or knows how to sing.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
MTV was already dead years ago
Read about how yesterday was MTV's 30th birthday. On the music blog from Yahoo, it mentioned that MTV did not have any celebration on their website. User's comments were mostly about MTV not being what MTV used to be anymore. I would quite agree with them. MTV in the early days plays music videos. Regardless of any kind of music, if there is a video they plays it. Perhaps in today, no much people watch music videos on TV. Everyone goes to youtube. Then from the business perspective, MTV changed from playing music videos to the shows of today. The death of MTV already occurred years ago. I don't watch music videos of today since I don't even enjoy the music of today. I may have stuck at yesteryear's music but then again, those videos are also cooler.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Time for exercise!
Playing computer games continously will result to death. This report indicate that a 20 years old Briton benn sitting down playing games all the time. He was said to have died due to congestion in the blood vessel. Meaning that you cannot stay still for too long. When you moves, your blood within your body flows. For some reason not exercise will cause your blood to slow down. Extreme cases such as this resultin death. So if you are a sitter time to go for a long walk out of the house!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
fare hike vs better services
After GE, now as expected there will be a fare hike. Right now, the people are make louder noise. They are showing their unhappiness, like how they voted in the opposition into parliment. The people's question is how could fare increase when there is no improvement in transportation? The most obvious is the packed buses and trains. It seems the increase in the number of buses and trains doesn't solve the problem, or did the transport operator increase enough? From the other point of view, you need increament to substain the service provided. If that is the case, the service provided is not a good service. Maybe the gov should start letting a third or forth operator to comes in. There used to have private buses plying the routes but there isn't any now. With more operators, people will have more choices and select the service that best suit their needs. It will also spread out the crowds to other buses.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
sushi covers for iphone
Iphone covers are supposed to protect out precious iphone from scratches and dirt. While some may have nice designs and patterns, they are all flat. Here the Japanese are making some sushi iphone covers! So how is it interesting? We want our phone to be small yet using these covers will make our phone thick and bulgie! I definitely won't get such covers.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
George Lucas lost court case
George Lucas lost in the English courts against his designer of the Stormtrooper costume. The Designer is now making his designs for other parts of the world market except the US. Mr Lucas should instead go for a win win situation by giving out license so that everyone gets to earn something. Somehow I doubt he needs the money but when it is going against someone who works on the design or the costumes they is no denying to give credits.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Time Travel claimed to be impossible
Scienctists claims that time travel is impossible. This is only a small group say it is impossible just because they could not do it. The possibility is still there, locked up in Pandora's Box..... If someone could do it, like all science fiction movies, it would wreck the timeline affecting the present and future. The question, do anyone wants to do it?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Justice served to PRC who wants to be funny at the wrong place
What is it that the Chinese from China get more news around? And it would usually be negative news. The latest involves this undergrad poking fun at Singaporeans. Didn't he knows the basic manner of respecting the host? He is not in China. He is merely studying at another country. Making fun at the host and doesn't mean it, is a bad mistake. He got expelled, no refund and was asked to leave the country. Sound like Justice was served raw. Your joke simply "attacked" many who doesn't get the joke of it, is it is a joke. Hopefully you do not represent your country men. If more of your kind start to bash, at least do it at your own homeland.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Internet can mind wipe? What about books?
Using Googles could wipe your memory. Actually it doesn't just mean googles but overall anything internet. Perhaps it would include those encyclopedias as well. The point here is that the news article suggest that, since we know that the informations are available online, we would not bother to remember the informations in our brain. So wouldn't it be the same as we know the informations be in the books? Maybe there are some truth in it. It is all up to ourselves to move our body parts, including the brain.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Other's mistake could be your unlucky day
Sometimes one person's laziness or mistake could be another person's trouble. Went to library to borrow a DVD. Somehow the DVD was cracked. So the librarian missed it. Carelessness or mistake? Since the box was sealed it would be the librarian's duty to ensure the disc is working. Well, when I took it, I made the mistake of not informing the library of the crack. So when I return it became my problem when they claimed that I broke it. They need a better system to ensure the correct person gets the penalty of the damage. Maybe it was me being unlucky.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Another rude "babe"
Why do they behaves like a loser? Another one I met decide that to ignore is the best way. So are they all friends or did they get their ignoring ideas from the same place? They just act the same rude ways. Guess because they are singaporeans and ignoring is the best way. At least reply with something like it's over. Considered they are dumped. Looks like these kind of people are many since I met so many.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Myspace changed ownership again, for better or worse?
Myspace changed ownership again. During the early days before facebook it was the king in social networking. Now it just became is some information overload site. Will the change in ownership works? It will depend on how the designs will be and the contents available. One advantage they have now is that Justin Timberlake is one of the owner. His name could bring in some or more users. However names are only a draw, they will need to keep the users with a proper contents and usability. Friendster is also revamping while Google is out with Google Plus. So much for user to choose, it will be how user friendly the sites will be.,0,4079429.story,0,4079429.story
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Bye bye railway station
Tanjong Pagar railway station closes today. So have you go there for the last time? Although I do not go there, I am glad that I did in my lifetime been there, took a train before. Was at JB during my teen days and coming back to SG by train. It was the 90s. I do not remember much except I got impressed by a giant spring thingy at the end of the track, possibly to repel any trains that fail to stop at the end of the line. Losing the railway station mean there won't be anymore trains cutting through heartland. The youngster will not have a chance to see trains. They will only get to see one if they go travel to Malaysia. Guess the nearest substitute would be the MRT trains.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunflower to clean radioactive soil??
Japanese are now trying to get people to grow Sunflowers on the radioactive soils at the Earthquake area. How did they get the idea that Sunflower will help to decontaminate the soil? I tried to look for the info on Wikipedia but nothing was mention about this. Is this just another myth to give people false hope or someone found something that even internet doesn't know? Seriously wouldn't the plants, including Sunflowers dies on a radioactive land? Right now they should concentrate on decommission that nuclear station. Looks like those Japs are still trying to save their money by trying to save the nuclear station.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Salvation Army still leave their stuffs unguarded
The Salvation Army is in the news again. Being known to everyone as the group that collect old usable stuffs from people who do not need them and these stuffs will go to needy people. Now here in the news, it manage to capture people going to the donation area and take stuffs. Some people even came as organised group. So why doesn't Salvation Army wise up their ideas? They have been in the news before about leaving their stuffs unguarded. They mentioned that they do not want to spend unneccessary money to put in securities. They should increase the timing for collection. Clear everything. It have been shown all the items laying around like a rubbish dump. While people continue to give away their things how long will they do so if thiefs keep going there to take away things.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Death in comics again? Give it a break!
Ultimate Spiderman to be dead in the comics. To non readers, this ultimate name means it is an alternate universe where the Spiderman we all know is not affected. They are different people in different worlds. However to comics readers, especially to those non-ultimate or even non-Marvel readers, it is a confusion. Also to top it up, the "death" tactic is being used again. Everyone knows death is never permanent in comics. Comics writers had done it on the big names, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Captain America, Punisher..... Even minor characters died multiple times throughout years that I have lost interest in wanting to know how they got back being alive. The writer here says that any death in Ultimate universe is permanent. So far, the most permanent death for a character is Uncle Ben. The other longest death I have seen would be Barry Allen, the flash who died during the Crisis issues. He does made occasional cameo, which doesn't count since he remains dead in the main universe. After some twenty years he is back! I am sure Wally West is doing fine as the Flash and I am also happy to see Barry back as the Flash but the point here is likely to be sales. Barry's rebirth sure increase sales. So how long will Ultimate spiderman remains as dead just does not seem to matter. People just kind of feel they have lost the creativity in making stories other than to kill off characters regardless of universe. Death in superheroes comics are overused!
Creative barcodes
Barcodes are those dull looking lump of lines with a row of numbers. It is actually for the computer database that contains all the informations on that item. If it is a book, the library will use it to retrieve records of the book. If it is other items, places like a supermarket will retrieve the price info for the item. Now some people intend to change how the squarish looking barcode to something creative. As shown, most of the barcodes still include the numbers at the bottom, in cases like the scanner unable to read the barcode, the human operator will input the numbers into the computer which will translate into the barcode. From the website, the first design is a mess. While it looks interesting, the numbers are jumble. If creativity should happen, the first design should be out. Feel free to design but do not make it complicated to the human eye. You never know when a scanner decide to play tantrum and stop reading a barcode that you have to manually input but the barcode is messy looking.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Do not leave your kids alone
Leaving their children alone at home is a big NO. It isn't just a local problem. It is global, especially in those high rise buildings. When the child was left alone, usually during their nap time, they woke up alone. They would then want to look for their mummy or the adult person in the house. Unable to find anyone in the house they then goes to the window, and usually it wasn't locked. That is when accident happens. It is lucky for this kid, for this family. The kid got stuck at the aircon mounted at the wall. Also some brave residents among the community group together to save the kid. This shows that there are still good people in China, after all those negative news happening there.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Comic heroes movies should have more actions!
Just watched Green Lantern movie today. It was another super hero movie, except that this one is one that I like most. It is my favorite comic character. The usual movie nonsense will be there, such as, altered origins. For this, it got most correct, or as similar to the comic origin as it could. Unlike all ther other heroes movies, this have more equal action as the others. Example, when do you see Superman fight another villain that is a super villain? He have been fight Lex Luthor all the time. Luthor, while being the greates Superman villain is becoming boring when he can't fight Superman head on. If you ever read any of Superman's comic, he got enough super villains to show him some punch moves. At least Green Lantern gets to have a good fight with Hector Hammond. It was a good start. Perhaps the sequel Sinestro will square off with him. They could have the sub villains for sub plots such as Black Hand or maybe Major Disaster. With all the CGIs being capable now these villains could be worthy for the movie screen. I hope the next Superman movie at least he gets to punch Metallo or better yet, Mongol or even Doomsday or Ultraman. These should gives you the best action ever if the story cannot make it. As for Batman, enough of Joker or Penguin or Riddler. Batman maybe a detective but the audiences want action. As usual his collection of villains include many capable of putting up a fight. Bane, Deadshot, KGBeast and even Prometheus. Right now, all eyes on Marvel comic's Captain America. His origin and the usual villain, the Red Skull. As long as it does not stray off the comic, people should be able to accept it. The WWII setting restricts more modern villains to appear.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
PRC pot calling kettle black
Sometimes I wonder why people who have bad opnion of someone would even post them online. Nothing can please everyone. This time some chinese from china (PRC) posyed their opnion and rated Singaporeans as digusting people. While there is no denying that digusting people are everywhere, not just singaporean. These PRC would label the whole basket of apple as rotton just because someone bit on a rotton fruit. Since that is how you think, why do you still hang around in this country full of disgusting people? I am also sure that since these PRC uses internet to voice out, U am sure they also get to read how people post dislike of PRC. It is just being pot calling the kettle black, but in thise case, insulting the host of the country where they are earning a living makes them more low life than they are. Here, I say it is only to those who lables the whole basket.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Artifical food made from excrement
The world will be facing a food shortage in the future. People are now finding ways to create more food. However, would you dare to eat it? Japanese scientist have claim to create artifical meat from human excrement...! They say that the meat is of high nutritional value and reduce greenhouse gas emmision. Ultimately, would people accept such food? Perhaps, this is a first step towards artifical food. This could also be a kind of food stuff for space travel. Right now, it seems too early for people to accept it. Finally, there is no wrong when you call someone eat sh*t!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Solar activity
NASA detected a solar flare erupted from the sun on Tuesday. Estimate it will arrive Earth on Thursday. So if you encounter your mobile signal not smooth or wireless connection going ghostly, it could be due to the solar activity. Hopefully such activity from the sun will not roast your computer or television. It should be only as an annoyance and not some kind of destructive force.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
party invitations gone wrong
Facebook have done it again, or at least careless user of facebook. Invitations to personal party which was open to public view caused the owner of the party to flee her own home. This is not the first time I read about such happening. Is facebook really the way to invite people to party? This shows that the old fashion way or who you want to invite, you send a card or a note. I am sure this will not be the last of it.
Unknown structure on Mars?
Looks like the Astronomy people will have some excitment, at least on those alien life finders and Mars scientists. David Martines had infact, using Google Mars found an object, or a structure that is big. It could be something for containment or some kind of living quaters. The image is too realistic to be of some optical illusion. So far there isn't any known space projects that could have travel to Mars and left it there. So there should be a reason enough to start sending out Mars missions.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Coins are here to stay
It seems that people are getting innovative at doing payment. We are getting into the stage of cashless payment but the dollar notes and coins are still sticking around. Sometimes people will start doing mischief with these. Some guy tries to pay up something which he isn't happy with does the payment with coins, and he ended up with the cops. There is also story of another guy who is not happy over something and pass over his sums in coins, but he isn't breaking any law, because he was depositing his money with the bank. So coins are there to assist us with the smaller sums but when some "wise" dude tries to be a maths wiz he would just be trying his luck with the law.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Trance is it only entertainment?
There is this news of a hypnotist while trying to "wake up" his tranced participants fell and knocked out. So if the hypnotist fail to wake up or if he injured himself then does that mean the tranced people will be tranced forever? Can't a tranced person be woken out by a shake on the shoulder or any other means like dealing with a sleeping person? While it would be curious on what the feel of being tranced to be. Could it be inside a different world or into the past? Or worst, those who participated were actually part of some acts to entertain the audiences. Just like some magics it is still hard for some people to accept hypnotic as real.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
IE9 another worst offering....
I had my first use of IE9 on my computer and it was like another flash of new-ness, just like using Windows 7 for the first time. New feel soon turn to lousy feel. First the interface fail. Having scan the internet forums, there are many people complaining of the same thing. Unmovable menubar, favorite bar at the wrong place, user add-on for IE8 not working for IE9. All these affected me too. I remember when I first upgrade from IE7 to IE8 with the same new interface so different with the same complaining but this one just more worst. Other than a different interface there is no much different. I guess I will skip this version since there are some add-ons that I need but no working on IE9.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
new watch?
My track shoes finally gave way. The lousiest I had is the Brooks shoes. It broke in less than two months. My dad said I bought it and left it on the shelf for too long. Does left on the shelf for too long matters? I doubt it. Anyway Had gone to Safra to get another pair. This time I get the New Balance. On my way back I saw a hawker hawking some watches at 4.90 each. The brand of one I saw is Tisso brand I guess. I didn't get it although my current watch the belt is not working. Changing a new belth probably cost more. I might get a new watch.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Reboot catches up with DC Comics... again?
DC Comics is doing it again. Rebooting. This time rebooting without any crisis. All the rebooted titles will be starting at number 1 again. Most of the time, when DC does the number 1, fans will still go for it as those number 1 isn't much of a reboot, but much like an alteration from some crisis. Now this time round it seems like fans doesn't quite take the news well. This reboot will be like changing a major part of a well established character's life that have passed by us in one of those long lost issue during our father or even grandfather's year. Usually I wouldn't even care much but any major changes, to established characters like Batman or Superman just isn't something that can be accepted easily. What would be the change? Not known yet. Maybe like, they will add in that Clark Kent was in the same school as Jimmy Olsen. Maybe we doesn't care about that but if it lead Olsen to finally discovered Clark's secret then maybe it does matters. DC wouldn't call a reboot without a major overhaul in its characters. How an overhaul will change the reader's view at their comics will be something different. New readers to these characters may not suffer from these changes. Collectors and hardcore DC readers may. Already I do not like how the All Stars title, such as All Star Batman goes. Maybe in the end it is all in a mini bubble reality or sub universe. It might all be just a bad dream from the Anti-Monitor after losing a fight with Green Lantern..... if we are lucky.–-questions-about-the-great-dc-comicsrelaunch/–-questions-about-the-great-dc-comicsrelaunch/
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Bigger stars exists!
Hard to imagine, that there are still bigger and bigger stars to be found. The universe is infinite and that seems to gives the logic of bigger and bigger exists. The star VFTS 682 located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. So the next question is, will there be another much bigger star somewhere deep in the universe? There are stars everywhere to be discover, time for man to travel to the edge of the solar system to be able to observe more. NASA where is the long overdue hyperdrive?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Old days comics kind of supporting all supporting characters
Comics it seems will be cashing in on major selling characters. Remember the old days where everywhere are selling Superman and Batman comics and in all kind of stories? As compare with today's stories, the old days those stories are kind of lame. Perhaps during those time the style of storyline are the in thing. No one dies. And all those supporting characters will be there as well, support the story. At least now in today's comics, you don't see the same supporting character all the time. They have many more others before the character get stale. Still, if there is enough demand from readers, you will get Jimmy Olsen in all the Superman books. That will be kind of stale but it was kind of retro style if it do happens.
Monday, May 30, 2011
why at expo?
Missed the Popular book fair. How come? Because it is at Expo. The farthest ever location in my opnion for some exhibition. Sure there is the MRT but not when I am out of time and unable to go there. Time can be a killer to travel that far. I have been to most popular book fair except this one. Hopefully they move back to Suntec next time.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
rsaf open house jam
the rsaf have open house at weekend. went there on second day. the first sign of displeased is the bus queue. the rsaf should know of the number of visitors. the bus queue was so long and not moving. the show was ok except no enough free stuff for everyone. next is the bus queue again. this one was worst. it is moving so slow and stuffy where the heck are all the buses? not enough buses then they should activate the tunnels! this open house is worst I have been to.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Mac attack begins
It seems the day is here. Hackers usually goes for the PC are now taking notice of the Mac platform. Most Macs are unprotected due to the understanding, that most hackers and malwares are PC based. Now it will be like resistance is futile. According to the article from, most users are just users. They won't know what to do or how to remove the malwares if their mac got hit. I am sure such users are also there for PC too. These people will need to buck up. Sure you are only a user but imagine, the PC or Mac is your home you will need to do maintenance too. Can't fix a faulty cabling or need plumbing? Same as the computer.,2817,2385898,00.asp,2817,2385898,00.asp
Thursday, May 26, 2011
2016 space mission? sound like an excuse
NASA announced a new missions for planetary missions. It is always good news for man to be exploring out into space to nearby planets rather than to stuck around within Earth's orbit. However when I read that the mission will occur at 2016, I wonder why the heck they want to put it so far away. At least a 2012 sound reasonable. 2016, in between they will have delays and even aborted. They should take the missions seriously. Obviously man is lacking in speed in the planet science and to move in even more slowly just doesn't make sense. Seems like another excuse to the fans of exploring out into space.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
New doomsday from the same guy that gave fake dates....
Doomsday is not over. The dude who cried doomsday since 1994 and then May 21 this year, which did not happened is now announcing a new date. The new date is 5 months later. So how many more people will follow him? It would probably be another fake date. How many people will jump in with him? He did not offer explanations on how he get that date. This is one leopard that will try again and again as long as the place is still in one piece...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Windows 8 coming 2012
PCMag reports that Windows 8 is coming out in 2012. Not surprisingly I saw people giving out their negative bits in the comments section. I would too if I would post. I just change my system to Windows 7. It isn't a simple task to change from a XP system. You have all your settings as well some older programs that doesn't work anymore on Windows 7. Now they want to announce a Windows 8. Is that how they make money? Rushing out OS every one or 2 years doesn't make much sense. Rush job will produce bloated crapwares such as Windows Vista. Windows XP manages to last for 10 years so why would one need to upgrade OS again?,2817,2385795,00.asp,2817,2385795,00.asp
Sunday, May 22, 2011
My Genting Trip (pt 3)
All the while everyone told me that in Genting there is no shopping. Wonder why all these bs about nothing to shop? There are shops there. Perhaps there is nothing for you to buy but there are shops. I managed to bought some DVDs from a DVD shop. There are others such as a shop for local snacks. I bought a pack of pork floss. So Genting is like a big mini town. Yes there are like 3 to 4 buildings and within them the amusment park that links them. Within them the shops and hotels. Of course for those with extra time to spare then can always go downhill to the nearby town for shopping.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Another fake doomsday prediction
It is strange that some people tries to say that doomsday is today, 21st may 2001. Well it seems nothing happened. Not even some minor minor stuff. Such proclaimations from "fanatics" happened before. These groups even did a mass sucides, sad to say for them the world is still here. Perhaps it there are predictions, it should be logical since men evolved into educated minds that goes for reasons and truths, at least as truthful as best. There is still the Dec 2011 based on the Mayan calender as well as some other calculations from other religions. This one created the most attention and it maybe one of those false alarms as usual. Everyone knows all good thinsg will end someday. We will never know as from the bible there is this text: "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Scientists however conclude that Earth will ultimately be destroyed when the Sun engulfed the solar system. That, it will be beyond generations to be able to witness.
Ants attacks if you snack in bed!
Amazingly, this news article inform that if you snack in bed, you could endanger yourself. At least in this case, ants made themselves home in the ear of this girl who always snack in bed. Probably lazy or bad luck. One should always, after snack, clear off the crumbs. I don't think the ants would march over after a snack. So cleaniness is what matters.
Friday, May 20, 2011
My Genting trip (pt 2)
One thing no one ever seems to mention is that Genting is a theme park. It is a small theme park as compare to what I saw in Korea and probably smaller than those asian Disney worlds. It is, I think much bigger than whatever theme park in Singapore. And of cause the rides are much better and thriller. I tried the Pirate ship and well, you can get the thrill feel much the same when on the swing. I didn't try the rocket launcher. Think I am way over the ahe for that level of thrill. There is another ride that you lay down on the stomach and hold on to a pole while it slide up and down a track. That certainly makes you scream not because of the joy but seem more like cursing when you feel you are about to lose grip. It would worth a second ride although I don't want to try it again then.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Would you create a scene for unfair treatment?
When some things are not going your way, would you be raising your voice? Saw a scene where a man was at a counter raising his voice. Overheard him saying he is there to get some justice. Since he raises his voice I could heard him. There were two security men there. In situations where you feel unfairly treated, would creating a scene by raising your voice would accomplish your objective? I would never do that. By having all the eyes on me would kind of made things worse. Life is never fair in all cases so to obtain fairness by creating a scene just would show a certain degree of maturity. And the place that owes you the justice, if it is a big company, it might kind of unmovable with loud noise. For justice to be serve takes time and proper procedures.
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Genting trip (pt 1)
Whenever Genting was mentioned, everyone would think of casino. During the weekend I finally get to walk into that place for the first time. The First World hotel lobby reminds me of some eastern european theme. After a while I get to visit the casino. Nothing impressive, as I have been to Macau and entered one of the casino there. Compared with this one, the Genting casino is smaller. Very much smaller. Everything got electronic. The jackpot just doesn't let you pull levers anymore. All pressing button and you will be at the mercy of the computer program. The good thing I like it is the free drink. For the drink I made an effort to enter the casino for two more times. :D
Most unlucky to drink contaminated water.... not just any contaminated water
Heard from the news, a murder commited and the corpse got dumped into the water tank. Looks like the victims are all the residents who uses the water. You never know the water being used to washed up or cooking were being soaked with the corpse. That would be super duper bad luck.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Company trip
It is trip time! Will be going on a trip with company. Hopefully it is not as bad since I don't know most people. Heck I survived Friday 13th and all other bad fridays and weekdays I should be able to survive the weekend. Right now my tummy seems to disagree. Better settle the disagreement before moving off. :D
Thursday, May 12, 2011
hightest watched programme? not expected.
Read on TODAY newspaper that the programme on the election has the highest viewer on 5 of their channels. There is only one TV station and with all the 5 channels showing the same programme it would of course be the highest. Why do they even need to put up an article on that? Everyone knows it when that the remaining channels doesn't show any proper shows. Basically there is nothing to watch unless you have cable TV. People watch it because that is the only place to get on track on election. Once all the results are out people off their sets even when the mumbo jumbo talks still going on. It was 3am so who needs to hear more when it is already result final?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mumble grumble after election
Election is over but the aftermath grumbles are still on going. Most are disappointed why many of the almost losing wards managed to avoid defeat by the slight percentage of votes. Many feel that they should lose to the oppositions as the current MPs, usually the heavyweight ministers is to be blamed. Also most would think that the GRC should go. GRC will always be interpreted as a fortress to protect a newbie within some veteran MPs or even ministers. The lost of one GRC this time kind of signal GRC is not working, when the people within it are doing everything wrong. However, until more GRC topples over to the oppositions, they will be here to stay and to maintain the bigger number of seats in parliment.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
election ended with a bang
The Singapore politics scene ends with a bang for everyone with the election ended. The usual PAP won. Everyone expect them to still be the government but perhaps a weakened one since the oppositions brought in many serious issues which was created by the PAP. While the GRC system was intended by the PAP to have teams of MPs which included minority race, many viewed it as a protecting system against opposition contest. All these changed when the Worker's Party with its 'A' team won a GRC. However the unexpected, in a sense expected the opposition stronghold lost. Potong Pasir was lost to PAP by a close hundred votes. It was Mr Chiam's mistake to put his wife in charge, in my opnion. And I would expect half the voters there wanted the PAP carrot and long for the return of abalone porridge. While most hard fought area all lost by the oppositions, the PAP votes all went down. Most PAP voters probably still wanted the PAP carrots despite whatever candidates being fielded. From the results, PAP now have a chance to buck up or they will fail more for the next election.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
HMV selling Ending on a High Note
Found the A-Ha Ending on a High Note disc selling at HMV. It is good that they are selling it but they still not selling their Foot of the Mountain album. Guess I will have to buy from Internet.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
rallies are loud
Election rally have been kind of like festive. The parties set up booth to sell their stuff, like key chain and flags. Most are affordable. Unlike what you see on photos of the good old days of rallies, the rallies of today are bright and loud. The spot lights shines onto the stage while the gigantic speakers blast at the surroundings. Knowing that loud is power, the speakers even raise their voices. Somehow it is a national issue but I feel grouchy, knowing that my area do not need to vote. Hopefully it would be different next round.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Superman do not need citizenship
Superman renounce his US citizenship? Using his citizenship to boost sales will not be a great as a battle to death. If you have Captain America renounce his citizenship then it would be hot topic. Superman is after all an alien from Krypton. If you put it as Clark Kent renounce his citizenship then it would sound different. Superman have all the while battle evil all over the world as well in outer space. That is what the Justice League does. So how is this news? After a few months he would take back his citizenship again. As usual these comic people just can't get better ideas.
money is everything for SETI
Money isn't everything, money is everything... sometimes. At least the SETI people are needing to money as their funds are used up and they have to shut down their equipments. SETI tries to look for possible alien signals and with all these tools down, any potiential signals will be missed. Hopefully someone get to provide the much needed funds and get the stuff going eles all these hard works will be for nothing.
crunches doesn't gives you a flat tummy!
Doing crunches doesn't gives you a flat tummy as this yahoo article says. Most of us grew up with the impression that crunches or even sit ups will flatten you tummy, or even gives you six packs! Now the article mentions that it will harm your spine! Woah! So if you have been doing that it is time to do something else. The best way to flatten a tummy is to eat less, run more. At least it will control.
Friday, April 29, 2011
SG election fever
It is election fever. The opposition finally got many credible canditates for the contest. However it is still quite slim change for a big change. Everyone knows that. However those A teams could really have chance to pull an upset win. Speaking of upset, why isn't there any opposition contest in Tanjong Pagar? Those guy who got disqualified could be unlucky but if they really serious they should be there early and not to seperate themselves. All the lame excuses and actions from both sides kind of happening just that no one really care since all eyes on the A teams. Since I don't get to vote A teams are just, well non of my concern....
Back after some lazy excuses.... :p
Been off posting for many days. Was reinstalling my computer. While I could still post since now everyone would have more than one computer or even smartphone. Well I just do not have the mood or topic to post. And it was a challenge and fustrating installing computer. Was upgrading to Windows 7 and it was full of bugs! Yes bugs! Comparing to Vista this windows is a lot better. So what bugs that need swipping? Mainly the interface and usage and functionality. Since most of us are used to XP, the sudden change just seems to make us lost like a newbie being exposed to a computer. What people hates is to learn new interface again. Especially oldie like me. The saying teach old dogs new trick? I am stuck behind. To re-adapt to a new interface I could try. But the issue of old softwares does not work just pile up waiting for the final straw before reverting back to XP.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Jaywalkers just won't get it, at least some will get fitter.....
Jay walking in Kuala Lumpur can be a toll on your health or let you become more fit depending. According to the Wanbao, plain clothes officers are waiting for jay walkers at the overhead bridge, when they do got caught will get a fine. Those who do not have the money to pay up will instead have to walking up and down 10 times on the bridge at the full view of the public. Imagine those elderly or those unfit people have to go through. Then, I am sure they would rather do this to save their money. Hopefully they learn their lesson not to jaywalk but it usually be only temporary which after that will happen again when the authority stop the operation.
Love story turn out as fake as some would expects
So as expected, stories of love between couples of big age gaps turns out to be fake. Already many people do not agree on such a union with such big age gaps but they have many who gave their blessings. Those who gave their blessings would feel that they have been fooled into someone's gimmick. Hoaxs have been around us all the time, but to have someone's face being used would be stupid. The person who participate the hoax would be known and probably be spammed online for his participation.
Wendy's fries are better than Mcdonald?
Wendy's have better fries than McDonald's? I have yet to try Wendy's fries but I doubt Wendy's fries could be that good over McDonald's, at least for a short time. There isn't that many Wendy's resturants around. People who enjoy McDonald's fries are because the fries are crunchy or crispy. So is Wendy's fries crispy? Also there are other contenders like KFC or Burger King. They have as many resturants. Even if Wendy's fries are better, their sales wouldn't increase because there isn't that many Wendy's around.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How real is the magic incident?
Saw a video on a magic that gone wrong and the assistant was killed. So how real is the video? Having a failed up magic is few. Usually the magician is experienced and done it many times. To have shed blood would be even rare. This video supposed to show even death. Would such a video even exists? There were posts that claimed the video is fake. So what do you think?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Close shave moment anyone?
Ever encounter a close shave moment? Close shave moment like almost got knock by a car or almost trip over something dangerously. I guess the close shave with car is common. Usually when it happens do we blame it on bad luck or our carelessness? Guess if we can't control our luck at least we could be more careful.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Comic characters should be treat with respect
Remember when Marvel Comics killed Captain America, everyone know he will be back. But during his absence someone else filled his shoes. His former sidekick Bucky. He is the new Captain but we all know that only the original person is forever the hero that started it all. Remembers Superman, Batman and even Wonder Woman? Even Flash, whom Barry Allen was dead for about twenty years is back. Everyone prefer the original character. So we know Steve Rogers will take back the shield. So Bucky got demoted? In a sense it seems to be. While the comic which showcase the return of the true Captain is set in July, we shall see how Marvel deals with Bucky. They shouldn't demote Bucky. He isn't some outsider created to fill in shoes. Unlike Wonder Woman, her replacement was created or pulled from a vault of lesser used character and put in her boots. She was tossed away back into the vault when the true Wonder Woman returns. For the case of Batman and Flash, their replacements was Dick and Wally. They were established characters before they start filling shoes. So now they remains as Batman and Flash, meaning there are two Batman and Flash. Marvel better do the right thing, at least Bucky shouldn't fall back into sidekick role.
Monday, April 4, 2011
colored bubbles could be messy
When we play with bubbles, it is just plain soapy water that just washed off and it leaves no stain. Now that Crayola came out with colored bubbles, it caught people's attention and leaves them bad taste - in this case bad stain. Parents complained about the stains after the colored bubbles burst. Somehow there is a warning label but the words are too small to be noticed. I wouldn't read on something that is hard to get noticed. For the parents who have to clean up the mess, looks like they won't be using colored bubble anymore.
Marvel and DC works best with each other
Marvel and DC both made their digital format comics available for only 10 cents. While 10 cents in US currency could be much more in other currency, it is still much more cheap. At least we get to see the 2 rival comics publisher started something together rather to be competing each other. Both have comics that are good as well as not up to standard but it shouldn't be the reason to avoid doing stuff together. Ever since those Marvel DC crossovers, there isn't much. With this hopeful something else is being planned. Now somewhere an article states that Stan Lee wants to be in Batman cameo. Warner Brothers studio should put him in. A cameo shouldn't cost too much.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Aliens found. How real is that?
Aliens baby found in Mexico. Hoax or real? Sound real with a big hoax possibilty. Because this is the first time I read about it and the article claimed it shocked the world so how come Yahoo and Google doesn't have the news? I did not read it on any newspapers too. In any case, if it is real, the farmer guy who caught it certainly too his time to pass it to authority. He later died in a fire that is too hot for normal fire. So it seems aliens among us could be very real. Then again if it is a hoax.....
bub gone mute
Why is there communication break down? For some people they just prefer to stop communicating. By stopping communication they want to shut off the other party. It is the most easy way to stop but also to show that you are the same as those others. A good communicator would provide the most essentials information before ending. Those without ending formally just gave people the impression they are sitting on top. Weak signal all the way to my block list. Roger out.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Mr Spock vs TF.....
Leonard Nimoy, "Mr Spock" is going to provide his voice in the new Transformers movie. So maybe there would be a big chance to do a Transformers vs Star Trek type of show. Anyway Leonard claimed to retired but now he is back, at least the voice is back for Transformers. He voiced Galvatron in the 1986 animated Transformers Movie back then. Hopefully with Mr Spock's voice in the show it should be much better in term of storyline than the previous movies.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rise of the monster fishes!
When we read 20000 league under the sea, we got to know of super giant octopus fighting at the submarine. We know such monstrous size creatures doesn't exist. RIght now, maybe they will evolve into that size. It is all so possible now that such monster fish of giant size could even be there. It just have not show itself. Right here the stories in the article have people at sea wrestle with giant stingray and big shark landed into the boat on its own! Or maybe just like those comics or toxic poison they turned into monster fish. While this may never be true, we do know there are bigger stuffs in the sea and they are coming out.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Fake news struck lazy news portals
It is amazing that news website could still deliver some fake news. Jackie Chan is not dead. It seems some news rumors started that he died. Whoever the news website posted it is not in professional manner. Everyone wants to be the first to report news but they did not do any verifications. Usually the death news could be false, especially on healthy people. So I would doubt it if more death news on healthy people pops up, unless death by other means that could be possible but still, if it goes unverified is still doubtful.,,20477260,00.html,,20477260,00.html
Sunday, March 27, 2011
met a new old friend :D
Met a new friend today. It is strange as I know this friend from online for a long time but we never quite got in contact. It was only recently that I contacted her without reliasing that she was already my friend. How stupid I was. Anyway we had a nice day chatting.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Nuclear Boy
With all the nuclear stuff in Japan how much do we know about it? Someone took the pain to briefly explain what is kind of happening there. While it skips all the science stuffs, it is making some sense.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Conflicting news...
Election is coming and the political parties are making appearances debating issues. Here one report is conflicting. Straits Times 24-Mar-2011 page A8 with the report Form govt? RP says it's ready, WP says it's not. On MyPaper Page 1, the report is that RP's Jeyaretnam agree that they are not ready. So the question here is which paper is correct? The weird thing here is that both papers comes from the same publisher SPH. Somewhere someone have gotton it wrong.
Read full report at MyPaper
Read full report at Straits Times
Read full report at MyPaper
Read full report at Straits Times

Is it worth it?
PS3 hacker fled when Sony is going at him with the court. So now he is a fugitive. Is it worth it? Your lose your freedom, your properties as well your bank accounts. He is good with these knowledge he should be employed by these companies rather than to go after them because they know where to look for weakness in codings. Both parties are probably want to be in the news. Sony wanted additional, money. The court may even gives the hacker a jail time if found guilty. So with this chapter gone on hold, Sony probably looking for the next "hacker"....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Mask Rider movie not bad
Just watched the movie Masked Rider Kabuto: God Speed. If you do watch Masked Rider regularly on TV the series you will be used to the characters and knows about the story. Watching the movie version is really on high expectations but it is kind of disappointed. Kabuto only get the hyper clock device. I expect him to pocess the sword. This weapon did not make an appearance. While the usual special movies only Rider appears, there are not much screen time. They should extend the movie by 20 to 30 mins rather the normal 60 mins playtime. Overall it isn't a bad show.
Radiation, what are the real facts?
The nuclear crisis showed that Man is not ready enough for emergencies that deals with nuclear. All these radiations stuff, no one around the world know much about it. All there is are fake sms causing panic. The doctors at the neighborhood clinic are clueless on checking on radiation sickness. People all rushing for salts. Even the informations found on the internet could possible be untrue. So what is it that people really need to know? Will attached this info at least the source is from a news website. Should be reliable enough.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Speed up space exploration
NASA managed to put a spacecraft orbiting Mercury, the hottest planet in the solar system. It is time they send out more crafts for the outer planets like Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. Space exploration is going too slow. If you don't get to know your environment you can't send people into space. Sending spacecrafts to those places takes time and do Man have that much time?
Monday, March 21, 2011
The bully got bulled....
Bullying in school is a common thing. Usually from those who think they are stronger physically or have more people to "shadow" him. But for this bully in an Australian school, the bully became the victim when he took on a bigger size boy to bully. The bigger boy managed to grab him and "slam" him on the ground like what you saw on wrestling. In the end, it was reported both are suspended. The person who gave the suspension, probably never got bullied before. If the big boy did not take action, the small bully would continue, thinking he is "tough". And the way I see it, the school probably aware of the problem but just brushed them off as children playing. They have to answer that now that news gone out and gave the right and wrong stuff but never explain what they were doing. That is just nonsense. The video gone viral is probably a reminder to the small bully, change a new leaf because the video is there to remind you in case you start to feel tough again at others.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Original DVDs are so one sided.....
Been to JB after many many years. There I was wanted to buy DVDs that is not avaliable locally. Found that there are many selections but most are not original so it is not possible to buy back. Just wonder how come they don't have the original version? What pissed me off is that their non original versions have different dubbings. If the original sold locally have such different dubbings would be wonderful. Guess I will have to search the net for such original versions.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Texas beauty pageant includes snakes....
Texas beauty pageant need to behead snake and skin it. This probably is a Texas only kind of pageant and is only valid in Texas. So does the ladies in Texas have to do these tough acts? I know you get to be cowboys there but do being cowgirls need to show such acts? Perhaps it is some kind of traditions but it sound very bizarre to people from other places. I am one of them and to some others could be a bit hard to digest, for the snakes.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Will animation exist in 100 years?
Will animation exist in 100 years? I would say yes. 100 years is just about 1 lifetime for a person. Animation is being used to tell stories in a cheaper way and also in ways that is impossible to be done in real life movies. Even movies have to involves CGI animations in some scene. And kids shows are easier to produce using animation on some cute characters. Perhaps animation have advanced by then by it will always remains as the cheaper alternative of story telling for the greater part of imagination.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
fake sms making waves now
Pranksters are at work sending out fake sms about radiation cloud coming your way. Amazingly you will have willing recipients to forward them to others and at the same time causing panic. The authority should put away those who took part at forwarding. Sending without verification of the text is irresponsible and causes panic. Brought in and fine them even if they are not the one started it, but being in the chain sms should be punished too. Punished for being lazy, not because the usual to be on the safe side. Next some virus will emerge to do the same on the PC world. After so many years of such cases there are still enough people willing to forward them without thinking.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Time to move on for those stuck in history.
With Japan being wrecked by disasters, the world powers unite to bring their recovery teams and any relief efforts to help the Japanese people. But through all these, there all still some single minded people still stuck in the past and stuck in an inflexible view. Because of Japan's past, these people still view it as some kind of punishment. The world obviously have moved on. The past belongs to the past generation. Politics do not mix and everyone does wrongs somewhere. Japanese have also contribute to the world and above all else no one deserves such disastrous event. You should chill out and move on rather than to stuck in the past. History are already made but to be forever stuck in history you will have no future.
Will insurance covers?
The Japan disaster is affecting everyone in the world. Some reports that people will be claiming insurances for it. I am wondering if insurances covers natural disasters? I have always read that it excludes the "Act of God" part. So with all these damages from the sea, would that be consider as "Act of God". It would be interesting to see how it will conclude.
Monday, March 14, 2011
time for better safety form of energy
The force of nature is at work again. This time the earthquake at the sea bed in Japan caused a Tsunami that wrecked northern Japan. Right now as the world tries to help Japan in recoveries, the more concern comes on their nuclear power plants. Already news of about 3 are in unstable conditions, perhaps it is time for Man to looking into better safety form of energy. What comes to mind would be solar energy. Earth's raw resource would surely be out with the kind of consumption and solar energy would be safe and unlimited depending on the number of solar panels available for collection. Right now unless Man start to buckle up rather than being split, more rumble and tumbles are coming and will be as shocking after each other.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Do you accept comic characters to grow up?
Comics we haven been reading since young face one obstacle. Do comics characters grow up along with us or stay forever the same in the timeless world? It is not easy to grow up. But it is not easy to stay young all the time. The recent Marvel's Venom have Flash Thompson, once the bully in Peter Parker's school is now a grew up, injured war hero. And of course Peter Parker no longer goes to school and he got married. It is kind of strange to see them grow up and they have to change environment. Imagine all the Archie characters graduate and move on into working life. Would the readers still accept that?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Who is interested in microbe fossils from space?
The recent squabble among scientists on the Alien Life in Meteorites wouldn't be of much interest other then one of those browse through news. It is more like one of the family squabble dramas. Now, the center of the squabble is a "fossils" of some microbes. NASA is claiming that the meteorite have been on Earth for 100 to 200 years, and could have been contaminate by humans. NASA's explanation is simple to understand. While the scientist that published the findings merely explained as "these fossilized bacteria are not Earthly contaminants but are the fossilized remains of living organisms which lived in the parent bodies of these meteors, e.g. comets, moons and other astral bodies." I would rather get news of human size aliens than these microbes. Expecting alien space cillvilzation is more interesting than finding microbes. At least it is not news to me. But the squabble makes this interesting than the fossils.
Monday, March 7, 2011
SONY gone to big to its head
SONY is now busy going after hackers of their console and properties that they even managed to get the judgement on their side. While the "hacker" or the person being seized usually be the center of the news, here for SONY they want to throw the big net to trap all who accessed the hacker's website. It is this part that people are freaking over. Visiting the website cannot be seen as intention of jailbreaking the SONY product. Anyway with internet can access the site, with or without any SONY product. It is like when some criminal activities was caught in a mall, you don't see the law goes checking on who been entering the mall. It seems like the internet protocols, design to track down rogue activities in extreme case are being misused here. Sound like SONY is feeling big brother here.
Could you accept different arts for your favorite comics?
Recent news there would be new materials of Peanuts comics coming out as adaption of the animation. Peanuts was drawn by the late Charles M. Schulz and in the new materials, someone else provide the artwork. If you have been following the Peanuts comics you would be familiar with the style of art. Would some other artists, trying to draw like the original creator be easily accepted by fans? The same can be said to those third parties artists of Tin Tin in those unofficial materials. Unless certain standards are there, I doubt the fans could accept it.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Would Man survives mass extinction?
Until I read this article that I realized that there were 5 events of extinctions happened on Earth. Mostly happened in those early days of Earth during those dinosaurs days, I wonder how scientist could detect 5 times it happened. Right now there we are on the edge of another extinction. Jungle shrinking, causing those wild animals into urban areas where they got killed by humans. And poaching of some animals as well as over fishing for those fishes and whales and turtles. We all know that the eco system is like a web that links to every type of animal. When a species died off, it will affect the system of those that links to it, causing a breakdown. If that happens how likely would Man survive this?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Should phone be strictly for communication use?
When I got my new iphone, I do not expect to use it for anything else other than to access internet while on the road. I believes that the phone should be strictly be used for communication - voice call and text messages. But ever since I could access some good tools, apps offered from the Apple store which are free, I started to download other free apps which are games. Mostly are the puzzles type. Since the games are free, they are usually the lite version of the full game and I don't really care much. That is until I found out that a some websites post some exclusive free apps for a limited period that I started to download them since they are free. Some of the games are addictive and now my iphone occasionally became my portable game console. While I do not play all the games I download, only the very few addictive ones, I am so far able to refuse to play music and video from my iphone. I have my mp3 player and as for video, I hate the long process of converting videos for use. My thinking may change and technology improve in the future. Right now, my iphone will be strictly communication, and for my entertainment in those few minutes of my spare time.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Gmail glitch erases mails
Looks like another upset from Gmail. This time mails erased from some accounts. This shows that no matter how good the technology and the brand, there will always be that 10 percent chances that disaster will strike. And here that 10 percent had took effect. So did you have backup accounts? If you don't it is time to plan one. If one account goes down you have another to rely on. It is fortunate that Gmail is restoring the erased mail back and hopefully important mails are back.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Misuse or just plain stupid?
Call it misuse or just plain stupid, but it seems people are still casually clicking away without second thought. The recent case happened at the Health Promotion Board twitter. Someone sent out a tweet with the F word. No one ever expect F word coming from a government tweet. Even though the tweet got deleted fast, it is not fast enough and the news spread. In the IT world, anything can happen and it happens now. The sender could be considered as misuse since he was reported as sending a personal tweet. Sending out personal message from a work computer, causing such an incident for the employer, it should be enough to start rolling.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Ready for change?
Do upgrade of your operating system necessary mean to be good? If you think back to the early days when the operating system is the plain black screen where you have to type in commands, this OS is known as DOS. Moving from DOS to a GUI type in Windows 95 is a good sign. Everyone can do multitasking and better graphics and good multimedia tasks. The uncomfortable area starts when Windows moves into XP. XP is a complete different system and many of those older programs that runs well in Windows 98/ME doesn't work. Now the same cycle happens again with Windows 7. Some of my programs running well in XP doesn't work on Windows 7. Surprisingly when I use an older version of the program and it managed to run. I am expecting more programs to be unable to perform. Although Windows 7 come with the function to run XP within the system, I do not believe it works well for me. It seems to tax the computer with it running and since I am not using those high end machine, I can't go with this. But eventually the change will have to happen. You can't stay in one place forever. I could dump all and move back into DOS. Maybe when I am done with IT and using the simple DOS to play games of the olden days is much relaxing. Right now, you just have to face the change.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Do you have a dream diary?
We all makes a journal of everyday events. Do we also journal our dreams after a night rest? Sometimes the dream event is more interesting than what we face in out real life. The only problem is that most of the time, the dream is either abruptly disrupted, due to alarm clock ring or we forgotton most of it when we wake up. If you do have a dream journal, do you easily remember those old dreams you noted down? Sometimes it is like digging out old data and you found them easily. Others is like you have no clue and takes some effort to remembers. Most of the time my dreams are in a mess and I have no idea where is the start, stop and how they link up. They also were easily forgotton everyday when I wake up.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
food for thought
When you read this would you still eat when you travel in those places? All the while we know that behind the scene there would be hygiene issue but as long as all's well after eating it doesn't bother anyone. Now that the article shows what was found in the checks by the authorities, dead rat in oil, makes you think they will cook the rat too. Look like the best way to avoid these is to get a pack of oreos from the neighbourhood mama shops. As least we know these packet food are much better. Or cook instant maggie mee if you prefer hot food. It makes sense to be safe than regret later on.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Incentives hints of election goodies
The government is offering budget incentives to people, reason to help the people when the cost of living are rising. Some people also see it as a sign of election coming. Does the government only gives out incentives during election period? If that is the case, that incentive will have to last for 4 years before the next election. During that time some people will also speculate that incentives given will be collected back as taxes. Every year we have to pay our taxes and until some accountant would clear the air with some calculations on the amount of taxes vs the incentives given, the link of give and take will be there. Perhaps ways to reduce the cost would be a better way.
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Sun is angry
Mankind is going to be preparing for some electronic emergencies in the coming days. Scientists are detecting solar eruptions from the Sun and these eruptions are bigger and could last longer. So does this add to the 2012 type of start of the end kind of stories? It could be the beginning of the end, or maybe it is just one of those natural occurrence within the Sun. Right now, Man needs to do what they could to prevent the solar activities disrupting or even destroying electronic facilities that all of us depends on. Transmission could be disrupted, that could be accepted, but imagine those electrical generators going down. It will kind of pushing mankind backwards. Perhaps, mankind will survive this by unplug everything just for this event. It is only temporary as compare if the solar event wrecked some important stuff that might kind of affect everything else like cards. You can rebuild from scratch, if you could afford another few decades to achieve what we have today.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
stab - man's behavior
Had watch a DVD on those triad subject. Everytime these type of movies there will always have those black eats black kind of plots or stories. Black eat black refers to backstabbers within the gang. The surprise here is that the story ends with white eat white. I coin the term white eat white refers to the backstab situation within government agency. While such shows usually have partial truth in the triads but it seems the backstab part will occur anywhere. People with certain powers will do things to their advantages. So such is the action of man.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
smaller is not always better
Apple is developing a smaller, cheaper iphones. I would welcome the cheaper portion. I would not go for the smaller. Many people uses the iphone for its multi-functions such as reading and watching. I would never expect to direct my vision on the smaller screen for long hours. Unless one have got Superman's super vision, you will, in the long run get problem with your eyes. Sure you can zoom in, but is that supposed to be an incentive? And if the screen is smaller, how do you expect to fit two fingers on the screen to move, to type? While smaller for most phone gadgets is better, not for iphone. Iphone is no longer a phone. It is more like, an entertainment device and in the long run, affects your vision.
Friday, February 11, 2011
ipad rumors seems ridiculous
There is a chinese saying, hitting the rod while it is hot. That is what Apple is doing. Rumors are getting out about a iPad 3. Could this be some fan's doing or it is some kind of marketing strategy? If it is I don't see how this will benefit Apple. The iPad was out last year and it is not even a year yet. iPad 2 is on the way, at least that is the impression. If 2 is not even confirm, why would a 3 be in the news? It would be a hitting on your own foot. I would be like why get a iPad 2 when I know 3 is coming soon, in a few months time? In the early days, for computers, the pentinum 2 would last in maybe a few years before a pentium 3 comes in rather then every few months they have a improved pentinum model. Of course the old days buying one computer can kind of cost so much. Today they can be easily purchased. With all the tablets brand coming in for a bite in the market, unless they have something outstanding from Apple, they just can't make it in term of standard. Apple have set the standard and other than the price, they are king. The king do not need to start planning for ipad 3, ipad 4 when ipad 2 does not even exist in the market. Maybe such news would be good advertisement for Apple. Let see how the market rumble when they do release iPad 2.;_ylt=Aj6JSIDyd9r1n6Ki.rInz8sxVrIF;_ylu=X3oDMTNnaW4wZ2UxBGFzc2V0A3Bjd29ybGQvMjAxMTAyMTAvaXBhZDJydW1vcnNub3djb21wZXRld2l0aGlwYWQzcnVtb3JzBHBvcwMxMwRzZWMDeW5fcGFnaW5hdGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNpcGFkMnJ1bW9yc24-;_ylt=Aj6JSIDyd9r1n6Ki.rInz8sxVrIF;_ylu=X3oDMTNnaW4wZ2UxBGFzc2V0A3Bjd29ybGQvMjAxMTAyMTAvaXBhZDJydW1vcnNub3djb21wZXRld2l0aGlwYWQzcnVtb3JzBHBvcwMxMwRzZWMDeW5fcGFnaW5hdGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNpcGFkMnJ1bW9yc24-
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
MS like black color??
I haven't quite noticed, nor if others notice or post on the web about it, I never did catch them. MS is going black..... I mean they are going towards the black color. Ever noticed, from the good old DOS days, those old MS DOS shell programs are in blue colors. Then the first ever MS Windows start with blueish splash screens. It remains blue until Windows 95 where you get the sky splash. Sky is blue and it was refreshing to look at the sky before your start work. Then in windows 98 you get a slightly darker sky but it is still blue. Then when Windows ME comes alone it became white. Then it all goes black when XP comes in. From what I know we couldn't change the splash screen as easily as the windows before. Vista is totally black except for the loading bar. Now Windows 7 is still black, at least a MS logo is there. So is black the IN color for MS? At least for whoever in charge of the splash screen, I guess. Black looks cool for the first time in XP, nothing unusual for Vista when it goes all black, now Windows 7 is still black. I would love to see green in the next release. My favorite is green and well, green can relax you too. Just look at those grassland wallpapers all over the internet. And the term "Goes Green" kind of sound friendly too.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
toys anymore?
Do you ever played with toys when you were young? How long have you stopped playing them? I still believe that the young person is still within us. If the computer-age is not as widely connected globally, like during the 80s and early 90s, toys could still flourish. Most youngsters are busy with their console games or computer. Same with me too, until I have this dream that I was playing with my MASK toys and Legos. Yes, I had them when I was young and I still have them now although I do not take them out now. Deep within me, I would play with the toys again but reality it is, I am more of going to bang on the keyboard and mouse as usual. Wonder if anyone else still play with their toys?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
moodless new year market
This year's chinese new year there is no festival mood. The open market is smaller. Lastly there isn't any of the chinese new year music. It is so different without the music. Going into the crowded market and squeeze with everyone is like any other normal market place without any music. So why is the music missing? The usual RIAA asking for fees to whoever plays the music. Sound absurd when the music is there to give everyone the new year mood. It is a festival song. Already there isn't much new year mood on TV, same with radio and now at street market. Sound like RIAA putting in the final nails.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Earth is angry
Freak weather is happening all across the globe. Scientist claimed that all these happening due to global warming. While human do contribute to the carbon, I believe the Earth would have it's own way of dealing with the heat. Scientist have also said that the Sun had upped its heat output. The Sun is burning hotter than before and is or maybe increasing its size. If that is the case, there is no way Earth can escape the heat. It have been known that every stars will increase in size as they burn. After a certain size achieve, they will explode. I don't think human will get to see our own Sun reaching that exploding stage, as the growing Sun will swallowed all the planets. Now this current generation of man will have to deal with the freak weather, but is it really caused by heat? Right now, this seems to be a nice answer. Instead, man should try to come out a way to transporting excess rain water to area where there is drought. It is like a jar of sand toppled, where the balance of sand over fill some area. Action needed to relieve, if solution does not exist.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Inner voice? or simply an excuse?
Ever sometimes when you met some people that needs help, such as old lady needs help to push a trolley across the road, you feel compelled to assist? Is it our inner demons, or in this case our inner angels at work? Yesterday I walked past this old lady, who needed help to move the trolley down a steep step. I helped her with it and carry on my way. Then it seems that within me some voices was telling me I should do more, like help her push the trolley across the road as it is about to rain. In the end I walked back, already started light rain, I saw the old lady and told her I help her push as she leads the way. Along the way the rain grew heavy and I discovered, one of the wheel isn't rolling. In the end I reached shelter but the place of the old lady isn't avaliable so she can't move on. She thanked me and say she will move on her own once the rain stopped. I procee on my way back. So now the voices are gone. Or is it my own voice actually?
Friday, January 28, 2011
take time anyway
Sometime we wonders, do time really goes on and on endlessly? How do one define time? Scienctist would link time with space. Time is suppose to be simple. The passing of present, the constant moving towards the future. So when we hear that we are running out of time or not enough time to do many things, it doesn't really means not enough time. Time is endless, at least enough for many many more. The only problem is that, our existence doesn't last with time. We seems to be some kind of reaction to when time is moving forward, our existence is like those sparks caused by movement. So beginning and the end only applies to us. In any case, there will never be enough of time or why bother? Just take time and let it flow.

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