Sunday, October 31, 2010

too much differences everytime

Ever feeling fustrated when reading a story from the comic it got a different storyline from the TV? I have been getting that often and wonder why the authors can't sticl to the same story? Usually some origins got changed or the character got changed. Take Transformers for example, Optimus Prime been altered many times and is still happening. I watched his origin from the cartoon on TV. Then the comic shows a different origin, and a different one again, if it change publisher. Will reshuffle or reboot storylines be good for sales? I think it done too many times the readers hates it. Now DC Comics wants to make changes on Superman's early days, during his Superboy days. I haven't read it yet but from the art, it just don't seems to be my type of material. What's next? Batman, Spiderman or .....?

Orion Pax from the TV series.
Before becoming Prime.

Optronix from the comics.
Before becoming Prime

Friday, October 29, 2010

time travel?

Do you believes in time travel? It seems someone believes there is one such case from the DVD of Chaplin's 'The Circus'. In it part shows a woman talking to a device being held at her ear, just like the modern day cell phone. But because the flim is grainy it is just hard to confirm. If she is from the future, then her cell must have signal. So could she be talk to someone from the future or someone in the current year but also with the same device? It is just speculations. See it and you decide for yourself.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

cowardly neighbours

In this modern time, where everyone lives next to someone. The old days, these neighbours are like a family, or as a small community would look after each other. It seems this kind of spirits are lost. When these family spirits are gone, the neighbours could be your nightmare. Usually cowards that goes wrecking your stuff while you were out, complain about you to find fault or act insane just to show you they will annoy you. And it seems these cowards are happening at other countries too. In New York a lady have to defend herself because she built a treehouse within her own garden. So some cowards filed a complaint. Somehow she is blessed and won the suit. Her treehouse is now granted landmark status. She is safe and those cowards would now focus on other poor souls.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

walkman ending

Sony walkman still exists. But not for long. Sony decided to stop production. The walkman is the portable cassette player. I used it when I was a teen during the early 90s. I am stil holding on to mine but doubt that it still works. Have not been using it I assume the rubberband within it melted. The FM radio should still works. The cassettes are still around but no one sell their songs on cassettes anymore, except maybe in those third world places. I still have my cassette but it is not possible to continue to listen to them. MP3 format is easier to play. Still the best memories are with the cassette and my money was spent there so I am holding to them for now. Maybe portable players of other brands are still avaliable. Whatever the case, it is end of an era.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

haze is daze

The haze is back. As usual it comes every year. The Indonesian there burns as usual the vegetations and this haze just float all the way to as far as KL. The haze doesn't affect me like it does to other people. Maybe I am not that sensitive. I am even planning to go jog. Having haze doesn't make the day special. It is the usual normal day you have to slog. Weekend coming. Enjoying hazing... :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

hdb sleeping

Came across this sad post about HDB wanting to put to sleep a cat because someone complained. If a complain can lead to putting sleep on a life, HDB should be put to sleep. News of dog biting people and yet just a fine. What worse can a cat do and it will lead to being put to sleep? HDB better wake up from your sleep because a cat have the rights to live and it isn't a stray cat. If the rule forbid cats, then you should also go knock on every door to smoke out other cat owner. And to the complain king, go sleep 1st.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

McDonald food bash....

Story on McDonald's food hit the web again. This time someone claimed to have kept the meal for 6 months and show off the results. It turned rock hard and no decomposition happened. The usual two groups of people then starts to bash the story. The basher and the defends. All these seems to be happening so what is really in the food from McD? How is it other fast food doesn't get such stories on their food? Maybe someone should start to be fair and compare the other fast food too. Getting the government to involve would be good too, consider it as kind of regulation in the food safety. Somehow I doubt it will happen.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

complain kings

Chickens roaming around ruffle feathers of some residents. So what is wrong having chickens roaming around? The news of Bukit Merah View having chickens around is too much? Chickens have the rights to live a life. They are not much of a nuisance as compare with the residents themselves. Stray cats complain, chicken complains, typical complain kings and queens. These people should reflect on themselves just because they are of a higher being doesn't give them the rights to stop others of a life.

Monday, October 11, 2010

TV guide are fakey

Ever experience that a show is being list at a certain timeslot and channel in the TV section and it doesn't show at all? Yes it's been happening every week. Either they don't bother to update the TV guides or they just do not bother. It is annoying when your favorite show gone missing or you missed it because they are not expected to be shown. So what can be done? Go rent the DVD or set your VCR to record. If there isn't any you didn't waste any time waiting for it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jensen is back!

Seldom listen to 91.3 ever since they dumped dance music and changed most of the DJs. Today I just on the radio and was surprised that Jensen is back in 91.3. He was last on Safra Radio. His unique style of hosting is infomative. It would even be better if he gets to play some eurodance tracks like he used to do. Anyway I will tune in hoping to listen to Jensen's programme. Most of the other DJs just so and so. They have those good ones, Jeremy, Rod and Daniel. Maybe the rest are more geared to the younger audiences. Right now the music needs improvments.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

un-paid bill could lead to inaction

If there are protection bills awaiting payment, better do so. A resident in Tennessee did not pay for fire protection and when his house caught fire, the fire fighters does not do anything. So how can this be acceptable? In a sense, the fire fighter did no wrong. The guy did not pay, and he will continue to do so as long as his house did not get burned. When it does it is too late. I am sure in Singapore this won't happen. Because, if you default on payment for something, you will be reminded and be took to task in court. Such issues have no rights or wrong. Just lucks, good or bad.

Monday, October 4, 2010

trance returns to radio!

It's been a long time since I get to listen to trance music on radio. This time 91.3, which previously dump all dance and trance music for the usual commerical music, now brought in Above & Beyond programme. They are DJs that mixes music and even host and talk about the music. It was good, but the timeing is just late. While it was happy hour but not for everyone. I would enjoy it more at the normal hour listening to them. It's a good start. Let's see how long before more changes comes in, either add in or dump em...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

marina night scene

Just went on a nightwalk organised by maybank. Amazing night scene at the edge of Singapore's financial area. It was also my first time to walk into that area since they built the casino. The breeze is strong. The area seems to be still in construction. A good place to relax. Better than all those crowded places, at least until this new place get crowded too.

why still no arrest?

Remember the dog basher of Sengkang? It seems the basher is still at large. So what is keeping the arrest from happening? From the reports, there are a lot of witnesses. While these people did not use their citizen arrest, they sure talk a lot of what's happening to the press. With so much talks, the police should have enough info to flush out the basher. So hopefully after such long time something would be done else it seems to say all the witness are just blowing stories since the police are unable to track the basher down with so many witnesses.