Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yahoo Japan Google partner up.

Yahoo Japan and Google will partner up in their search engines. It seems that Yahoo Japan does not being controlled by the main Yahoo. Since that is the case Yahoo Japan could decide for themselve who to partner with. Yahoo Japan will adopt Google's search engine and search linkd advertistment distribution system. As Yahoo Japan and Google plan to separately provide their respective Internet search services, this seems to work in their favour with those antimonopoly law. Even though Yahoo Japan is kind of seperate from Yahoo, their right to use the Yahoo name gives user the impression that they are the same company. Even I think so too, until I read the news of Yahoo Japan Google tie up. MS will definitely not sit still. But it takes more then tie up and brand names to make users switch engines. MS better know what users want to gain.

Friday, July 23, 2010

flood can't be prevented. Just be prepared.

The recent flood shows that anything can happen. People are complaining that the government did not do enough to prevent flood. What can the government do? Make more drains? They can do that at the expense of more lands becoming drains. And do you expect the floods be a common happening? Low lying area will be affected since water flows down. People should move their belongs away or create a barrier to block off the rising water. With the region being blown by typhoons you can expect more rains. Just be glad that what is happening in China did not happen in Singapore yet. In China the flood really drown out everything. All the buildings are submerged. The local drains are working fine, just not able to cope with the sudden increase in rain water. One should just be prepare for the next wave.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

watch what you download

A malicious Firefox add-on discovered. Firefox users like firefox because it supported 3rd part add-ons. Most add-ons are quite useful. But because they are 3rd party, users have no idea what the add-on does behind the screen. So it affects only firefox. Add-ons will be going to many other applications. It will be a trend and so hackers will be using that trend to invade. There is no way we can know if it is safe except when the add-on been approved by the trusted source as well on most reviews it should be safe but until someone found something one can never be sure. You are responsible for what you download so have to be alert.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One should know better to put his rep on a animal

The world cup is over. It seems while the ballers.... as in the footballers that got all the news and action, so do the animals. Not exactly animals but it all started by the keepers. The Paul the octopus made predictions by choosing its food from boxes that was labeled by the flags of the country that is in a match. Somehow the octopus got all the boxes that the labeled flag of the country won the matches. Plain luck or the octopus really knows what's happening? If it is plain luck it certainly got lucky on all the matches. In any case, the other animal, a bird, at least it looks like a parrot but smaller, failed to predict the last two matches. As usual the keeper, or for this case the owner started to put the limelight on the poor bird just because it got one match correct and it was only in the news after the match was over. So you can't blame the animals. The owner, especially the owner of the bird have himself to blame. Although he operate a fortune telling stall, everyones takes the fortune telling with a pinch of salt. But to put the bird to predict the matches when Paul is in the news it would take more damage when the bird fail to predict. In any case, the bird did not predict all the matches while the octopus predict all the matches correctly. Now the octopus is a celebrity and it boost visitors even to aquariums around the world just to look at a octopus. As for the bird, the business for the owner dropped as reported by the medias. It is a big risk and the bird owner took it and lost.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

stand on a plane? sound ridiculous!

Tiger Airways intending to have standing room on flights? Which mean passengers will have to be standing on a flight, just like a bus. The difference between a bus is that bus journey is usually shorter, less bumpy and restrictive and passenger can alight anytime he wants. If you are on a plane do you prepared to stand for over an hour? Even if so, on board the plane you have no where to rest, you can't move around and you will be stuck standing through the journey. You can alight the flight like a bus. It just isn't possible for most people. Maybe those younger stronger people will have no issue with an hour of standing but how many would want it? If you can afford a flight then get one with seat. Already people have left out the meals on flight but to leave the seat for standing space is ridiculous.

Monday, July 5, 2010

sore losers of the world

The world cup is almost over. Now the world will get to see all the sore losers again. Everytime after a world cup, the losing team will place their aftermaths - sore losers of their own country. The team will return not as heroes but being booed at or even get investigated. The coaches will get fired and it will even turned into political. These people should be considered as heroes even if they don't win. Not everyone gets into the world cup so if they get to be on the match they deserved better. There can only be one winner. The rest maybe losers but they lost and that is no shame. they put up a good fight and put up a good show. So those of you who whined you should go kick the ball yourself if you think you can do it better.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wonder Woman now wear pants

The comic world came a new change. DC Comics announce new costume change for Wonder Woman. Costume change have been quite common in the comics. But on certain core characters, the original costume sticks. They had changed Superman's costume and powers, but return him to the originals. It happened to Batman and Green Lantern where the costume as well as the character had changed. The original characters was brought back. So I wonder how long will Wonder Woman stick with the new design? Only time will tell if readers welcome it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Console games port to PC not happening yet

While the best games usually comes to a console, because the console have a higher processing power than a PC. But a console will be obsolete in a few years while a PC will be more lasting. Guess you can't have best of both worlds. So when Final Fantasy XIV comes to PC, it seems like finally something worthy in term of branding. Sadly it is a MMORPG game. An online game so now it makes more sense. Not many would use a console to play online game. So it seems that to play Final Fantasy you still requires a console for the best experience. Else a emulator might help but then again, the cost might put you off. Hopefully with Blue Ray technology coming to PC, they could put up some good console games for the PC. Afterall a PC do out last most console in term of OS and upgrades will make it live longer. You can't do that to a console and when a newer console release, the games for the old console can't be play on a new console. You can still play old games for PC, while not easy, it can be done. I will stick to my PC.