Monday, November 30, 2009

comp show that just don't make it

The recent comp show at expo had ended. Nothing about it in the news. The other shows when they were at Suntec, it was a nightmare just to gain entry. The human jam is thick. News report would say that earn how much from these and how people are spending on what and what. The one just ended have no news. So have such news not needed anymore, or it just isn't that good to be in the news? Whatever the reason, I myself did not go there. The location is don't make it. Maybe if you need a good purchase of a brand new PC or notebook you could go there for a good deal. But then again, I rather go to the shopping centers for it. I hate the jams of people out blocking each others. Going there just to get a look might get you some offer, but other than that it just isn't worth the hassle.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

old shows given new revamp, but no new name

Old shows being given new life, it seems to be ongoing. Have Hollywood ran out of ideas that they have to pull out old shows and redo them? Example such as Battlestar Galactica. The old show was successful although the show's backers cancelled it for reasons related to ratings and money. The new version is a reboot, alternate universe type that is dark and grimmer than the original. It even ruffled some fans when they turned Starbuck into a babe. Other shows such as Star Trek was given the same treatment because of ratings. I like the TNG crew. It is just that they have too much talks and less space battle. The new show although have enough action, it trims off history that gone though the original series. Now they are giving the same treatment to V. While I don't quite remember the whole show since I was a kid when they show it on TV, the uniforms were cool, the lead cast was handsome and pretty. Hopefully it would be as close to the original. Isn't that the reason to use the old show to boost the new show? But if the plot stay the same then might as well watch the old show. If you change many stuff like the new Battlestar Galactica, then it doesn't seem right too, might as well a new name and new designs..... Tough call in a era when ratings will decide if you stay or goes.

Monday, November 9, 2009

apocalypse - how badly real is that?

The reports from the web all makes it sound like myth or being someone's pranks. Books on this topic is so much words that it will put readers off from the first few pages. But video is different. I just watched the documentary from History Channel on doomsday on the year 2012. They have explained that the Mayan calendar which is so much more accurate into dates into the future have an ending. And the chinese I-Ching too have an end. While nothing much was explain on the I-Ching, they have more details on the Mayan calendar. It could predicts happenings in the future, which they manage to foresee invasion, war and disaster. While usually predictions are being gibberish, people have to sort out what they are trying to say, for the doomsday prediction, nothing much was mention. Either the documentary tries to put too much content into the scene or they have not decode it yet. Then one will have to think, whatever the cause, it will unlikely be what happened that killed the dinosaurs. If the dates stop, it would mean the land is gone or that Earth for some reason doesn't rotates anymore. If there would be a disaster such as flood or earthquakes that kills off all land-mass, the date should still move as the Earth continues to rotates while life are dying. So it is for the readers to decide, if such an ending would truly comes when mankind is not yet advance to escape into space. If time do stops on 2012, time on the rest of space continues. It would just be another star system's evolution and it is nature's doing.