Wednesday, October 29, 2008
increases of ships....
The media competition took some spots lately regarding some increasing of their "users". The survey done by a marketing company had revealed some increases. Somehow these media companies started to put out how they have gained and is better than the other. Somehow I find this a joke. Last I heard, this media company had some shareholding with this other media company. One does written publication containing news, information and advertising while the other do most on broadcasting both visual and audio. So why the apples do they start to show off? I don't see any competition at all. One holds the majority of newsprints while the other is given free. The news are very different. You get internationl, local, entertainment, investment etc. The free doesn't really have much to compete. Unless you like to read alot on world news, analysis. So how could a free print bag a top spot against a multitude of selections? Then the lack of competition for on-air broadcasting is no reason to boast. I have read more complains of repeating the same of programmes and noisy on the bus. Not everyone could afford to go pay for show so they have to put up with the same craps put for our eyes. There is no competition at all.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
radio not good anymore
When people say radio just aren't good anymore, they are serious. This is the modern age where radio isn't the only source for music and informations. While radio do provide music news and other informations, so do those dozens of magazines on music and other craps. Radio just get too competitive and commercialized that you hear the same song over and over again and again. There used to be choices. Mainstream music to slow pop to those alternative classicals and techno dance. The dance was dropped. You know the reason. Claiming that most people prefer mainstream music. Now, radio just full of the same craps in a sense, this song is a hit, either world wide or it was good locally. They decided to pump that song on air every hour or so and the song turn into a bored music. DJs that talk too much, think they are funny to long winded commericals. Enough is enough. While I do have what left of selection some stations I still do tune in, they are not that good. Weak signals from those I like to listen and lousy noise (songs) from the other second best. I still have my CDs and cassettes. I am lazy to tap into those but online radio is different. I can choose what I want. So what is left for radio? None. MP3 and discman are afforable. Music are everywhere. Why listen to the same craps everyday? Not me.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
MSN closing groups
MSN is closing yet another of their sub feature. They had closed MSN Chat. This time it is MSN Groups. What will be next? While I do think MSN Groups lack of any improvement that it doesn't matter that it will close. Limited space and inflexible for managing message board. But to those with a community built, this closing is very sudden. Moderators are given option to migrate to Multiply. So wonder how different it would be. And will all the pics get transfered over? I doubt it. Start frmo scratch. If that is the case, might as well try some other free community sites.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Return of REAL heavy metal?

With the anticipation of the new album from Guns N Roses, will it also bring back the classic sound of heavy metal? Most of the sound from the late 80s and 90s have been mixture of pops and heavy metal. Since boyband era, metal bands have all stopped new releases except a few like Bon Jovi and Metallica. However they just don't sound heavy as they were. They are just being loud. While it may not bring back bands that were no more in the businese, it would bring back interest to the music and may bring in new bands. Let's wait and see.
Friday, October 17, 2008
MS block competitor download link
Yes. Somehow MS IE feels the heat in the up coming browser war. It was a victory for IE when fought against Netscape. IE won for two reasons: IE was part of the OS which was Windows 98 and IE was also free for download for those without IE. Netscape on the other hand was not freeware. Right now, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and some others are the building blocks for another war. MS even redirect links from search engines that download browsers to their msn website. Are they that desperate to do that? Blocking links may not help them since there are mirror sites everywhere. IE better buck up or lose out.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
finally for transport provider....
After all the complaints at bus transport providers, the news announced that PTC fined SBS and SMRT buses for not providing a good service such as late and packed bus. The fine of more than $10000, would be a sign given to commuters that despite all the fare increment, PTC is aware of the bad services and with the fine, signal that action will be taken against providers that take but does not give. But I rather they lower the fare. It would benefit the commuters instead.
Monday, October 13, 2008
fanbox block SG users.....
While not really a in-thing, Fanbox is one of those websites I joined. While most other sites would be open to all users, this one seems to block out sg users. Not sure why but they had the message that they are improving for sg users. It has been there like months. I don't see how they can't improve while users continue to use it. Hope they let users back in soon before they got the dump.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
fake docu dramas just don't make it
Fake docudramas have been shown on local channels. It shows dinosaurs still roam the land and some were even kept by humans! It was like some ranch with some smaller dinos in captive. The show was shown on a channel where artistic programmes or documentaries are shown. So is this a documentary? I don't see how other then a serious tone of Jurassic Park. Then there is this show on how men has a spacecraft that managed to travelled to planets such as Venus and Mars and probably beyond! I didn't quite watched the whole show but the starting part was a turn off. It shows astronauts trains and prepared for space travel. The space craft is like a long orbiting space station. The name of this show is Space Odessy. It is just not true that men had managed to travel past the moon! Such news would amazing and it never happen. Such shows is really pointless. What would it be next? Aliens?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
comics get more dramatic

I just finished reading DC comics' 52. It was like some of those dramas from the west with a not so great starting plot. The story ended with quite a bang. While mostly about good vs evil, I got my own conclusion - the heroes that serves justices did not do it fair and square. Justice was not served and was sidelined. I find that the victim, although is a villain - Black Adam, deserves justice against those that brought tragedy against his family, forcing him to kill and to destroy in order to force his enemies to confront him. It brought out the Justice Society who wanted to apprend him for those killings. These old gooders all wanted to bring Adam in for crimes but fail to bring in those that done crimes on Adam. They also fail to see to those that framed his family of the killing started by the Suicide Squad. Lastly, the whole community of Super beings failed to take out Black Adam. Justice is not longer sweet and it had in fact expired when oldies start to think they are still it when Superman and Batman went for vacation. After a clash of the super beings, Adam managed to slipped away. A loop that will lead to a new plot. My consolation - all those dramatic battles, Hal Jordan did not participate. I am glad he got left out. Reason is that many against one isn't honorable. Hal Jordan is the greatest Green Lantern and if he do join in, I am sure he would do the job better. Beside John and Guy, two other Green Lanterns got walopped with twenty or fifty other heroes. Hal got better things to do. Looking forward to see Black Adam coming back for vengence.
Friday, October 3, 2008
wheelchair friendly buses misleading
So now that after the fare increase, SBS still doesn't get the idea straight. This time round is their so call WAB (wheelchair—accessible buses) system that makes wheelchaired person unwelcomed. It was on the papers and even on the internet news. The disabled person on the wheelchair flags down those WAB buses but he isn't allowed to board. Given the explanations from SBS, the routes that the WAB buses plying was not WAB friendly. So why was the buses have that WAB sticker then? It was misleading. SBS reply was that is was for deployment issues. It is ok if WAB buses are being deployed on non-WAB routes. They should remove the sticker. With the fare increment and fines from fare cheats, such simple task of removing stickers should not be an issue. Let's hope now that the story being unleashed, SBS would wake up on such a simple task. It wouldn't take up much time and money to remove stickers.
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